Thursday, March 2, 2017

How To Flashing lava ivory s

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How To Flashing lava ivory s

pouring and finishing concrete slabs. concreteis one of the most economical, versatile and durable building materials available. regardlessof your skill level, building a sidewalk, patio or floor with quikrete concrete mixescan be successfully achieved. before pouring concrete into the forms, make sure your formsare level. place three to four inches of quikrete all-purpose gravel and spread the gravel evenly.using a tamper, compact the gravel base. a solid sub-base will help prevent erosion,when the slabs settle. then, dampen the gravel with a garden hose. this will help preventshrinkage cracks, especially in hot temperatures. pour the concrete mix in evenly placed amounts.the top of the concrete should be about two to three inches above the forms, before leveling.then, consolidate and distribute the concrete,

evenly, using a hoe. the surface of the concreteshould be relatively flat and slightly above the form. next, use a straight 2x4 long enoughto rest on the opposite sides of the form to screed the concrete. move the board backand forth, across the surface of the concrete, in a sawing motion, to remove the excess concreteand smooth the surface. add concrete to any low areas and screed level. this will takeseveral passes. once the concrete has lost its sheen, use a wood float, in an archingmotion, to smooth the concrete surface. this is an important step because it will consolidatethe concrete and bring cement to the surface, which is necessary for a durable finish. immediatelyafter floating the concrete, use a stiff bristled broom to create a non-slip, broom finish.all broom strokes should be made in the same

direction. next, use a groover and a straightedge to cut in control joints. control joints are designed to allow for expansion, contraction,and movement in a concrete slab. a four inch thick slab will require control joints ata minimum of every ten feet, in each direction. control joints should be cut at least 1/4the depth of the slab. for a finished look, use an edging tool to consolidate and shapethe edges of the slab. several passes should be made, in each direction, for a smooth finish.freshly placed concrete should be water-cured for a minimum of three to five days with afine water mist. the need for water curing can be eliminated by applying quikrete acrylicconcrete cure & seal immediately after finishing the concrete. acrylic cure & seal can be appliedwith a roller, garden sprayer or a brush.

quikrete acrylic cure & seal will also providea semi-gloss sheen that repels water and protects the concrete from oil, grease, gasoline andfood stains.

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