Wednesday, March 8, 2017

How To Flashing maximus max14

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How To Flashing maximus max14

• from what would happen if humans werenocturnal to what a tongue tastes like, we answer some of your most burning questionsabout life • hey there, my name is melissa, i'll bereading out the questions and answers • i'm danger dolan and i'm here to blowyour mind with truth 10 – klaiyn torias if humans go extinct,can they eventually come back to life through other means?• of course they can, but you have to release as a ghost and it takes ages to run back toyour corpse – otherwise you can ask someone for a rez, but prepare to be disappointed• um.. melissa… *whistle*… sure would be nice if you gave me a quick rez, kindadead here – hellooooooooo?

• if we’re talking about humans slowlydying out of old age, there’s always the possibility of cryogenic freezing, which hasa tiny chance of working if we eventually found the technology to revive them, otherwiseif it’s a mass extinction, there’s always dna resurrection but since we haven’t evendone this with mammoths yet, for humans it would be unlikely9 – trip savala what would the world be like if dinosaurs were still alive?• uncomfortable – it’s already hard enough finding a seat on the train to getto work on a morning, can you imagine how squished we’d all be if dinosaurs caughtthe same rides we did? and don’t get me started on coffees – don’t even mentionthat word to me

• even though we’d like to think thatif the asteroid never hit that we’d have t-rex’s roaming around our neighbourhoods,unfortunately due to ice ages and atmosphere changes all the big dinosaurs would’ve likelydied off by now, and early humans would have finished off the rest thousands of years ago,but we would have a lot of smaller dinos, such as birds today• ah, so that makes you a dinosaur? called it!• hey you better be nice to me – i brought you a bunch of coffees• nooooooooooooooooo *splash* 8 – kaleb creech could a super nova incineratean entire solar system? • no way man, super nova is the best icecream flavour in the world – well, i guess

it’s true that i’ve never tried it beforebut one lick can’t hurt— * • well, considering our sun is a mere distanceof 8 light minutes away, just enough to warm our planet but not burn it, a super nova wouldsafely destroy planets within 30 light years of their explosion, and since alpha proximusis 4 light years away you can safely bet it would indeed destroy our solar system, andmore! though luckily this won’t happen as there are no super nova candidates near toour solar system 7 – arithehusky lover how does milk turninto cheese? • y’know that old myth about how a cowproduces cheese instead of milk because it’s scared? well it’s true, and even thoughwe’re always telling them, don’t watch

saw, don’t watch dawn of the dead, they’realways watching it on their smartphones when we’re not looking and we end up with mountainsof cheese – tastes good but • this is a process called curdling, inwhich bacteria piles up on aged milk, it digests the lactose and produces acid which makesthe milk come out in lumps and have a sour smell – factories do this intentionally,but they remove the bits that would make you sick so you can safely eat the cheese• this blue cheese is delicious – dolan, where did you get it?• i watched that spooky movie: paranormal activity• um… does that mean…? • i made it• *blargh*

6 – toby tiger what is the closest evidencewe have for extra-terrestrial life? • when you run out of toilet paper and there’snone left – i mean, there’s no possible way i used up all 12 rolls so quickly, thereis simply no other explanation than aliens snuck into my house, blew their noise andwiped their stinky butts with my expensive paper, and left in their spaceship, i refuseany alternatives • there is no true objective evidence becauseall facts and observations should be taken with a grain of salt, but there have beennumerous depictions of space vehicles throughout ancient history & even modern astronauts havegone on record claiming they’re very much real and that we’ve been covering it up5 – hannah hogan how do animals survive

when they’re hibernating?• clearly it’s because they’ve subscribed to netflix, all they need are some socialapps, some seasons of anime, bit of mountain dew, cheetos, go full neckbear and retreatinto your cave for decades at a time – don’t introduce them to an mmo though, or say goodbyeto them forever • think of the energy you use in your dayas fuel in a car, the more active your day – or the faster you go – the more fuelyou use, which you get back from eating and sleeping. hibernating takes that fuel andconserves it heavily by slowing your breathing and heart rate to almost nothing, you’reessentially sleeping for months on a stomach full of food and drink• hey melissa, have i ever introduced you

to something called reddit?• oh? who’s a reddit? • *• melissa? i don’t uh… think birds are supposed to hibernate…• *hiss* just one more subreddit 4 – mrs. nightmare could humans surviveif they were nocturnal? • survive? at night time? does this looklike the body of someone who just survives!? real men fear no darkness, no evil— * *gasp*what was that? someone save me, i’m being attacked, can’t breathe, so weak…• sorry about that, one of my feathers dropped • can’t… survive… this… assault• well, if we take inspiration from our current nocturnal animals like bats and owls,we’d have much lighter skin, bigger eyes,

possibly lose our ability to see colour sincethat trait doesn’t matter in darkness, we may even lose our desire to be social sincebeing a lone hunter is much easier at night time3 – what does your tongue taste like? • people have been asking me this for decades,and luckily i have the definitive answer: a tongue tastes like a lick, let me show you*licking noises* how does it taste *more licking noises*• by itself, a tongue tastes like nothing – what you’d taste are the particles onit, such as food or bacteria building up. interestingly enough, many people believethe tongue is divided into a map of taste buds, but in the mid-70s we realised thiswas an old misunderstanding, the whole tongue

can taste different flavours equally• *gasp* is that a super nova ice cream *tongue noises*• no, dolan – not again * 2 – ashton ashferno could other animalsevolve into human-like creatures? • no way, animals are too stupid to evolveinto the same intelligence you or i have, we’re cleverer than they could ever dunbe, the idea of a smart cat or a clever bird is such a incorrect thing to think is true,what a laaaaaugh • it depends if big brains are necessaryfor the survival or reproduction of the animal species, and the answer is likely no – ifan ape doesn’t have a big brain, does that make us more evolved than it? it actuallydoesn’t – they evolved to survive in harsh

environments, we didn’t, we just had a crazybrain mutation that lead us down a different road, and it could happen again to differentspecies 1 – jamgopo what is the biggest known planetin the universe? • well, that would obviously be melissa’sbirdicus maximus— * • an extrasolar planet known as tres-4 isabout 70 times bigger than jupiter, and over 700 times bigger than earth – it’s sobig that astronomers believe the atmosphere around the planet must escape in a comet-liketail • *• love your work by the way, shima • oh, thank you – you too – beatingup dolan is fun but i think science is more

my thing• i’m with ya – hey, we might be able to have a serious conversation!• * no “truth”? • nope, just researched facts & conjecture• *

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