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How To Flashing huawei ascend g330
hello, at first go to "options". scroll to the bottom click on: "about phone" there scroll to the bottom, tooto "build number" click on it seven times i've done this. so on my mobile stand "ok, you are already a developer"your mobile will display you are a developer. after that, go to "developer options"and activate "usb-debugging" and confirm the message. go back,
and connect your mobile phone with your pc select "hi-suite" after that when you open the the hisuite on the pc then you will see this screen.
more about this later. the work on the pc. at firstyou must install the hisuit this software is in an download link below this video. if you have any problems,that the phone will not recognized on the pc or something like that then you must close the hisuit in the task-manager.i show it.
now it is not open, but you will see.it is something like... hisuite32.exe i open it. comming soon ;) ... yeah, there it is. yes, i recommend to install the hisuit because there are included the driver from the mobile phoneand otherwise you will not seen the "root button" in the "eroot"-software.
and then you canæ„’ root it. i had that problem, too. and i need a lot of time for the troubleshooting until i fout it out. ok. then you have open the hisuiteand open the "eroot"-software click on the "root"-button in the "eroot"-software. that was it. this will need a moment. it will take a while. (now to install programs for the internet)then you can use the hisuite.
clickdort on "management". that programms or files are called apkæ„€ you can download them.e.g. from apkmania.co or something like that.click on the "plus" if you have a file(program /apk)click on "add" and choose these file. .... what do i have here? ^^ ok, for a test i install a programm.but i have already installed it. you only click on "install" and they will install it. so it is an easy way to install
programms from the internet after the huawei was rooted. the ascend p6 i have an error message, because i have it install ita second time. is is ok. here you see the programms. so you can install programms here. if you have any problem, you can write me back.
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