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software update (lollipop to marshmallow): why update your device? updating your device is a greatway to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements insmartphone software. once updated, you will haveaccess to new features, as well as security enhancements,and should experience better overall phone performance. to learn the specifics of thecurrently available updates, please visitatt.com/softwareupdates.
before you update. before you update your device,please make sure the battery is charged to 100 percent. finally, before updating, makesure you have a strong wi-fi connection. how to update your device. you should be notified when anupdate is available, but you can also manually look for an updateon your device. to start the update, from thehome screen, swipe down from the
top of the screen. tap the settings icon. tap the general tab. scroll to, and tap "about phone". tap "update center". tap "software update". if you don't have an updateavaliable, the on-screen prompt will tell you. tap "update now".
tap "download". download speed will vary,depending on the speed of your network connection. you may check your downloadprogress at any time by swiping down from the top of thescreen. once the download is complete,tap "continue" to begin installation. once the installationis complete, the phone will restart.
what's new with marshmallow? once your update from lollipopto marshmallow is complete, you will be afforded several newoptions and upgrades. in marshmallow, battery-smartfeatures can help save your juice for what matters most. seldom-used apps go intoapp standby to conserve battery, and doze automatically puts aresting device into a sleep state. you will be able to perform anetwork settings reset to help
troubleshoot connectivity issuesranging from wi-fi to bluetooth. your apps can now beuninstalled directly from the home screen. you can setpermissions on a per-app basis, which lets you define what andwhen you want to share and allows you to turn permissionsoff at any time. if you have chosen to back upyour google account via settings, app data up to 25 megabytes will transfer, when you re-enter your googleaccount information on
another marshmallow device. to add a google account, swipedown from the top of the screen, and tap the settings icon. under the general section, tap"accounts & sync". tap "add account". tap "google". then follow the on-screenprompts. once your account is set up, tap "google". make sure the box next to appdata is checked.
to access and view your appdata, swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the settingsicon. under the networks section, tap"data manager". scroll down to view data usage by app. google's now on tap anticipateswhat you need in the moment. with a simple tap, you can getcards with useful information and apps that feed your need toknow. do not disturb mode allowsyou to silence incoming notifications for set durations,so you are not bothered during
an important meeting or whileyou're sleeping. for additional information onmarshmallow's features and functionality, visit theofficial android 6.0 marshmallow landing page. after the update. you may experience temporaryperformance issues, such as battery drain and slowness,immediately following an update, while the device completes there-initialization and app updates.
after this process is complete,functionality should return to normal. ♪at&t jingle♪
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