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How To Flashing croma crxt1134
in avid media composer, it's easy to createa chroma key effect that has a soft 3d drop shadow. check this out. start by editing two clips to an empty timelinethat has at least three video tracks. off to the left side of the timeline, youwill see a series of smart tools. make sure the red segment arrow is the onlysmart tool selected. also, make sure this monitor icon is locatedon the top most track. drag the clip that has your green screen ontov2 so it is on top of your background clip on v1.
click anywhere in this timecode track so youcan see your green screen clip. navigate to the effects tab within the projectwindow. look for the key category, and find the spectramatte effect. drag the spectra matte effect onto your screengreen clip that's on v2. in the upper corner of the timeline window,press the effect mode button. within the effect editor window, look forthe key color box. hold down the mouse button and drag your cursorover to the canvas window. click on an area of green. scroll to the bottom of the effect editorwindow and make any necessary crop adjustments
for your green screen. then press this promote to 3d button. now move over to the canvas window to scaleand reposition your keyed talent. close the effect editor window. click on the clip that's on v2 and use thekeyboard shortcut command c to copy the clip. move to the end of the timeline, and use commandv to paste. then drag the copy onto v3. again, click anywhere within the timecodetrack to see your keyed talent. then turn off the v3 track.
click on the effect mode button again to bringforward the effect editor window. within the effect editor window, click onthe x rotation button. adjust the video layer with the composer windowso your talent appears to be reflecting onto the background. within the effect editor window scroll downand look for the foreground category. within the foreground category, look for matteanalysis. click on the show alpha button. to soften the matte, look for the matte processingparameter and adjust the matte blur. to complete the effect, navigate back to theeffect palette and find the matte key effect
hold down the alt key and drag the matte keyeffect onto your clip that's on v2. okay, so you should now have a drop shadowfor your chroma keyed talent. for other great tips like this, or to enrollin a certified avid media composer training class, visit
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