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How To Flashing croma crxt1131
hi, i’m eposvox and welcome to the intelstreamer’s bootcamp. today i’m going to talk about how the depth-sensingcamera can help you produce a professional stream from day one, without the mess of greenscreen setups. (hey, i did a sharp turn. i guess that counts. oh! haha! whoops!) my example today will use the xsplit streamingsoftware and twitch.tv, but the same principles
can be applied to streaming just about anywhere. for depth sensing streaming, you need:a gaming rig with an intel core i7 processor will provide the smoothest streaming experiencean intel realsense camera, of course. a stable internet connection and a twitchaccount to live stream with, of course, a game or other content you’d like to stream,and xsplit streaming software. compare that to the requirements needed forstreaming with a green screen… and, well, it gets quite messy! especially in smaller rooms. most people are probably familiar with chromakeying - or “green screen†- technology.
the subject stands in front of a solid green(or blue) background while the computer identifies all green color and replaces it with footagefrom another source. the problem is that using a green screen requiresa cumbersome setup, and a large enough green screen and multiple lighting sources to makeit look right takes up a lot of space. this also means that green screen setups aren’tvery mobile. plus, it takes up a lot of space! depth sensing setups, on the other hand, arequite a bit simpler. intel realsense cameras consist of 3 differentparts. a hi-def camera captures image, an infraredlaser projects a grid onto a subject and scene,
and an infrared camera measures distances. the background in the scene is then cut out,leaving behind a masked version of the subject - typically that’d be you! giving a very similar result to chroma keying. it's really neat, actually. while the technology sounds fairly complicated,setup is super easy. intel realsense camera support is built intoyour favorite broadcasting software and background segmentation happens automatically withouttedious user adjustments. it’s also much more mobile!
you can take your intel realsense camera withyou on the road to stream at events or just at a friend’s house. the resulting mask gives you a professional-levelresult without the huge space commitment of a green screen setup. hi, i’m eposvox and welcome to the intelstreamer’s bootcamp. today i’m going to talk about how the depth-sensing camera canhelp you produce a professional stream from day one, without the mess of green screensetups. (hey, i did a sharp turn. i guess that counts.oh! haha! whoops!) can be applied to streaming just about anywhere.for depth sensing streaming, you need:
a gaming rig with an intel core i7 processorwill provide the smoothest streaming experience an intel realsense camera, of course.a stable internet connection and a twitch account to live stream with, of course,a game or other content you’d like to stream, and xsplit streaming software.compare that to the requirements needed for streaming with a green screen… and, well,it gets quite messy! especially in smaller rooms. screen and multiple lighting sources to makeit look right takes up a lot of space. this also means that green screen setups aren’tvery mobile. depth sensing setups, on the other hand, arequite a bit simpler. intel realsense cameras
consist of 3 different parts. a hi-def cameracaptures image, an infrared laser projects a grid onto a subject and scene, and an infraredcamera measures distances. the background in the scene is then cut out, leaving behinda masked version of the subject - typically that’d be you! giving a very similar resultto chroma keying. it's really neat, actually. while the technology sounds fairly complicated,setup is super easy. intel realsense camera support is built into your favorite broadcastingsoftware and background segmentation happens automatically without tedious user adjustments.it’s also much more mobile! you can take your intel realsense camera with you on theroad to stream at events or just at a friend’s house.the resulting mask gives you a professional-level
result without the huge space commitment ofa green screen setup. “the features of depth-sensing extend beyondthe streaming realm- games are continuing to add special realsenseâ„¢ exclusive features.†covering a couple troubleshooting points here...so what do you do if your background isn’t removed from your camera view?make sure you have the “realsense†background chosen in xsplit instead of “originalâ€!what do you do if your camera footage isn’t showing up on screen at all?make sure you’ve added the correct camera source to your scene - and make sure the camerais hooked up directly to a usb 3.0 port on your computer - not to a slower port, extension,or a hub.
if you’ve come across another troubleshootingissue, let us know what it is and we’ll create another video. i have a lot of thesekinds of tutorials coming very shortly. check back often for more content relatingto your streaming and creating experience and improving it along the way. my name'sbeen adam or eposvox. i do hope you've enjoyed this video. if you did, smash the like button,get subscribed for more awesome tech videos - i'm gunna be doing a lot more tutorialslike this, i've been having a lot of fun with this hardware. and otherwise, i'll catch youin the next video.
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