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How To Flashing sict xplode
new sky kids! [dramatic theme music] all: rock, paper, scissors! rock, paper, scissors! batman: great minds think alike. all: rock, paper, scissors, bomb! batman: bomb?[mimics explosion] supergirl: you're it, batman! batman: what? that's cheating!
[rock music] batman: tag! you're it!supergirl: oh come on, batman! you know that's cheating! batman: what's cheating is using yoursupersonic speed powers in a game of tag! supergirl: but that's what makes meand the flash so good at playing tag! flash: i'll be it this time...if you let me ride the batmobile. batman: we should probably beheading back to headquarters. batman: inspector's supposed to arrive at three.supergirl: what time is it now? batman: time to go! -who's inspector?
[playful music] flash: what's going on? batman: someone told the governmentabout our secret headquarters, and now they're sending an inspectorto go check it out. supergirl: and we can't let anyoneknow about this place... or that we're superheroes. here, put this on. we can't letanyone see us in our uniforms. [knocking] batman: flash!
inspector: government inspection service. batman: come in. supergirl: how can we help you, ma'am? inspector: i'm inspector lake. i've been sent bythe gis to investigate some superhero sightings. [crickets chirping] [all laughing] -superheroes? nothing butordinary civilians here. ha, ha... -may i ask your name? batman: oh, how rude of me. i'm bruce wayne.
-i’m barry allen.-i’m kara zor-el. -and what's your company's name? [all saying different names] batman: uh, we're java-miflin-soft. -and what does your company do? supergirl: yeah, we sell paper and whoopee cushions. [clears throat] -would you like anything to drink? -water, if you don't mind.
flash: here you go, ma'am. inspector: how did you do that so fast? batman: barry here was a track starin high school. flash: yeah, what...what he said... batman: shall we give you the grand tour? -and this is our break room. inspector: where are the rest of the employees? flash: out saving the world.batman: from paper cuts! did you know our paper is so soft,you can wipe a baby's nose with it?
or even your own nose! [blows nose] smooth as egyptian cotton. inspector: what's in here? [dramatic tune] batman: it's nothing... it's just our parking garage. supergirl: hey, inspector!check out this whoopee cushion! [fart noise]
inspector: i should be going... ah! spider! [laser beam] [explosion] inspector: what's going on here?supergirl: uhh, we can explain... batman: please inspector,you can't tell anyone about us! supergirl: we'll do anything,just don't blow our cover! -i won't tell anyone on one condition. can i get your autographs?
[cheerful music] supergirl: here you go. inspector: thanks so much, super squad! or should i say, java-miflin-soft. batman: boy, that was close.supergirl: yeah. flash: tag, you're it. batman: sometimes i wish i did justwork for a paper company. flash: and whoopee cushions. click to subscribe.
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