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welcome to your new isaac mizrahi smartwatch,engineered by hp. this short video will help you set up your watchso you can stay connected wherever you go. first, visit watches.hp.com on your phoneto download the isaac mizrahi smartwatch application. after charging your new watch for at leasttwo hours, press and hold the top button to bring itto life. with your watch turned on, open the smartwatchapplication on your phone, and follow the on-screen instructions to signup for an account, and connect your watch, pressing the top button againwhen prompted. once your smartwatch is connected and you'vehad a brief walkthrough of its features,
you can select the types of notificationsyou want to receive, from calendars, to email, even updates from isaac. click edit to turn specific application notificationson and off, and to set the priority for each type of alert. based on the options you choose, your watchwill alert you when you receive a call, have an upcoming appointment, or get a new message. when you receive a notification, press thebottom button to read more, or the top button to dismiss it. now that your watch is set up, let's take a closerlook at the isaac mizrahi smartwatch application.
in the style section, you can scroll throughphotos, videos, and inspiration from the isaac mizrahi instagram feed. the watch isaac section lets you know whenisaac mizrahi live is on qvc. use the notifications section to update thechoices you made in the setup process. and visit the my watch section to enable additionalfeatures on your new smartwatch. add your favorite cities to the world clock, then switch between them on your watch usingthe bottom button. when you don't want to be disturbed, specifya window of time to silence your watch notifications. and finally, turn on activity tracking toset a goal
for the number of steps you want to take each day, and your watch will let you know when you'vereached that goal. when activity tracking is on, you can usethe activity section on your phone to view your progress for that day, the pastweek, or the whole month. you can also get a quick snapshot of yourdaily progress by pressing the top button on your watch. with a timeless combination of style and functionality,your isaac mizrahi smartwatch will quickly become the go-to accessoryfor your connected lifestyle.
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