Wednesday, March 8, 2017

How To Flashing magicon mpad 9

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How To Flashing magicon mpad 9

the magician will now attempt to cheatdeath with the dramatic test of his super human endurance. this is the same experiment that wasfeatured on a live nation wide television broadcast by a streetmagician who is known for hanging upside down, living underground and pretending tofreeze himself in a giant block of ice. the magician shows the clock and lovelytime keeper who will keep track of his minutes underwater in this giant glasstank.

as always do not attempt this or any ofthe magician's dangerous illusions or escapes. he is a highly trainedprofessional with a team of safety expert standing by. he has been training with navy seals forthe past six months to pull off his feat. he's going to attempt to set a new worldrecord for holding his breath underwater. to do so he's learned to expand his lung capacityand slow his breathing by putting himself into a state of suspendedanimation this trance-like condition will allowhim to stay underwater without gasping

for air. he makes his way to stairs that lead toa platform that surrounds the top of the tank. at the ready are two more assistants.they will closely monitor his safety and alert the paramedics of anything goeswrong. he takes a few deep breaths andconcentrates on slowing his heart, expanding his lungs and plunges into the tank. hold your breath with him and see howlong you can last.

he will not come up for air until timeis up he's attached his feet two weights thatsecure him to the bottom of the tank until he slips into his hyper trance. we'll see how long you can stay in thisposition. are you still holding your breath? note that the tank is definitely filledwith water and he's not hiding behind a phony glass wall. the risk of drowning is very real. nearly a minute has gone by.

how many of you have had to take abreath by now? the magician is slowly slipping into hisstate of relaxed consciousness. that's a minute 30 seconds. let's jump ahead one minute. the magician is now beginning to showsigns of panic. it must be hard to relax under water in that scary costume. two minutes 45 seconds anyone stillholding their breath? he seems to be releasing some airbubbles from beneath his mask. his assistants are still at the ready incase he needs help.

i wonder if he's okay. another minute has gone by and the magician is still under water and going into his trance. some more bubbles escape from themagician's mask. he releases his feet and does the deadman's float inside the tank. note that his head and face are stillunder water. there is no way for him to breathe. his assistants check to makesure he hasn't expired. one of them places her hand on his neckto feel his pulse. the other keeps her hand on his back. bytouching a pressure point she can

monitor his body movements for anysudden jerks or contortions that would indicate distress. outside the warehouse a mobile hospitalhas been set up in the event of the worst. up above his assistants are stillmonitoring his movements for signs of struggle. so far no need to call for theparamedics who are standing by just out of camera range. he's not left the tank and there are nocamera tricks but we will jump ahead for

the sake of time. magician is halfway toward his goal. he'spast the 9-minute mark on the way to 18 minutes plus. the state of super measured breathing and extreme relaxation is working. there is a serious risk of permanentdamage if enough oxygen does not reach the brain. however the assistants don't see anyreason to break his trance and pull him out of the water. another minute has gone by. the magicianhas not moved a muscle.

let's hope this dead man's float doesn'thave deeper implications. ancient mystics were alleged to hold their breath fordays using the same method of corpse-like stillness though ancientstories are prone to be exaggerated. the current world record is just over 15minutes. on tv a certain street magician went for 17. the mask man wants to topthat. he's got just over six more minutes to go. regulating his metabolism by fasting andliving in an oxygen-rich environment for the last 24 hours has helped prepare hisbody for this challenging stunt. his heart is pumping ever so slowly inmaintaining his breathless trance.

let's jump ahead again he's past 16minutes now the goal is now within reach. can he make it? i don't dare ask if any of you watchinghave been able to hold your breath this long. i gave up after the first five secondsthen again i have the perfect excuse. i get paid to talk about what's going on. but you don't need me to tell you thatthe magician has not moved. he is suspended in the water in hisstate of suspended animation. we can see all the way around the tank.

17 minutes he's already beaten the otherguy. let's see how much longer you can go ifin fact he's going to make it out alive. 17 and a half minutes! again this is oneshot that had been edited only for time. i can't take much more of this. another half minute has passed. he's beaten the record by a full minute!will he go for two? he's not making a move. maybe he doesn't know how long he's beendown there? or maybe he stopped breathing. 18 minutes 45 seconds.

no one can last that long. he's alive. get him out! 18 minutes 51 seconds. a new worlds record. but he struggles to the platform. hisbody is completely drained of strength. he's gasping for air barely able tostand under his own power. the assistants appear helpless to offerhim support because he's told them in advance that he wants to do it alone.

a little wobbly. but there he is. the new worlds record holder. unless of course... it's just one big trick. we just saw the magician take a deathplunge into a large glass tank and hold his breath for more than 18 agonizingminutes. setting a world record and duplicating a famous illusion is tosurvive this test on live tv. how did he do it? it's much easier thanhe tries to make it appear.

here are the secrets. cleverly hidden inside this pedestalsupporting the clock is the first secret. an oxygen tank you didn't really think he could holdhis breath for that long did you? magician enters the tank and secures hisfeet to the weights. he really is holding his breath butafter a short time he needs the help of a breathing tube that is concealed underhis collar. see it runs from his collar around hisneck to a valve behind his head.

magicians without masks use smallertubes that are undetectable under the water and behind the glass. at the startof the trick the tube isn't connected. so how does he get oxygen from the tank? the next secret is concealed by thisbeautiful assistant. another tube is hidden in your palm. it runs under her costume, up her arm and downher back. tricky little devil. the tube continues down to the oxygen.when the girl is in position on the platform.

the tube is carefully hidden from viewbeneath this pad. it goes through the grating and alongthe back side of the water tank. it runs all the way down the tank to the floor, where it eventually connects to the concealed oxygen supply. when the magician rises up in the deadman's float position he's signaling his assistants that he'srunning out of air. this is when the girl secretly attaches her tube to the oneunder his collar. once it's connected the assistantoperating the clock secretly reaches down and starts the flow of oxygenallowing the magician to breathe easily

under the water. all he has to do is float face down andbreathe normally. when the record time is within reach thegirl at the tank turns off the air, signaling to themagician that it's time to come out of the water. the audience thinks the assistants arequickly helping him out of the tank but from this angle we can see that the girl is detachingher concealed breathing tube before she gives him a hand.

the magician climbs out of the water andthrows in some dramatic struggling. his theatrics convince us that he isgasping for air after his punishing ordeal. but it was all one big trick and we knowthe secrets.

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