Thursday, April 6, 2017

How To Flashing wellphone g3g

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How To Flashing wellphone g3g

so, a lot of people dislike flash becauseit is used a lot in web advertising and some websites use it unnecessarily. but a lot of websites use it for things likegames. as a matter of fact that's how i got my startcreating lots of flash based games for the web. what happens when you go to a website that'ssupposed to use flash, say for a game, but it's not working. let's take a look at three examples. these are all my websites.

here we see a game on my website, game when i go there it says click to use flash. this is kind of how it should be. i don't have flash. it doesn't load automatically. but i click and i get a box here that asksme do i want to use flash here every time,which is most likely yes if this is a page witha game that i play all the time, just use it this once, or cancel. say i go to a site and i accidentally clickthat but i don't want to see the flash.

so i choose one of these. i can also go to safari preferences and thengo to security, plug in settings, select flash and here's where you actually disable flashwithout getting rid of it completely. so if this is a kind of thing where you needto use flash every once in a while but you want to disable it in general, you can disableit here and then reenable it when you need it. you can see here i've got the websites thatare open in different tabs. this is the setting for flash. so i can actually just say i want it turnedon for this website all the time.

also i can give instructions for what happenswhen i go to a new website. one that is not listed here. i can say, you know, just ask every time,or have it off by default or on by default. normally i would click here and say use everytime and the page would reload. noted that if you change that setting in preferencesyou also will have to reload the page for it to take effect. you can see the same thing here. here's my site just i click to use flash, say use every time,the page reloads and there's the flash.

now sometimes it's a little tougher to getflash for a game. here's an example of another one of my websites. on this website it just comes up with thatyou need flash to play this game and there's no way to enable flash. so what's happening here is when i createdthis site a long time ago i put some code on it to detect whether or not you had flash. if you didn't have flash it gives you thismessage so you can get it. if you do have flash it displays everythingas normal. but if you have flash turned off as safaridoes by default it's going to show you this

message and it's not really clear what todo. so in this case what you need to do is goto preferences, go to security, plug in settings, find the site you're on to switch flash toon, hit done and then reload the page. when i reload it now you can see that theflash game flows just fine. so keep that in mind. if flash doesn't seem to be working for agame that you might want to play that you need to actually go into preferences thereand switch it on. that's where you can also really control it. you can go in and see what you've enabledand said that you want flash to be on or off.

then you can set your default settings. say if you do a lot of flash gaming you maywant to have it on by default or if you work with flash or media websites that use a lotof it then you might want to switch it on by default which basically goes back to howyou were using flash before.

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