Thursday, March 9, 2017

How To Flashing maximus max406

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How To Flashing maximus max406

• from parts of the brain you could livewithout, to what the deadlist organism ever is, we answer some of your most burning questionsabout life • hello there, my name is shima, i'll bereading out the questions and answers • i'm danger dolan and i'm here to blowyour mind with truth 10 – ada cascone - why do my fingers getwrinkled when i stay in water too long? • most people don’t know this, but wateris actually really bad for you. when it’s exposed to your skin for prolonged periodsof time, it causes accelerated aging until merely 70 years from now, you’ll be a wrinklyold man, all because you can’t stop taking showers and baths, you fool• this question puzzled scientists for a

long time and there are multiple theorieson the matter, but the most commonly accepted theory is that the wrinkles increase yourhands and feet ability to grip things, just like car tyres do.• hey shima, are you havvin a gewd one? • *gag*• do you think you could stand further away from me, like a lot further? i want to doscience. • okay, in the name of science!• keep going. • keep going.• okay yeah, that’s fine. • what?9 – patreon - nikolay molokvas - why do we age?• because nobody can figure out where the

off-switch for it is on our bodies, i’vepressed in all the weird bits and dangly stuff but i still seem to be developing this wrinklethat’s been growing for the last 300 years – guess it’s a good thing i’ve keptaway from water… • if we knew the answer to that we’d probablybe able to stop it, but one theory suggests it’s because dna gets more and more damagedover the years, making the essential job of cell replication less accurate and efficient.• how old are you, shima? • that’s rude, you can’t just ask peoplethat • yeah you’re old, you’ve stayed awayfrom baths too— * uhh… what? • baths? *hiss*8 – coopergal24 - why is it okay to eat

beef from rare to well done, but not pork?• because pork is just dirty nooblet food, it gives you a -2 strength debuff and it takeslike five whole minutes to wear off – beef is delicious nutrient-hardened food of thegods, it gives a +1% bonus to facial hair, it’s so strong that even your eyebrows willgrow a beard • this is because there’s a parasite sometimesfound in pork that makes you feel really ill before killing you with a heart attack, butstrangely enough if the pig is raised and eaten in certain countries like australiathere’s no more risk to eating rare, unprocessed pork than beef.• caaaat! • i really wish you wouldn’t call me that.• then stop eating all of my wires!

• but they’re so delicious!7 – victoria carr - what parts of the brain could you live without?• when i got a brain scan the doctor man said i had two whole brains, so i don’teven know how you chumps live without the superior power of double thinking!• can i see that? • here ya go!• err, dolan… this is two brain cells, not two brains.• po-tay-to, po-tah-to • no one says po-tah-to.• anyways… thanks to an amazing property of the brain called neuroplasticity you canmiss half of your brain your entire life and never realise it. technically you can go withouteverything except your brain stem, but you

won’t be able to do anything other thanbreathe and keep your heart beating; this means you’ll need an iv drip to keep youfed. 6 – seth lester (tank) - could the universereincarnate when we're all gone? • it depends – have you been donatingto charities? did you remember to wash your hands after you went to the bathroom? didyou thank your mum for the dinner she cooked last night? no? well….. i’m not sure theuniverse will want to exist if you’re not making the effort. what if you rethought yourlife to make it not… crap? • we really don’t know what will happento the universe after the last star dies out, but according to the commonly accepted theorythe universe only has one go and will never

recreate itself. there may be an infinitenumber of big bangs going off every second, but we’ll almost certainly never know aboutor interact with them. 5 – golden foxy – is there any chanceto evolve enough so we can use telepathy powers with our brain?• it’s closer than you think – already we’re making huge breakthroughs in neuroscience,tomorrow you’ll be able to make a glass of water move 2 inches off the desk to yourhand so that you won’t have to get up, you’ll be able to answer calls using nothing butyour mind, you won’t even need to exert the energy to blink, telepathy will handleeverything • if we’re going by our current understandingof science, then no it’s impossible. this

is because there’s simply no way our brainscould produce a force, wave of energy or stream of matter that could control the world aroundus in a meaningful way. 4 – the mohawk - how do cybernetic limbsconnect to the body • well scientists had to invent some completelyinnovative technology to make cybernetics work, but after years of research, testing,financial hardships & the collaborative effort of all the nations in the world, they finallycreated through the blood, sweat and tears of millions, this miracle breakthrough: ‘stickytape’ and the world was changed forever. • there aren’t any artificial limbs thatactually connect to nerves, which would be the ideal way to control them. instead, scientistsrealised that when you try and move your fingers,

your forearm twitches in a certain way. takingthis information they put in sensors on the arm and extrapolate that information intoa crudely moving mechanical hand. 3 – when people lose weight, where doesit go? • it flakes off, one piece of skin at atime – this is why your feet sometimes get a lot of flaky skin because all the fat hasdribbled down there and it’s trying to rub off onto the ground – just keep peelingthe dead skin off and you can eat as much cake as you want without gaining a pound• you know how we breathe in oxygen and breath out carbondioxyde and that humans aremostly made of carbon? well most of the carbon we burn off during the day metabolises fromfat into energy for the body and the waste

products, like carbon and water, get breathed,sweated or peed out of your body. • ugh… shima… can you peel the skinoff my face please…. ugh • eww…. there’s so much of it!• aaaaah… much better! 2 – hyrule legend - what's the deadliestorganism we know? • mosquitos. these things regularly carryaround and inject people with ebola, herpes, acid, acid herpes, the black death, polio,diseased sunscreen, smallpox, acid smallpox, malaria, milk that’s gone off – but atleast they’re not as deadly or destructive as the monster known as caaaat• the organism that kills the most humans is the mosquito, it’s estimated to havekilled around half of all humans that have

ever existed. but don’t go worrying aboutthat bite you’ve been itching; it kills by spreading malaria, which is both treatableand very rare in areas of wealth, such as areas where people are wealthy enough to watchyoutube. • what do cables taste like, by the way?• kinda like chicken – if the chicken were made of cables, i guess1 – angelicmonster - theoretically, what are ways that zombies could actually exist?• well, technically they already exist – just mention the word board meeting and watch aseveryone around you turns into an energy-deprived zombie with mumbled incoherent referencesto wanting coffee, does anyone have form f? where’s my pen, you have my pen? i can’tfind my pen…

• well as far as we know there’s no wayfor a virus to affect the corpse of a human. however, when it’s a virus like the onein ‘28 days later’ scientists have admitted it’s possible since the rabies virus alreadyacts in a similar way, although it’s nowhere near as extreme and hasn’t caused anythingclose to an apocalypse.

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