Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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How To Flashing huawei ascend g510 0200
what's up people?. welcome to a new video as many users have been asking me to climb back up the modified stock rom this time i will share that and will leave you the link in video description among the changes are the toggles who have already seen several times
the mms is the cyanogenmod to that file, i have not made any changes you the dialer also been modified the configuration file this file consumes a bit more ram than normal but you can return to the configuration file factory
and they will continue with these blue lines because these are in the framework so feel free to change it if they think they consume a lot of ram. this back up itself is only apariencia.yo not promise more internal memory not going to have a drastic change ram as you can see .these are freeing mb if we are not running neither you know that a file exists build.prop
releasing more ram. mainly, this build.prop i do not like that multitasking sacrifices another change file manager also will come with playstore updated. motorized you can install a previous version if they think
it is very heavy also the radio also come with the init.d activated to check the target folder / etc and within the folder must be init.d of where you find some scripts that i use that are to release
internal memory and the ram manager is supposed to manage ram memory but in the huawei y210 the changes are not so abrupt. very little notice, the changes are minimal that would be all what will bring this back up you are free to choose if you want to install or not
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