Thursday, April 6, 2017

How To Flashing wellphone g4g

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How To Flashing wellphone g4g

(never let you go) my chickens and ducks, eat up. watching you guys grow up makes me happy. you guys are so cute. hold on. i should change the restaurant to something that will get more business. yes. i'll change it to a chinese restaurant. newly opened.

now i just need to get ready to open. got to prepare the food... got to get black bean noodles when you move. hello, mister. welcome! we just moved in over there. please bring us two bowls of black bean noodles. - coming right up. / - come on, man. i helped you move in.

- buy some chili chicken too. / - alright, alright. one large order of chili chicken please. sure! i'll bring it right over! a large order of chili chicken... made of chicken... chili chicken? it's not true, is it? - mr. yoo... / - yeah?

i'm not going in a delivery box, right? no! chicken, i love you guys so much. what are you saying? you're so cute... it's not like that. don't worry. what the... did you put batter on me? no! no! it's not like that! come on. please believe me. it's not like that. why are you hands trembling?

hold on. what are you saying? - what? what? / - i was right. you're trying to stir-fry me in that wok! no! it's not true! i'm not like that. and i'm not making chili chicken. i'm making chicken in hot sauce. - really? / - yes.

don't worry, honey. it's chicken in hot sauce. are you a bird brain? that's chicken too! really? - i've never tried... / - you scum! no, no! it's not like that! - mister. / - gosh... why's the chili chicken taking so long? i'm sorry, sir.

i don't think i can make chili chicken. i'll make you something better instead. five spice pork! five spice pork? sounds good. then please bring us five spice pork fast. - coming right up! / - thank you. see? i'm going to make them five spice pork. - you're safe. / - five spice pork? pig...

- mir. yoo. / - gosh... - did you give me meat to hold? / - no... - why is it always me when it's meat? / - no, no. alright, alright. i won't make five spice pork. i'll make pork belly in soy sauce. - that's me too! / - oh, yeah? then meatball stir-fry! that's me too! why is it you all the time?

- those people moved in. / - yes. then just let them eat black bean noodles... oh, i'm in there too. you go in there too. ♪ how annoying ♪ gosh, pig! i'm sorry but you'll have to make the sacrifice today. unhand me! - i'll walk to the kitchen myself. / - okay.

let's go, pig. don't move! what are you doing? move and i turn her into green onion fried chicken! that's dangerous. i'm going to live in the u.s. get me a plane ticket to the u.s.! calm down, pig. if you go to the u.s.,

they'll turn you into bacon. calm down. then i'm going to germany! they have the best sausages in germany. don't be like that. mr. yoo, how could you be so cruel? what have you ever done for me? pig, i actually prepared a big feast for you today. a big feast?

yeah, eat that. - then let me get my feast. / - yeah. good thinking. guys, bring the table in. let's give it to pig. wow, it's a feast, pig. - here, pig. / - put it in front of me. it's a feast! what's going on?

don't you know? please let minsang's chinese restaurant become successful! (manga teacher) i don't want to be taught by the student teacher. man, what a drag! so annoying! trouble! looks like there's going to be trouble! shoulder throw.

full point! suji of the judo club! suji, the student teacher is coming in soon. - we'll handle him ourselves. / - yup! - i'm about to... about to... / - what? about to yawn. i'm going to control my pace. snore, snore... - what's with her? / - i don't know.

what's her deal? - geez... / - gosh... goodness... - what's his deal? / - i don't know. hello, class. i'll be taking over class 3-7. my name is shine. - shine? / - shine? i'll brighten your day.

sunshine. he's such a creep! it's just as i've heard. class 3-7 is hopeless. - so what? we're hopeless! / - yeah! girls... it's... it's, it's, it's, it's... it's, it's... if a normal class with students...

is like the clear and sunny sky... and... a class filled with problem students like this is like the dark night. - what? you're saying we're dark? / - are you? no. you guys are... stars that shine even in the darkness. - what the... / - never stop... shining.

shine, shine! get it together! sorry. please be quiet! how many languages was that? he's still hot though. let's shine again. then how about we be nice and start class? it's, it's, it's, it's, it's cuddly.

get along. - geez... / - what the... this is so annoying. - hey, did you bring what i told you to? / - of course. - i brought the banana peels! / - okay! we'll read about kim sowol today. it's, it's, it's, it's... when you're sick of me and leave... now!

i sent you away silently... oh, it's slippery! class, what are you doing? - helping you stretch, teacher. / - yeah! i can't take this any longer. stand up from your seat. hip up. - so annoying... / - what can we do? i'm really annoyed!

step lightly and leave. oh, it's touching. heart racing. suji! i almost fell into his pace. i'm going back to sleep. snore, snore. that's it. - our last plan must succeed. / - alright.

- i broke one of the chair legs. / - okay! teacher, sorry about before. please have a seat here and relax. thank you. he's going to sit. he's going to sit! this chair is sturdy. shine's very own chair. and armrest. i almost fell into his pace!

geez.... suji. let's just go to the snack bar. - to the snack bar. / - let's go. students, what are you doing now? we're ditching class and going to the snack bar! stop at the count of 3. - let's go. / - 1... - we can't. / - 2... - what? / - 3.

it's break time. last place pays for bread. wait for me! (can't take it back) - honey. / - yeah. i'm so happy to be at the beach with you. yeah, it's so refreshing and nice. honey, take a photo of me. yeah? alright.

1, 2, 3... i'll take it now. - 1... / - hold on. - honey. / - yeah? is my right side prettier or is my left? go to stay focused! she looks the same on both sides! one wrong word and i'll never hear the end of it. what do i do?

yes... i've had enough! had enough? yeah. i've had enough of people saying that you're so pretty! excuse me, people! stop staring! i belong to janggun! - you're a lucky guy. / - i sure am. - take a few more photos, honey. / - alright.

- one more? / - yeah. one more. there. sora, what do you want to do most now that we're at the beach? - me? / - yeah. something fun. got to stay focused! isn't going on a trip together fun?

what does she want? yes. i'll be a man and suggest something. sora, how about we go to the mudflat and catch, crabs, clams and octopus. doesn't that sound great? honey. are we here to work? everyone is swimming and getting tanned and you're going to put me through all that trouble?

no! wrong answer! yes. i'll suggest something sora will like. sora, how about we go swimming? - great! / - let's go. - hold on, honey. / - yeah. just 10 seconds. - let me get ready. / - okay. my rash guard, bikini and aqua shoes. let's go.

i can't get burnt so i need sunscreen and a hat to cover my face. - let's go, let's go. / - hold on. a large towel and an aloe facial to calm my skin.... sora, sora. you think we can go swimming by today? stop rushing me! i have to put my makeup on too!

why would she put on makeup to go swimming? yes. i'll change the subject. - sora, are you hungry? / - no. - sora, are you hot? / - no. - sora, are you tired? / - no. why? does being here with me make you hot and tired? - excuse me. / - yes. can you take a photo of us?

oh, okay. i'll take one. here i go. just one more! great pose! alright! that's a good one. - thank you. / - sure. enjoy yourselves. you like them? what? was one photo not enough? i took those photos...

and now sora is mad! no. i didn't do anything wrong. i'll just be confident. i don't like them. i just took their photo because you told me to. - oh, so you always listen to me. / - sure. then since i'm hot, get rid of the sun over there. hey! why aren't you doing what i told you to? wrong answer.

yes. i'll make an excuse to sora. what's so good about them? they looked horrible in their photo so i had to take more than one. geez... oh, so that's why you took several photos of me earlier. - no, they're just... / - mr. kim janggun... - thank you for dating such an ugly girl. / - no... this is my sign of gratitude.

yes. i'll just beg. sora, i'm sorry. sorry for what? i was wrong. so tell me. what did you do wrong? everything! it's all my fault! get up. i deserve to die! people are staring...

no! i'm scum! why are you making me look like a crazy woman? you'd better stay sharp! i was super focused! (jang star entertainment) wow, so this is jang star entertainment? i'm going to pass the audition and become a star! no! you can't be a star! cut the music.

move it, move it. wow! first generation idol turned producer. you're jang star? nice to meet you. i'm jang star. mr. jang, i want to be a star. - you want to be a star? / - yes! - you want to make it big? / - yes! - how many sns followers do i have? / - none. that's your potential.

you have none! go home. my older sister is really pretty. i'll make you a star. thank you! you know who they are, right? of course i knew. b.a.m. bam! bam, bam, bam!

- gung! / - gung, gung, gung! - a dummy from jeonju! / - dumb! - a punk from daejeon! / - punk! i turned these guys into stars! go act mysterious. mr. jang, when can i release an album? i'm glad you brought that up. introducing the album is more important. try introducing it like it's been released.

hello! my first album has an exciting dance song that will win you all over! - you'll win them over? / - i will, sir! you can't. you can't be a star! gung, gung, gung! are you going to show him? - swag! / - swag! introduce your album. our newest album

is like reggae, relaxing, hip hop, soul, funky, ballad, r&b it's like... it's like that. to sum it up, it's an elecreggaesoulfunkyr&bhiphopballad. what kind of music is that? i don't know. it's just for kicks. they're just using all the words they know.

what's soul? a car. - a car? / - a car! what's r&b? r and b. instant noodles and rice. ♪ plump ♪ - ♪ and chewy ♪ / - a dummy from jeonju! dummy!

a punk from daejeon! punk! i made these guys into stars! step aside. hey, go act mysterious. why do you keep doing that dance? just for kicks. why did you do that? doing things for kicks. it's what a star does.

what was that? just for kicks. so your training starts now. - try singing a song. / - okay. ♪ that's right, i have a dream ♪ you don't! you have no dream! why is your voice so weak? so teach me vocalization. this is our agency's top vocalization trainer. jjaparoti!

jjaparoti? hello! you're the vocalization trainer, right? teacher, i can't really hear you. why is his voice so quiet? there's nothing to it. he's just saving his voice. the vocalization class starts now. this will win over all the ladies. ♪ re, mi, fa ♪ what is that?

parcel delivery! nothing to it. all ladies love this vocalization. try it. "parcel delivery!" they'll love it. are you kidding me? you call this vocalization? you can vocalize now. i can? you shouted, "you call this vocalization?" you can vocalize now. there's nothing to it!

cut the music! step aside! go act mysterious! - why do you do that? / - just for kicks. this is wack. what did you just say? - that this is wack. / - this is... a star can't be unrefined. then please teach me some class. our top trainer in manners....

jjanti! hello. i'm the trainer on manners. i'm jjanti. a star must always act classy. you're very classy. such a cool reaction! alright, let's start the class. what should you say when you want help when you're abroad and surrounded by fans? help me! help me!

oops! so unclassy! then what should i say? help me! - help me! / - help me! your pronunciation should be refined too. you have such good pronunciation. did you eat already? an apple...

i mean... i ate an apple. then how do i say it? apple. - apple. / - apple. - apple. / - right. but didn't we just say airport? then how do you say airport in english? gimpo. gimpo airport.

mr. jang, what is this? what do you mean? you're a star now! (please go away) where is my man that can give me some cool love on this hot day? bingo! mr. cutie guy. i see you're enjoying some wine and cheese.

can i have a piece of cheese? how do i make this large piece of fine dust blow away? oh, this isn't cheese. it's a pain relief patch. wow, that's refreshing! how nice! i guess your neck must be sore. i'll give you a massage. isn't that nice?

i feel like i'm in a nightmare. i've fallen for you. accept my bullet of love. bang! hello, police? someone is using an illegal firearm here. save me! please! joke is good! how about we play the cookie stick game?

i'm going to come up with a good one to make this girl go away. yes, sure. with this. - gosh, i'm drunk. / - but this is bread. excuse me! please clean up this puff pastry. may i help... hey... why is singer iu passed out here?

beat it now, now, now! ouch! i heard her 3-level high note live. i hate nice guys like you. shut it, you cow. what did you say? i'm sorry. i was too determined. oh, no. i can't see a thing.

your beauty has... - blinded me! / - blinded me. you told her, didn't you? there are two crazy nutbags. i'll destroy you. i'll destroy you! not a single model that inspires me. excuse me! bring me a bottle of your most expensive alcohol! luxury guy!

so you're looking for a model. how about me? are you a piranha? you look like quite the biter. i'm a delicate woman. you're a menacing woman. i think you're driving me crazy! you just seem crazy! you are my everything!

is everything in here? i will have you. i will thrash you! stop, stop, stop! it's finally time to choose. i've always liked a man with clean skin. i think cutie guy has the cleaner skin. i'm shrek. what the... shrek?

did you call? rice crackers? what's with these guys? (movie little television) are the cameras rolling? the broadcast has started. hello. we are movie stars lee sanghun... - song yeonggil... / - and song wangho.

i bet you're all wondering why three big movie stars are doing this internet broadcast. whether it's cooking or eating in front of a camera, communicating is huge these days. this is a live movie you can communicate with. please post a lot of comments. we'll get started now! a communication movie? totally excited.

hold still! let me go! boss. oh, this is super intense. hey, sanghun. what do you want? you should retire and give this territory to me. are you joking? do you want to die?

you think i'm going to die? this will sting a bit, boss. even if you scream after being stabbed there's nobody here to help you! if i get out of here i will beat you to death. shut your mouth! don't you see this? this is byeol's mom.

this is too extreme to watch with my child. even if you go ouchie when you get poked nobody will kiss your boo-boo. i'll give you a spanking. byeol's mom sent 50 star balloons. 50! - thank you! / - thank you! get over here! get off me, punk!

how dare you... i pushed him but i was pushed back! you still have your strength! i want to watch more but i got to study. why you... this is principal of action and reaction! that's a load of newton's third law of motion! boss! i bet this will be on the exam tomorrow!

beat it! i knew what you punks want. let me go and i'll give you all the gold bars in the briefcase. gold bars... - i don't need gold. / - what? what is this gold? what is it? - what is the elemental symbol for gold? / - au.

- and iron? / - fe. - sodium. / - na. lithium. lithium... - do you know? / - nope. geez! boss. li? li is lithium! it's so easy to remember now!

studying student sent 50 star balloons. hey, sanghun! you think i'll do what you tell me to? you don't think i have insurance? - wangho! / - yes, boss! who is that? who did you bring? guess who i have here? man, this is boring. yawn. this isn't intense at all.

revealing the masked singer! please take off the black mask and show us your face! awesome! it's my daughter! she's the big boss's daughter! boss, aren't you two close? of course we are! she's my daughter. she didn't even show it this morning at breakfast.

that's why i had no idea. variety show fan sent 1,000 star balloons. 1,000? leave my daughter alone. leave her alone! why didn't you tell me you had such a pretty girl? such fair skin... and such pretty cherry red lips. is he going to kiss her? kiss her for real!

kiss! kiss! then... shall we kiss then? no.. no... gross! i'm about to barf! left the room. left the room. left, left, left, left, left... left the room. oh, come on! everyone left because of you!

then you two kiss. gosh, i lost my appetite! no appetite now. i made someone lose their appetite! forever dieting sent 10,000 star balloons. 10,000? (knew this would happen) i have many concerns these days. i can't sleep at all. mr. ceo, the company is doing fine. don't worry.

- right... / - please get to bed. - alright. / - i'll tuck you in. you're the best, mr. yang. have a good night, sir. over here. so long, ceo park! darling, i love you. what is this? a teddy bear?

i knew this would happen! which is why i was out of the way. how did he know about our plan? i told him. what? i knew this would happen. which is why i got him a penthouse. people look this small from up there. good, good.

look here, ceo song. you shouldn't trust people so easily. you should look before you leap. what the... i'm crossing over. which is why i got him a studio. i saw seolhyun run to meet zico. it's there? that's my place.

how dare you try to take me out? then why did you steal the new tech that i developed? how is that your tech? which is why i published my findings in a book! all the proof that i developed the tech is in here. for this research, approach the opposite sex with a light joke... which is why i changed it for a dating book!

a dating book? - thanks. / - what? looks like i can get married now. ceo park, when you snuck into our company and stole our tech... i have it all on video. - hey, turn it on. / - okay. which is why i changed your phone to selfie mode. you're finished now.

which is why i changed it back again! now your face will be revealed. which is why i fogged up the camera. you fogged it up? now you can't tell who this is. fool. it's not over yet! the employee you tried to steal from my company will reveal everything in a press conference!

it's starting. good. i'm jang giyeong, a researcher for gag tech. is there proof that it was ceo park? the proof is right here. i have to stop this! as you can see... mr. song! take that.

now i have the evidence! looks like i have no choice. we're going down together. what is he saying? which is why i brought a grenade! which is why i switched it for an avocado. an avocado... it's an avocado! which is why i brought dynamite too!

i just have to light this and it's over for everyone! which is why i made the fuse really long. a long fuse? why is the fuse so long? why is it so long? - it has to burn for an hour. / - it keeps going! which is why i prepared a time bomb too! this will blow in 3 seconds!

3... 2... which is why i switched it with an alarm clock. it was an alarm clock! it's an alarm, fool. wake up. you can never defeat me. then... i'll kill you with my two hands! sir, let's get out of here.

yes, let's do that. you can't get out. i've blocked off all the exits! which is why i made a door behind here! which is why i nailed it shut! which i made the door longer up to here! i can just open this and get out. - i'm leaving now. / - i knew this would happen! which is why i blocked the exit with a wall!

which is why i made this wall into an elevator. it should open now. which is why i made it a closet in the inside! which is why i made an elevator next to the closet. next to the closet? what's going on? why is this moving? i can just get out through here. which is why i made the inside a sauna instead! this is so embarrassing!

i didn't know this would happen! (large love) minkyoung... minkyoung! why are you so angry again? hey, minsang. it's very important for a couple to be physically affectionate. i knew that...

yet you refuse me? i didn't refuse... i asked you... for a piggyback ride. and i begged you to save me. it was my survival instinct... forget it. things have cooled off between us. no, it hasn't cooled off, minkyoung... alright. i'm sorry. i was wrong.

i said i'd buy you something good at the cart bar. i'll let it slide this time. alright. thanks. have a seat. gosh... here's some fish cake broth. - excuse me. / - yes? where's mine? we only serve one bowl per table.

i'll get you one. here you go. - thank you. / - this one's mine. what would you like? how much is that? it's all on the menu. no, it says "bar snacks." - there's no price for that. / - oh, that's not a food. it means the entire menu.

- that's what i meant. / - what? - you want it all? / - yes. that's $126. i'll have that. alright... - and i'll have... / - yes? two of everything! oh, what a corny joke... - oh, so two of everything? / - that's right.

we're closing in 30 minutes, so i don't think you can finish by... just a joke. - guess i'll just have to cook fast. / - right. - got to go buy some groceries. / - please hurry. this should be good. oh, right. this reminds me. remember our first time at a cart bar

and a bunch of gangsters caused a commotion? right. i got so mad that i yelled, "what's with you guys?" yeah. then the police showed up and arrested you. they let you out early for eating too much though. i can't believe you remember that. - this should be good. / - yeah. want some, minkyoung?

- here, minkyoung. / - gosh... i'm going home. minkyoung, minkyoung... come on... get off me! - your food is here. / - don't be like that. geez... oh! don't go! gosh! why are you so strong?

i guess i have no choice. yeah. sorry, minkyoung. wow! look at these noodles, minkyoung. - they look great! / - let's eat the noodles later. - yeah. / - oh, no. noodles will get all bloated over time... guess that's what you prefer. let them get nice and bloated. looks great.

- so much food. / - looks great. - let's dig in. / - yeah. let's eat! so here you are. look here. why do you always... don't you have a job? my job is loving minkyoung. she saved my life. when i was drowning in the sea

a large boat showed up and saved me. that boat was minkyoung's belly! i was just lying down from being full. no, minkyoung. i even went fishing on top of you. minkyoung, i bought this for you in italy. a luxury brand skirt. wow, it's so pretty! minkyoung, i bought this from hoengseong.

top grade beef flank. this looks delicious! minkyoung, so this is your choice? love is so hard! this looks amazing. you bought the good stuff. aren't i the best? good job, honey... hey! i don't like my face being touched.

you really hate it when i'm physically affectionate. - it's not like that... / - let's just break up then. why are we dating? i didn't mean that... who said i don't like being physically affectionate? do i have to tell you? you dummy! don't you know how i feel? minkyoung.

minkyoung? minkyoung, you... that's my fish! my fish... (like a family) mother, father. we're here. - hey. / - why have a family meeting though? gosh... we plan on selling the house. - goodness! sell this house? / - yeah.

it's too much house for the three of us. so we'll sell this place and move. look into apartment leasings for us. should i find one in our neighborhood? we have a lot of units for rent in our apartment. honey, our apartment is expensive. no way selling this house can pay for the lease. don't be like that, sister-in-law! it's a house for mom and dad!

get them a place even if you need a loan! well i was going to take out a loan to get you your own studio since you're living with us. in future family meetings, just shut your trap and take notes. come on, guys. how about we all live together in a big house? did you hear that, dad?

give me $1 million to build a country house. how does it cost $1 million? there needs to be a pool too! i want to have pool parties! pool parties? fine then. i'll invite you too, dad. but you can't bring rice wine! pay up. don't just sit there blinking!

dad. i'm super busy now. what is it, dad? it's a family meeting about selling the house. you called me here just because of that? i have such a headache because i bought a house. you bought a house? a dog house! do you know how much of a headache it is to decide between pink or blue?

gosh, why don't the ghosts just take him away? dad, you see ghosts? don't you remember, dad? you did that before. in front of grandpa's grave... "dad, we're here." you said that! do you know how much that scared me? big bro!

that's not important now. since we're going to move, let's go to a nice place. a pantyhouse on the top floor! auntie, you're so ignorant. it's not pantyhouse. it's penthouse! read a book for once! yeonggil. why do you keep hurting my feelings? i want sausages.

dad, i want sausages. sausages... give me $3,000 so we can have sausages. how do sausages cost $3,000? so i can eat them in frankfurt, germany. and not just sausages! i want beer too! i know you hide money under your mattress! bro, you're so disrespectful! that's it. get over here...

- i'll give you a beating! / - brothers! stop fighting! you're going to make dad sad. you're the best soyeong. just try to be half as good as she is. be like half of soyeong? how do i do that? half this way or half this way? decide for me, dad!

don't be like that, daesung! you shouldn't argue with a man whose life will expire before his housing lease! my life will expire? stay out of this, dad! i'm so annoyed! gosh, my kids are no fun at all! oh, so you like fun people? i'm going then.

where? to tear the hairs out of fun-loving old ladies. when that old bag is enjoying the drama "five enough," i'll hit her in the mouth and leave her with five teeth. what's the meaning of this? this is a family meeting! why would we all live together when we fight? the two of us should move somewhere far away. yeah, let's move somewhere far away.

hello! i just moved in next door. next door? you go live somewhere far away! ♪ the house you live in ♪ ♪ that's my house ♪ dad! (1 vs. 1) quiz show 1 vs. 1!

we have lots of contestants today. let's meet the first contestant. i'm from l.a. my weight could kill you. i'm kilogram. ♪ i'm... kilo... gram... clap ♪ alright, alright. don't do that. why do you do that? it's hip hop. alight. here's your question.

stop that. here's your first question! this is a military term. what do you call soldiers that are used to concealment and secretly attack the enemy? this is the answer. attacks from where you can't see. internet trolls. ♪ you curse and say what you want facelessly ♪

♪ stop messing around in front of the keyboard ♪ ♪ or else you'll be put in cuffs ♪ ♪ bet you'll be broke from the settlement ♪ where'd it go? what are you looking for? ♪ my wallet ♪ ♪ you should pay for my lunch ♪ why would i pay for your lunch? stop being weird. - geez... / - i'm not sad from negative comments...

someone wrote something bad about you? "i wish you wouldn’t show up on tv." gosh... don't be so down. - it's about you. / - what? what's the user id? - what's the id? / - the user id is... stop that! here's your second question. it's about animals.

it has a triangular head and a short and thick body. this viper hunts prey by biting with poisonous fangs. what is the name of this dangerous viper? i'll even give you a hint. it ends in sa. okay. ♪ i'm so smart, i knew everything ♪ ♪ i wish my boss wouldn't make me go hiking ♪

♪ i like to cook on sundays ♪ ♪ go to jail and get released right away ♪ why'd you end it in getting released from jail? i have so much i want to say. it's so frustrating. then just tell me. much better. i said not to do that! for real... let's meet our next contestant.

good to see you, il hoseon. gosh, your hair is a mess today! - it's really messy? / - a total mess. then i'll cover it up. you have a hat? - no. a bag. / - geez... i have one of each color. - you can have one, minsang. / - no, no. just keep them all.

oh, yeah. oh, stop it! don't mess around. your first questions... take this thing off! here are your first questions. try to fill in the blanks to complete the movie title. here we go! this mermaid falls in love with a prince. - the little... / - mermaid soup.

next... this is a cartoon. spirited... the spirit of food. i've never seen food before. next! steven spielberg's classic! saving who? saving a bottle of soju! it was hard to get this. yeah.

who threw out cigarette butts in here? oh, come on! stop messing around. let's meet the next contestant! this contestant has memorized every wrong answer to be on our show. this is jeong yunho. nice to meet you. i've memorized these answers 100%. i think i can take the prize money today. that's great. i'll give you a test.

this was from last year. those that criticize the power of the state and want to enhance the role of the private sector... neo-liberalism. amazing. i really hope you win. we'll start with the easy questions. this is the first one. this is a cartoon character.

he goes... who is this guy who lives in the jungle? - i don't know that one! / - what? that wasn't in here! of course it isn't in there! why don't you know this guy? the famous guy that lives in the jungle! kim byeongman? not him. this guy is known for being really strong

and he doesn't wear much clothes. he has a great body. he's very strong! starts with t! terminator? terminator... wrong! please give me another chance. forget it. try to get this second one right. the second question is about tadpoles.

- tadpole! i know! / - what? tadpoles can be found in rice paddies and ponds. - they breathe through gills... / - alright, alright! hurry! what does a tadpole grow into? that's because it's so easy. why don't you know? look. so a tadpole grows up into an adult. what do you call it?

mr. tadpole? not that! it got bigger! what did it become? - sir tadpole. /- no! it really grew up! what does it become later on? - yes. / - old mister tadpole? stop saying tadpole! no tadpoles! what does it become next? the late tadpole. don't be ridiculous.

use your head when i give you a question. put this on your head? let's meet the next contestant. 1st place is mine. jung haecheol, let's go, go, go! i'll answer everything right. great, haecheol. i believe in you. please just let me finish before answering. this is about twins. the ones that look the same...

pretty girls in gangnam. no! let me finish. for them to be born... plastic surgeon. this is about chromosomes for twins. please let me finish. inside of them, they all have... silicon! forget it. let's do the next one.

this one is about the comb pattern. the pattern we know is... na muni. no. na muni is... pumpkin sweet potato. haecheol. you're always too fast. usain bolt.

hey, do you know what i'm thinking now? of food. hey! hold on. let me have some water. carbohydrates! hey. are you kidding me? i was in the special forces. see this? special meat cuts?

i'm so sick of this. when will this end? the tropical heat. you're making me hotter! i go to the hospital these days, i'm lee byeongwon. hello, byeongwon. what will you do if you win the prize money? i'll go to mojito for a glass of maldives. you've switched them around? it's so hot out, so i had a healthy dish.

- really? / - cat stew fish. you mean catfish stew. that dish is very good for a man's mitasna stamina. mitasna. stamina! mitasna! no, no. no. kidding me are you?

- are you kidding me? / - kidding me are you? i'm massaging your shoulders. just answer the question. here's your first one. this animated series is based on an italian fairy tale where marco goes looking for his lost mother. hint. i saw this one.

answer. leagues mother 3,000 in search of. what on earth is that? it's all wrong. change it up! in search of 3,000 mother leagues. what is a mother league? i'm untangling the earphones. it's always tangled in my pocket. stop messing around!

this is a type of clock where a cuckoo comes out every hour to tell you the time. what do you call this clock? here's a hint. - we have one at home. / - yes. koocuc clock. hold on! there is no clock like that. it's wrong. change it around!

clockkoo cuc! - that was wrong? / - yes! dang, i was going to sing a song if i won. what song? you jin's "with nam." you mean nam jin's.,.. ♪ kidding me are you ♪ - ♪ time for a massage ♪ / - alright! this has been...

- sang minyoo. / - it's yoo minsang! (despicable train) passengers, there are zombies infected with the despicable virus on board this train. survivors should move to the front car to be safe. despicable virus? a woman should stay at home and cook. she should never drive! - so despicable! / - so despicable!

if those zombies bite us, we'll become despicable too! we should hurry to the front car. - let's go. / - hold on. who's going first? you're pro baseball player and 2015 home run king jang yunseok! he's going to take the zombies out with his bat. - let's trust this man and move up. / - yes. 1, 2, 3!

here i go! what's with his voice? let's go! i can't stand his voice! i've survived! what happened? his voice. that despicable voice. they won't attack despicable people. if we become despicable, we can live!

- despicable? / - who wants to move up first? i'll go. - can you do it? / - yes. when the bell rang for the end of class in school... "teacher, i have a question." i was that guy. you did that, honey? - then you go first. / - yes. sora.

- do you trust me? / - yeah. - i'll protect you no matter what. / - alright. - let's go. / - yeah. hey, want to hear the plot twist to "the wailing?" - the culprit is... / - what's more important? what's more important? he already saw it. no! no! honey!

he's been infected! no! that's impossible! honey, get it together. are you okay? my mom said not to date you. he's been infected for sure! no! he's not! honey, we're going to hawaii for our honeymoon. i have to ask my mom first.

move! move! honey! honey! honey... you must become despicable to move up! - i can't do it. / - get it together! think of your boyfriend that just became a zombie! you must live on! alright. honey, you're ugly!

not good enough. be more harsh! - be mean. / - for your birthday last year... we couldn't meet because i worked late. actually... i was with your friend. i dated you but loved your friend. i did it! i survived!

- being despicable means safety. / - yes. what do we do about that soldier zombie? i'll take that soldier out. i was a councilor in the army. is that something to brag about? anyway, go! private. military services are less than 2 years. isn't that too short?

i think it's working. it's dark, right? this is the rest of your time in the army! you did it! - hurry and go! / - i survived! hana, hurry! i'm scared, dad! we need to hurry! dad, a zombie!

hana, i will protect you no matter what. i'm scared! i'm going to stay by your side, dad. get off me, it's hot. there's a heat wave. i think we can survive this! yeah! dad if you get hurt, i'll become a doctor and fix you. a doctor?

not with your grades. you're just like your mom. we did it! let's go! - hana! / - dad! hurry, hana! you need to hurry, mister! no! my daughter is in there! no! let me go! why is this woman so strong?

so despicable... hana, i did that on purpose to save you. he's so despicable! (manly men) this is so frustrating... why'd you break up with your girlfriend? i have no idea. check this out. i went camping for the first time with my girlfriend.

when we arrived she said, "hey, there are still mosquitoes here." there are still mosquitoes here? i guess this isn't your first time here then. who did you come with? probably a guy, right? the mosquitoes are happy to see a regular. "honey, don't be ridiculous. let's pitch the tent. the ground is bumpy so we need a mat."

that's true. we need a mat? we need a mat? you're so experienced at this! you must be used to this place! i knew you came here before with a guy! i'm right. looks like i should spread the mat out. want me to guess what comes next? we'll probably break up now.

- so you got that right too? / - yeah... i'm never wrong about these things. i can't ask her out again. maybe i'll hide and watch her get out of work. what? you're going to hide and watch her? you think she can't tell it's you from far away? she'll recognize you right away! - i won't get caught. / - you're so pathetic. use your head...

i'm out, man. where are you going, taehun? hold on. - i have somewhere to go. / - hey. - you... / - what? why is your shirt like this? this is the design for this shirt. did you... - you spied on your ex like this? / - yeah. but you can't see like that.

i can look like this. so shiny... how annoying... who is this? - it's me. / - oh, it's you. so annoying... i'm going to dump my girlfriend. we each bought yogurt. i should dump her, right?

for buying yogurt? she said, "honey, i'll tear the lid off yours." and then she licked the yogurt on my lid. shouldn't she pay me 10 cents as compensation for eating the yogurt on my lid? that's the humane thing to do. if you've ever used gravity to eat yogurt when you didn't have a spoon. the moment she licked my lid

i became furious. i almost cussed at her over that yogurt. i also noticed that she shook up my yogurt before opening it, so more would get on the lid. - she planned all this. / - what? as i saw her lick the yogurt from my lid, i figured she was an anteater in her past life. how does that happen?

she said, "eat plenty of yogurt, honey. the lactobacillus goes right to your intestines." you're not going to make it home alive today. i'm going. to get my 10 cents or dump her. time to settle this. good luck, man. geez, what a bunch of losers! two men whining over being dumped by a girl.

you've never done that, mister? never! it's over once i break up. i don't even remember the name of my ex! i'm struggling so much i have trouble sleeping. i can't believe i'm struggling this much over a girl. juri! why am i still starving for your love? how can i stop feeling this way for you? just torture me instead, juri!

mister, are you okay? fine, fine! i don't feel a thing. don't worry about me. worry about yourselves. mister, can you buy us a drink? why are you always asking me to buy drinks? am i your sponsor? - he's really struggling. / - totally. hey, myunghoon, what happened? i asked her for my 10 cents.

then she said, "you came here over 10 cents? you're the worst! i have no money for you!" she said that and ran off crying. - then what? / - i chased her down and caught her. to console her? no, i heard change jingling in her pocket. you can't fool me. how dare you try something like that?

you're the true manly man! (the demon) this is it. i can sense an incredible evil presence here. - it's a strong presence. / - stay calm. excuse me. do you have snow crab? are you in a crabby mood today? it's a demon. it's a middle-aged man demon!

come out of him! the demon is out. show us your true form. now! the middle-aged man demon! this raw fish looks delicious! hold on... let me get some... come on. use chopsticks! it's all about the vinegar pepper paste.

hey, this is a clam. rock, paper, scissors. is this a dimple? like selfish! hey, some of my favorites. cold raw fish soup and raw fish. put them down if you're going to be weird. why are you being so disrespectful? you're being too harsh.

get it? he got us... look at this octopus. it's a big one! so this is the moonwalk. sounds like big octopus! stop it! dang it... listen up.

do you know what you get if you bury a squid? seasoned squid. get it? seasoned squid! you're not laughing now. but listen up... next time you go on a blind date and the guy looks like an squid, you'll crack up. why are you laughing so hard? is your boyfriend a squid?

hilarious! so hilarious! what a relief. i think the demon is gone. i'll go check. be careful. - hey, kid. are you okay? / - yes. it's dangerous here. get out of here. alright. i will. p! you said you wanted a p.

this is a p. want me to do x? or y? the demon is back! come out! since we're at a fish market, i'll give you a gift. do you like stingray? - sure. / - hold on. i'll give you stingray...

go, duck. go! duck! - what is this? / - go, go! sounds like stingray! hey, hey. - i'll make braised pollack. / - alright. here. chosen!

i choose your nose and leg! sounds like braised pollack! hey, demon. why are you doing this? you don't know? don't underestimate middle-aged men. you kids have pajama parties with a set dress code. we have a fun with a set dress code too.

hold that... hiking gear! this is the middle-aged man's dress code! you kids wear the high-waisted look and have your pants over your hips. we enjoy the high-waisted look too! hold that. high pants! this is the true high-waisted look!

why aren't you laughing? (serious kingdom) according to the serious records of joseon... during the rule of king serious, it was said that laughter made the nation silly and so the serious era began... despite laughter being banned in this nation, you dare make the people laugh? i'm going to find the criminal and punish him.

- we're innocent, sire! / - be quiet! the mastermind is among you for sure. who is it? sire, it is said that he made people laugh with a korean poem. - a korean poem? / - yes. fine. recite a korean poem. but make it unfunny and serious. the topic will be words related to traveling. - gosh... / - hey, you.

you're first. go ahead. alright. i'll do the "safety first" version. "safety first?" i'll do course. - course. / - like an itinerary. let's do this. course... that's it! goodness!

what a cute squirrel. death by skunk! beat him! over half of the people laughed. i'll do route next. route? - like travel route? / - yes, that's right. route... you have bread?

i'm starving! give me some! hurry! what kind of bread is it? - route... / - death by first punch. beat him again! nice. they laughed so hard that my wig came off. i'm jealous... last one... i'll do prenatal education.

- prenatal education? / - yes. alright. prenatal... unbelievable! you'll set me up with a girl? i'd love that! she's a teacher? that's great! education... death because she's a principal!

he's the funny one! beat him! you in the middle, you're up. i'm scared. i'll do the decisive phrases version. - decisive phrases? / - yes, very decisive. i'll do jumbo shrimp. like the jumbo shrimp festival? - yes. / - alright. jumbo...

lincoln, the greatest president of all time grabbed the mic in front of the people and said something decisive. shrimp.... ha... ha... mic test. can you hear me? - beat this man too! / - you can't hear? hit him harder. it hurt.

some people like to explore before they go travel. so i'll do explore. explore... romeo was frustrated and missed juliet, so he went to her, held her hand tight is there too many people here? should we go somewhere private? laugh sooner if you're going to laugh anyway.

next, i'll do lost child. lost... neil armstrong of the u.s., the first man to walk on the moon took his first step and said something decisive. - child. / - aw, yeah! first! beat that man! that was a good one. last up is you.

let me warm up my tongue first. i'll do the english subtitle version of korean historical dramas being shown in hollywood. - historical drama subtitles? / - yes. i'll do country. country. country... of course i'm nervous about this too. however if we fight with all our strength

we can win this war. the first battle will start soon! round one! just beat him. i'll do market price like in exchange rates. alright. market price. market... shut it! i don't want to dirty my hands with your blood.

if you are a general for the han dynasty, just end your life with this sword. price... self-service! - beat this man! / - self-service. wow, what a relief. lastly, i'll do paris. paris... you're despicable!

you think this poison will make me kneel before you? give me more. give me more poison! refill please! - beat that man hard! / - poison refill please.

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