Thursday, March 9, 2017

How To Flashing maximus max902

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1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
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How To Flashing maximus max902

welcome to another caltrans news flash my name is philip havins, publicinformation officer for caltrans district 8 serving san bernardino andriverside counties. today we're here at the new joint port of entry facilityjust south of the nevada-california state border. there are a total of fivejoint ports of entry into the state of california. here in nipton the facilitywill include a commercial vehicle enforcement facility for chp to inspectpassenger and commercial vehicles before they enter further into the state ofcalifornia. we're here with lieutenant shann setterwith the california highway patrol to

discuss cvef. the commercial vehicleenforcement facility's a facility designed to regulate the traffic - the commercialvehicle traffic, and what we do here is we weigh vehicles. our primary missionis to keep the roadway safe and to inspect vehicles for safety and equipmentviolations to reduce traffic collisions. this particular facility is veryimportant because it's a major truck traffic on interstate 15. we're expectedto get about 1.25 million trucks a year through here so we'll be able to getmuch more inspections done, we'll weigh every truck that comes to the state. we'llprotect the infrastructure and ultimately reduce traffic collisions is ourgoal. the facility utilizes innovative

technology for vehicle inspections. wehave a state-of-the-art weigh in motion system and it has three separate stationson it. the first station is a sorter station that gives us an idea of whetherthe truck's overweight or if it's empty. the truck again goes over another weigh in motion system to determine the weight. caltrans designed and constructed the 42million dollar commercial vehicle enforcement facility which is expectedto open in summer 2016. in nipton california at the joint port of entryproject, this is phillip havins with another caltrans news flash.

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