Wednesday, March 22, 2017

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How To Flashing sict handy

each grain of sand holdsa brave heart. born from this earthare true patriots. "beware lest life turns to death,my friends!" "peace is in peril andthe nation in strife!" "light the flame of patriotismin your hearts, my friends!" "on the one hand is love and duty!" "on the other lies..." "on the other lies the quicksandof betrayal!" "quiet are the shanties!quiet are the towers!"

"a weary sadness engulfsthe entire nation." "those who shower flamesfrom the skies." "will scorch the lushfields of the earth." "alight the flame of patriotismin your hearts, my friends!" "for a few pieces of silversell not your soul." "for evil shall always beget evil." "when have evildoers lived long,my friends?" "the shadow of death loomsover them at every step!" "only cowards hide from the truth!"

"for true patriots willshed their blood..." " cleanse this land!" calm down. please sit down. please! how can the minister answer yourquestions? one at a time. yes, your question. how did the tribals get suchsophisticated arms? we're investigating that.but i assure you...

...i'm not going to spare thepeople responsible. innocents were slaughtered. what guarantees it won'thappen again? i'm concerned too. but i assure you itwon't happen again. the mumbai police crime branchis investigating this case. a special team willbe investigating. greetings, sir!- greetings! you're late, major beg.

i've good news. the papers in hindustan arefull of news of our success. who did all this? there's someone called veeran. and what was his grouse?- none. we cooked up some. that's our mandate. find the disgruntled elementsand help them. give them guns and money.let them get used to it. this is war.

and we've to win this war. yes. by the way,where is this chandrapur? here's bombay. and chandrapur is here on the border ofmaharashtra and andhra pradesh. greetings, sir. greetings, sir.- how come so early? actually,you shouldn't be staying here. what?

the case has been transferredto mumbai. so what? for a couple of days... ...they'll shout themselves hoarseand then be quiet. not this time. veeran's attack hasraised a furore. so what am i to do?did i do anything? people from the crime branchin mumbai are here. they might come here too. you better slip away.

these special officerare unpredictable... ...if they get their hands on youi won't be able to do a thing. how far is the police station?- nearby. he'll escort you. hey go with sir. baiju.- yes sir. go to the police station andget the case papers. - ok. so you know inspectorsalim in mumbai? yes, sir. he's all praise for you...

...and you're so quiet. bala thakur is the man behindeverything that happens here. bala thakur? who is that?- the don in these parts. there are so many complaintsagainst him. the police don't arrest him?- he has been hauled up so many times. but he gets awayevery time with his contacts. in the last three years or so,he has bought two wine shops... ...a huge hotel in chandrapurand lot of land. interrogate him,and you'll know the whole game.

where does he live?- nearby. crime branch, mumbai.where is bala thakur? gone out.- out? wait... no one searches thakursir's house. don't. you'll regret it. sir.. don't do this! you'll regretit when the sir comes back! your sir isn't coming back,tell him to report to acp rathod...

...or he's dead. c'mon, kadam!- yes, sir. make sure he understands. come on.- sir.. got it? move! make sure you tell your boss.tell him to get to mumbai. the only way to save his neckis to report to acp rathod. if we find him, he's dead! mummy..

i told you not to shout here! get down.- he's becoming naughty. let's go, papa! ajay, listen...- yes, uncle? would you like to attenda ghazal concert? gulfam hasan is performing.- great! how can i refuse? when is it?- at six. hurry. thank you. one minute.

daddy, i'm going to gulfamhasan's concert. mummy, here's your bread.i'm going out. where to?- i'll have dinner later. our guest this evening... someone who isworld renowned... ...and this famous singeris gulfam hasan. he's our guest this eveningand also our host. he's our guest aswell as our host. he belongs as much to pakistan asmuch as he belongs to india.

he spent his childhood hereand he grew up there. his ghazals are written there,but his music belongs here. i present the honourablegulfam hasan. i belong as much to pakistanas i belong to hindustan. my ties to both the lands areemotional and sentimental... ...which transcends all relationships. in the poetic language ofghazal it's called love. lost is all awareness!lost is all reasoning! obsession with loveturns man inhuman!

"the conscious will never knowwhat a trance really is..." "do fall in love to knowwhat life really is..." "our eyes had only to meet forour worlds to light up." "only then did i realisethe true magic of love." "do fall in love to knowwhat life really is." "the cascading locks unveiledthe blossoming seasons." "the lowered gaze told me whatintoxication really is." "my lips could never speak outthe thoughts in my heart." "she could never really knowwhat my silence meant."

you know me, don't you? no. i'm ajay singh. so? i want to tell you something.- go on. here?- why not here? can we go somewhere else?- why? just say it here. ok. we know each other... no! i mean we don't knoweach other so well.

so i wanted to see you.- bus... bus?- my bus is here. seema.. they've been threatening.they've phoned twice already. listen to me!- how much more do i listen? i'm not letting you go out!they are terrorists! must you stand witnessagainst them? why not? my friends were killed. my colleagues are deposing too.

but they didn't get threats! don't worry,they're going together. let's go, papa. it's time for the court.- ok, let's go. off you go to granny. let's go together.- c'mon. do whatever you want,no one ever listens to me! bye, chintu! i'm going to college. i want to go with grandpa!

papa! stop! please! please stop the car! brother! get out! you come to the policestation everyday... ...harass and drives me crazy! hey old man, who is he?- he's my nephew. if i see him here ever again,i'll fix him!

am i the one who tookyour father away? you want all my men to startlooking for your father? you'll be told when he's get lost! enough... how long are we to goon living like this? we're doing whatever we can. have patience. patience. calm down.- a car... oh god! what happened to you?

what happened to you?what have you done to him? the same that the police do to us. we told him not to depose.then why did he have to? now show him to the police. we treat people whohelp the police... ...the same way the policetreat our people. staring at me, are you? staring? you'll end up justlike your father. go and tell everyone!

this is what happens to thosewho depose against us. c'mon! ajay, listen to me.we have everything in bombay. you must realise there'snothing left here. come with me to bombay. right-left, right-left, turn left. stop teasing me. teasing you?- what else is this? you're the one who does the other day...

...when he came to see you.- i was just pulling his leg. i never thought he wouldn'tcome back. tell me. why isn't he coming?- no idea. i haven't seen him... ...and their house is one lives there now. they say,gulfam has his own charm! come on. your attention please. mr. ajay singh, you're requestedto come backstage. mr. ajay singh from delhi,please come backstage.

your brother wants to hurry up. hurry up. let's get outbefore the traffic jam. okay. tell him i'm coming. mr. ajay ajay singh from delhi... please come backstage.someone is waiting for you. mr. ajay singh, please... ajay! you haven't changed!

but you have, since we last metat the bus stop in delhi. it's been so many years... your brother is getting angry.- tell him i'm coming. we meet after so long...and now there's no time. come... let's talk on the way.- alright. tell me, how come you're here?but before all that... you disappeared from delhi!i kept looking for you. first tell me,how come you're here? won't you say something?- not unless i'm given a chance.

sorry... so how come you're here?- i live here. where?- in colaba. where in colaba?- do you know rajari? rajasthan handicrafts emporium. the one behind taj's ours. - ok. i'm in a hurry. don't mind. we're hosting a party must come. i'll give you my phone number. show me your hand.

you must call me. don't forget. you won't so i'll dropthe invitation. rajari, handicrafts emporium,behind taj hotel. right? right.- okay. bye-bye! what took you so long? who was he? a friend from delhi. is this handmade?- of course, it is. how much does it cost?- rs. 850.

what can i do for you? i'd like to meet the owner.- yes? what can i do for you? i'd like to see mr. ajay singh. this way, please. anita, she wants to meet the ajay singh. so you want to meet the boss? yes.- why? doesn't he see visitors? not all visitors. do you know him?

of course, all the way from delhi. don't mind, we're good friends. here comes the boss. hi. mr. ajay singh,sir, she wants to see you. the owner of this shop.- don't pull my leg. seema, this is my sister-in-law. meet seema.we were in college together. i know.

and this is the owner.he's my uncle. hello. i came here to invite you...i mean, everyone is invited. we're throwing a small party.i'd like it if you come. see you.- have a cup of tea. excuse me. i'm in a hurry.don't mind. next time? goodbye.- goodbye. do come. yesterday's verse has arrivedin human form.

politics is so ridiculous. when we were born,the whole county was ours. and suddenly we see there'sa pakistan and a hindustan. you should have remained a child. how could i with such beautifulwomen around? come, sit. there's somethingi don't understand. thank you.- what? a ghazal concert... gulfam hasan...this party... and you?

let me start from the beginning. you know how things were in delhi. my brother's music businessbegan to do well. he bought a recording studioin mumbai and we came over. don't mind,gulfam sings exclusively for us! brother roshan looks after thebusiness and i get bored. brother... meet him. this is mr. ajay singh. hello.- hello.

we used to be in college together.- very good. are you visiting mumbai?- no. i live here. should call him home sometime. roshan, a call for you. seema, just look after him. enjoy yourself.don't leave without eating. thank you.- yes, your honour! the music companies want ghazalsthat sound like disco. i'm a great gulfam fan.- i'll introduce you.

and where do you find goodpoets these days? there is a dearth ofmeaningful poetry. if good poetry isn't written,how will we sing them? gulfam sir, meet my ajay singh. if he's your guest,then it's my honour! you're always on stage. no, i dwell in the heartsof my admirers. any doubts, mr. ajay? if there are any,let me put it to rest.

"when eyes meet, hearts do not..." "...the culmination cannotprecede the prelude." that's a very old ghazal.and you're quite young. where did you hear it? not me, my uncle heard it inthe court of the maharaja of chitpur. oh yes! it was your first uncle recorded all the ghazals. what a find! but where cani find the recording? it's with me.i keep listening to it.

ustad imtiyaz ali khanintroduced you. after his recital, he said... "listen to this boy sing,and you'll forget me." i still try to sing withthe same honesty. but, it's difficult. but if not sing, i could hearit and relive those moments. if you can give me a copy,i'll be obliged for life. no'll surely have what is yours. really!

let's celebrate! thakur. what is it? how about a smile? cut it out, sultan.i'm in no mood! that's a perfume for women. perfume for women.- so what? who is that? how are you sultan?- thakur? come... sit...

boss, rajan is waiting! yes, we will... everything all right?- i got screwed! and you're taking it easy?- what's up? the cops came homeand threatened me. what are you talking. i'm to surrender to acprathod or get killed. who's this acp rathod? he's the head of thecrime branch here...

...and you don't even know! thakur, now that you're here... ...relax for a couple of days.i'll take care things. hey mala, take care of him. give him a drink. get it? i'll be back! let's go, shiva. what would you like? it's impossible to find anak 47 in all of mumbai. i'm giving it to you becausei'm a friend.

it's a great piece. here, dump it in a gutter... ...pick it up after a year,it'll still be as good. no maintenance issues. 100,000 to a piece.did you get cash? any hurry?- not at all. give it to him. greetings! don't touch the car. i'm cleaning the car not your pockets!- you aren't getting paid.

who's looking for money?i'll take it from mr. rajan. i told you not to touch it. you hit me!you're new! you don't know me! your boss has known me for years! you don't know me. greetings boss! boss, your man calls me a thief!i'm fatka! remember me, boss? he calls me a thief!- don't talk too much. let's go.- thank you.

goodbye boss! the chauffeur calls me a thief! all he gets is a salary of 1000. i spend 2000 a month on booze! why is thakur here? some cop named acp rathodhas threatened him. surrender, or get killed. i asked thakur to stay putfor a couple of days. i asked shiva to find outwho this rathod is.

he's still working on thechandrapur report. i hate this drudgey. if i loved writing wouldi've joined the police? give it to rathod hates mistakes. just fill up the pages. that kid won't be able tomake head or tail of it. he's not a kid. he's big dad! here comes your dad. acp rathod! good morning sir.- morning.

the robbery case is due incourt the day after. - ok. i want to discuss the brothelcase with you. later. hello sir.- hello! sir, we found thedrug case corporate. where is he?- in there. stop staring at me. call up rathod.find out when he's coming. i haven't got all day!i'm fasting today!

so he's the one? when you sent for me, i must be a new officer. i don't think they haveintroduced me properly. i'm the local corporatorganpat rao. the biggest of officerscome to my doorstep. no one confronts me. keep him in remand for 3 days... ...and don't record the arrest.- yes, sir. sir is here!

good morning sir.- good morning sir. the report will be ready in 5 minutes.- leave that. come in. yes sir. get me a glass of water.- yes sir. send for inspector salim.- yes sir. tell me. the information was correct.ak47s were used. a leader instigated the tribals... ...his name is veeran.

and this is bala thakur.he supplied the guns. he got news of our arrivaland escaped. we've ordered him to surrender. did you investigatethe tribal areas? how do we face ak47s withservice revolvers? the tribals aren't our problem,thakur is. when's my meeting with the dcp?- eleven o'clock! where's inspector salim?- on the beat! i told your boss not to send you here.then why are you here?

i'm just doing whatmy boss told me to. should i leave?- leave the cash. is it the full amount?- yes. close the door behind you.- yes. put the money away. who are you?- crime branch, mumbai. go inside. just a minute!handover the packet. check if they're the same notes.

they're the same, sir. who is the deputy commissioneryou report to? why call him up?let's settle this mutually. where is bala thakur?- who is bala thakur? in mumbai.- where in mumbai? his contact in mumbai is sultan.he's gone to meet him. but i don't know anythingabout sultan! i'm telling the truth! i've told you everything i knew!

please, sir!let's end the matter here! file a report against himin his police station. and a copy of it should be at... ...the dcp's table bytomorrow morning. sir... sir...- let's go! god, please help me. wow! smells great! fatka, pay me up.- sure. i'm in a good mood. poor girl. it was her first deal.

go on, now. give me the shirt. see you!- hey fatka, pay me! - later. all you want is money... money...- goddamn bum! freeloader! fool! go on! twinkle twinkle little stars! who will come into my arms? hey! inspector salim! greeting sir! my dreams are crushed...and so is my shirt.

i don't see you around these days. not at all, sir. i called you up.- what for? that rajan whom you externed.- what about him? he keeps doing the rounds here.- when did you see him? many times, even today.- where? in sangam'll find him there. no, thanks.this time, it's from me to you. when you meet rajan's chauffeur,give him a whack. he insulted me.

did you really see rajan? i swear it. had you come on time, we could'vepicked him up from the bar. overtake that car. the police are behind us. take the first left.i don't want hassles. they're turning left.- head straight on. good. they went past us. take a left from here.

take a left! come to this side. take a right. easy now. sir... get them. rajan... rajan... take care of him. sultan! stop!

or i'm going to shoot! are you so hungry for medalsthat you take such risks? i had the information.what could i've done? handled things more cautiously. there was no time. so you take three constablesand a service revolver... ...and chase rajan and sultan?- i had news only of rajan. i didn't know sultan wouldbe there with him. besides i had arrestedrajan earlier.

he used to carry a county-maderevolver. i had no idea he wouldhave an ak47. shut up. if you're so desperate to die,then kill yourself! you've got 3 constables killed!who's responsible? stay outside.i'll send for you later. salim won't work onthis case anymore. sir, please.i'll explain it to him. explain what?

the whole department feelsthat he let sultan off... ...because he's a muslim himself. salim isn't such an officer. as it is, i've enough pressures.i can't take chances. the tribals are armed. there's no news of thakur andnow even sultan has ak47s. this is just what i feared! how many more sultansare going around... ...this city toting ak47s?

call salim. sorry, salim.i guess i was excited. please let mr. rathodhave the case papers. from tomorrow,you can take care of the godowns. i know why you're takingme off this case, sir. salim was my training officer. i know him. he's a good officer. he has an extensive networkof informers. i need salim on this case.

officially, salim is off this case. i understand. thank you, sir. the papers aren't'll get the file next week. i don't want the file. i want you to work withme on this case. i know everyone's wants. salim, i trained under you.i learnt so much from you. don't ever say you trainedunder me, sir! i never trained anyoneto suspect someone...

...just because he doesn'tbelong to your religion. you must have learntthat somewhere else. you pass one exam... became mysuperior and rule over me. now you think you can ill-treat mebecause i'm a muslim? now i know! in this county it'sa crime to be a poor man! and a bigger crimeto be one like me! go away, sir. i don't want to work with you. sultan's mother? are you sure?- yes.

how old is she?- 60 or 65. she lives alone. she's a widow. sultan is her only son. are you sultan's mother? who are you?- police. speak up. is sultan your son? yes.- where is he? he doesn't live here.- where does he live? i don't know.

you better say it orwe've our ways. sultan was 21 when he committedhis first murder. i threw him out of the house. it's been years... ...i haven't seen him since. i didn't look for him... ...and he hasn't come to see me. forgive me.sometimes, one has to be harsh. just a minute...

please let me have your nameand your telephone number. if i get any news of sultan,i'll let you know immediately. here's my card. it's here. leave me. what is it?- veeran is here. why did you bring him here?- they held a gun at my head. they wanted to see you right away. sultan! it's veeran!

welcome, brother. you vanished after thefirst delivery. i told you we need more arms.- the cops came home. so i came here. this is sultan.- welcome veeran. what does it cost? how much? 70,000. without the bullets,what's it worth? nothing! it's useless.

the stuff is worth 12,000,000. here's the valuation certificate.check it out. here's my list. i want 20 ak47s.the rest in ammunition. you'll get it? when? in two weeks... not earlier? sultan will try his best. greetings!- greetings!

is my work done?- i've drawn up your horoscope. greetings.- greetings. so veeran sends cash?- yes. and a new list. really? but he wants less gunsand more ammunition. anyone who gets a gun will wantbullets... at any cost. but veeran is a dangerous man. and he wants it fast.- he will have it. pay the priest,and you'll be blessed.

here, eat some offerings. thakur, here's your horoscope. keep it at the feet ofthe deity you worship. i'm not a big astrologer. but your saturn is malefic.- that i know. but there must be a remedy.- stay clear of metals. saturn must be appeased.chant the mantra for a fortnight. if you survive this one,you'll live to be a hundred. bye.- bye.

greetings, gulfam.- greetings, ajay. i thought you had forgotten me!- how could i? here you're. the recordingof your first concert. may i keep it?- yes. you have done me a great favor. this ghazal is from the time wheni used to sing for myself. nowadays, i sing for others.this is a priceless gift. you can name your price. a price for something priceless?

i'd rather you rememberme some times for it. how can i ever forget you? but you must accepta gift from me. gift? gulfam's friendship. hi ajay!- hi! i was here to meet gulfam andgive him the cassette. don't mind,i introduced you to gulfam. thank you. ok, see you.

where are you going?- nowhere. why? i've to discuss somethingimportant with you. is it? tell me. here? let's go elsewhere. get in. so what's so important? what i wanted to say... i mean... you know i don'tget sleep nowadays. must be the could get malaria. use a repellent.

i didn't meant that.what i wanted to say... do you know what it means wheni say my heart is racing? high bp. a heart ailment.could lead to heart failure. avoid fats and jog daily. i didn't mean that.what i wanted to say... you know, this strange churningin the stomach? an upset a ripe banana with yogurt. that'll fix it.- ajay, don't mind. it's so pleasant... ...and all you thinkof are diseases!

you're a fan gulfam.don't you recite poetry? sure. want to hear?- go on. "neither medicines can cure,nor prayers can heal it..." "lord, let no one sufferthe pangs of love." "someone tell this fellow..." "...not to be scared of love?" "someone tell this fellow notto be scared of love?" "the sweet pangs of loveare always a pleasure." "the further he runs...the nearer i go... i go."

"he's blind to beauty and theheat of youthful love." "majnu to romeo were ruinedfor the cause of love." look there. "i'm crazy about him.if he's good, i'm even better." "being a man, he's crazily shy...i wonder why... i wonder why..." "i know for a fact thatthis is just an act." "he hides his tremulous heartas it beats so fast." "my heart's not an open resort thatyou can walk in and out." "when alone he sighs with love butstill pretends not to love."

"never reveals the truth butkeeps lying... lying..." "someone tell this fellow notto be scared of love." in spring flowers blossom,in the heart so does love. words can't express true love,don't my eyes tell you so? "come... all are welcome..." "...don't go astray..." "come... be one of us,don't make a fuss." what is it?- scoot! do you know acp rathod?- no.

is he new here?- yes. he's with the crime branch. i want a full report on him. wow! goodness!- looks fine. no. it isn't right.- don't mind, you look like a hero. how about this one? this? the other one was better.this is rubbish. thank you. let's go. you don't have a sense of style.

these boring clothes you wear... ajay, where are we going? i don't get this... give me your cell phone. i'm naik here, shiva.from fountain. crime branch. rathod here.get to fountain with a few men. mocambo cafe...near the parking lot... hurry. ajay, don't mind...who is this acp rathod? - i am.

acp?- assistant commissioner of police. and i'm the queen of patiala. i'm not joking.- neither am i. you're the acp. i'm the queen!and that fellow is tailing us! why is he tailing us?i'll ask him right away. hey mister,why are you tailing us? leave me sir!sir, i'm innocent. leave me sir!sir i'm innocent. why are you arresting me?what have i done?

take him away. put him in remand. what have i done?- come on, get in. step back! who are you? tell me. who are you? can't you safely escort one man? you know how importanthe's for the case! but sir...- shut up! who was on traffic duty?- me, sir.

did you see the man on the motorbike?- no, sir. - why? i was booking an offender. i know what you were booking! weren't you on the beat?- yes, sir. what were you doing? i had gone around the cornerfor a minute. - a minute! look what happened in a minute! you know what can happento you in a minute? you can be transferred.

to a place where there areno corners to turn into. is salim back from sick leave?- no, sir. baiju..- yes. get ten copies of this photo.- ok, sir. how many?- ten, sir. immediately!- yes, sir. yadav..- yes, sir. all of you will meet me at sharp8.00, outside apsara bar. did you understand?- yes, sir.

salim, how are you?- fine, sir. here's the file. so you won't work on this case?- no, sir. is that a final decision?- who am i to decide? you higher-ups are theones who decide. i miss a target, and the wholedepartment starts gossiping. and i'm shunted off the case.why? because i'm a muslim. today, a man dies in your custodyand no one says a word. why? because you're a're an ips officer. maybe your fatheris some big shot?

ips officer.a big shot for a father. do you know my father? that is my father. ask him how i became an ips.he won't be able to tell you. he hasn't spoken in years. and that is my sister-in-law.she's a widow. ask her how she became a widow. those who killed my brother,did this to my father... ...i don't even know who they are.

i don't want your sympathybut hear me out. i broke my back working forthe police services exams. i was selected for theadministrative services. i could've become a bureaucratand lived a comfortable life. but i chose the police service. why? because in every criminali see those men. i want to see every criminalgroveling before the law. but this isn't a personal grouse.this concerns my county. is it not my county?- maybe not?

maybe that's why you're shirkingyour responsibility? for me, this county is family. and i don't need a salim tohelp me save my family. sir, the photos.- everyone has one? anyone knows this bar?- no, sir. comb all the bars in this area.we must find this girl. split up. what will you do if you find her? arrest her?- no.

one man stays behind.the other reports to me. you'll find me in apsara bar. go search.- yes sir. "this nubile beauty captivatesthe young and old alike." "who knows what tomorrow holds!enjoy your life today!" hello, sir. know her?- she doesn't work here. ask your boss. okay sir.

your men are lookingfor this girl. "my young heart beats for all asold and young spirits soar." "we know not what tomorrow holdsso live your life to the hilt." who are you looking for? know this one? who are you really looking for? bala thakur of chandrapur. "the night is still young andevery heart is in a trance." "intoxicating is the ambienceso live your life to the hilt."

"life's fun for those who seeklife's pleasures to the hilt."? bala thakur? "we know not what tomorrow holds." "so live your life to the hilt." "my young heart beats for all..." had your dinner?- no. go to kheda'll get the dinner you seek. tonight at kheda naka. these girls keep changing jobs.she's nowhere in this area.

let's try bombay central.- ok, sir. you won't find anything there. what are you doing here? is there a curfew here? you're looking for her,aren't you? but what's the use finding her?you want thakur, don't you? you'll find him at kheda naka. go pick him up. wait! listen to me.

i've heard enough.i've given you thakur. go save your county, your family. i'm not needed! i need you! i need ten salimsto save this family! not ten,you'll find thousands of salims. only if you can trust them! salim..- listen to me, sir! don't ever tell any salim thatthis county isn't his! i won't.

never. if the information is boguswe'll be here all night. it's genuine. he'll come! a man on a bike.looks like the killer! relax! stay put. he's the sniffer. let him pass. right, sir. it's sultan. i won't spare sultan tonight.

that's patil!the one we'd threatened. so thakur... sit. no one shoots at thakur.i want him alive. got it. ok, sir. careful!we won't get such a chance again. your stuff is here. it will be delivered to veeran.

how was the girl mala? i left so many messages butyou refuse to respond. can't you guess? acp rathod! get up! quick! stop! get the car! come here!- yes sir. are you all right, sir?

see if thakur's alive!- go check. is he? do they want to start a war here? our enemies are fortunate. they need not send theirarmies to fight us. sending arms is enough! well done. how is rathod? how irresponsible!

you should have taken himto the nearest hospital. anything could've happened.he has lost so much blood. you cannot go inside. bring it here! go. speak up, mirchi. everything has gone wrong. the entire consignment ofarms has been seized. my men aren't to be blamed.sultan's men were at fault.

it's not a mere's a major failing. let it be!they too have lost a lot of money. sure, but do you think thepolice will let things be? do you think they'll notfollow up on the case? if you don't want the policeat your doorstep... ...then you'll haveto do something. you always have to payfor your mistakes. now look at what thiscreature has done. disturbed my privacy and trampledon my musical antiques.

does it deserve to be spared? do you know how itwill be punished? move on... take that helmet off! license? shut the shop! come out! greetings, sir!- look at the time! shut the shop! we should keep out ofbombay for a few days.

how did acp rathod reach kheda naka?i smell a rat! i don't have the don's brainbut i know one thing. the old racket was better...selling heroin. shiva, what to do?mirchi seth was obstinate. he said, if you want drugs,then you have to buy guns, too. what could we do?we had to buy it. hello veeran! we... when will you deliver? you know what happened!the consignment was seized.

thakur got killed butyou'll get the stuff. but veeran, we need some time. time? come here! see them? know who they're? reserve police.they are surrounding us! my men don't have bulletsto fight back! tell your bosses even if one ofmy men die, i'll destroy them. i'll deliver as soon as i can.i give you my word. your word? think it over.

if you don't keep your word,i'll rip out your tongue. then you can give your lifebut never your word. don't worry.i'll take care of things here. you'll be taken across the borderand well looked after. veeran must get his arms. he will get it! don't worry we'll get you backonce things cool down. goodbye. news of sultan's escape topakistan must reach the police.

then things will cool down. and for now,forget all your other businesses. find out how all this happened. thakur messed things up.this time, i'll take delivery. know why you were spared? because you aren't human. i never spare humansfor their mistakes. years ago humans heremade a major mistake. political pimps drew a line acrossour land partitioning us.

fools on both sides of the linethen got the freedom to elect... ...the fool that wouldrule over them. the results are evident today. we were doomed. once this beautiful palacewas like a pre bride. now it lies neglected likean abandoned widow. i'll not accept thiscruel joke silently. sire! sultan has been sentto the other side!

good! have you convinced haji? yes. but he has a problem. who will compensate his loss? why should i bother about his loss? he has made enough profitsto take a few losses. you are the one tosupply goods to haji. so you should be concernedabout his benefit and loss. however i'll request the generalacross the border... compensate him! compensate? he'd promised us ahundred flashpoints in india. last news was the bus good news after that! i had great hopes of gulfam hasanbut that fool mohajir... lost in the warmthof indian hospitality! welcome baig! you'll leavefor india immediately! don't're going on an official visit. sit.- yes. india has offered to host anindo-pak meet of poets.

they don't want war whichis fine with us. as long as they've men likemirchi and veeran... ...what's the need tofight an actual war? you're right, sir. when you meet gulfam remindhim of his promise to us... ...if he can't fan the flames of ourproxy war he should come back. he can keep singing with theuseless migrants from india. we've erected check postsall over the city. we've clamped downon all night-life.

fine! but why is there noprogress in the case? where is the motorcycle man?and what news of sultan? sultan's escaped to pakistan. he was their main agenthere in bombay. sultan and the motorbike manboth lead to a dead end. but they must have othersin bombay. find a link! hi!- hi, seema! come in! salim, this is seema.this is inspector salim. i'll take leave, sir.

find that motorcycle man. my entire network is huntingfor that man. we must find him.- yes. bye-bye.- bye. stop! someone may come! that's why i'm shutting the door... ...i want the whole story now. every time you start narratingsomeone barges in... ...and the story isleft incomplete.

alright. open the door.i'll tell you the whole story. promise?- promise. tell me!- what's this? my dress...'ll help brighten your day.isn't it lovely? yes, but it's a bit short! don't mind, you're old-fashioned.just get on with the story. well, we reached the eatery... yes! yes! i know all that! youwaited for thakur and sultan.

they walked in and you askedthakur recognise me? then thakur ran... you chased.they fired and you fired back. we know all that.what happened after that? after that i grabbed thakur...chintu has come! chintu?- uncle! chintu has come! who else is with you?- mummy, granny and me. god! then i must be off! you must meet my mother.

not today.- why not? since you didn't like my dresswill she like it? problem! the girl from delhi!- greetings, sister-in-law. how are you, son? i'm fine!they should take off this plaster. let the doctors decide. who is she? this is seema. the girl from delhi?- yes.

come here.where do you live in delhi? punjabi baug. now i live here. come home sometime. she's been lookingforward to that. sure! she's a shy girl. no! she's not shy! she wassitting on uncle's lap. liar! she was next to me. got it?- yes, sir.

come on. go. rathod's still recovering.his leg is in a plaster cast. he's on the first floor, room no. 9.things are as planned. is this room no.9?is mr. rathod asleep? mr. rathod, i'm a friend andi respect officers like you. you should know some facts andnot take foolish risks. you're lucky the bullethit your arm... ...or it could've even been fatal. the case has now reachedits nadir with...

...the fugitives have fledacross the border. and the police are harassingthe innocents here. we're losing out on business. how long can we take it? we're incurring huge losses. a couple of millions isno big deal for us...'ll get it anytime. these are bad times.hitmen will kill for a pittance! what do i tell them?

let's go from here. come on, hurry up. mr rathod!this behaviour is unacceptable. your leg is in plaster andthe wound is yet to heal. why take such risks when i'vestill to cut the plaster? when will you cut it? in a few days. now rest ori'll have to lock you in. thank god he's left!now i'm going to lock you in. now tell me the story.

thakur and sultan walkedinto the eatery. they walked in and you askedthakur... 'recognise me'? they fired and you fired proceed further. then i caught thakur andwe started fighting. wow!! then? i had him pinned down but iwas attacked from behind. then? he choked me so i hadto let him go. you let him go?

i didn't want to! my hand was on his shirtpocket and it tore... and then? go on! what happened? what are you doing? do you've your car?- yes. but why? give me my shoes. shoes? what have shoesto do with the story? here! what are you doing?are you crazy?

be careful!- yes. this is where i hadpinned him down. when the pocket tore offsomething fell from it. it fell somewhere here. where? someone's horoscope.- whose? bala thakur's?- yes! it's his! it is written by ram bandhu guptafrom bahid, rajasthan. ok, this does not have salt..

he wants a map of rajasthanand all the evidence again. hurry up! he has arrived! sir is here, so i'll talk to you later. sir! good evening, sir.- yes. what about the peppers? they're from rajasthanand north gujarat. the sand isn't salty and so,it's from rajasthan. this horoscope toois from rajasthan.

bala thakur's horoscope.someone in bahid wrote it. see this. do you know where bahid is?in rajasthan. here... on the border ofindia and pakistan. yadav! go to bahid and findthis astrologer... ...who has clients allthe way to bombay. when do we leave? sorry, sir! we'll meet at the guest housethis evening. - ok.

see you! sire! what's my future! am isuffering for my past sins? in your past birth youwere a policeman. was i a constable?- what? astrologer gupta says i'll bea policeman in this birth. he's no astrologer! he's a con man! smuggling is his real business. he's mirchi.selling pepper is a front.

both peppers are of thesame quality. trust me. what?- trust me. your price is too high. mirchi's price is lower. he can even give it for free.- what do you mean? i'm a pepper trader while heuses pepper as a cover. will you chew some tobacco? this is for kids.i'm looking for the real stuff. real stuff? you get everything here.- where?

go to mirchi's office. mirchi's office? i'll wait here. be quick. come in. meet my brother.- some other time. if he finds out you didn'tcome in, he'll scold me. surprise! happy birthday to you. happy birthday dear...- thank you. "my heart says a tale and yourheart says the same."

"love, our hearts beatto this rare elixir." "let's embrace in song..." "...and dream in unison." "let's embrace in songand dream in unison." "the sweet pain in our heartsbeat to this rare elixir." "my heart feels your dreams yourheart feels my dreams." "lost am i as our hearts beatto this rare elixir." someone to see you, ajay! good evening, sir. - you're late!you were to come at seven!

sorry!there was work at the office! yadav needs you in's urgent! bahid in rajasthan?- yes! gulfam hasan is there right now. where? in bahid? yes!his ancestral house is near bahid. will you deliver my letter to him? sure, he'll. don't mind...

sure. where's mirchi? mr. mirchi. greeting. i'm acp rathod. acp rathod from mumbai. from such a long distance. yes!some jobs lead you far enough! of course!

do you know him? no... who is he? and him? so you wrote his horoscopewithout knowing him. this is your chance to confess! no one can save you after this. many people come to me to gettheir horoscopes written. if you wish i can alsowrite your horoscope. and i won't dare ask if you'rea constable or an acp.

also, i never take thelaw into my hands. but if i want to, i can writethe horoscope of the law. think it over for we knoweverything about you. if you don't fall in line we toocan write your horoscope. saturn has turned retrograde!how did this happen? i think we're on the right track. stay here! keep me informedof his every move. god be praised!what a lovely coincidence! last time you gave me a lostchildhood treasure.

today, like an angel, youbring excellent news! please! i'm just human. no! you're an angel! a million copies of thesongs you gave me... ...are being released by roshan. one million! this honour and admiration fromfans is thanks to you. no! it's thanks to your musicwhich is so similar to ours. it's not just's the same!

my music and my poetryare rooted here. urdu was born in india andso was classical music. why do you live all alonein this house? i'm never alone. memories of myancestors keep me company. this is my ancestral home. we lost it during the partition. thanks to roshan i'm permittedto live here sometimes. every moment i spend here isworth a lifetime to me! any special request for supper?- ask our guest.

no, thank you. i must leave.- where? back to mumbai. mumbai?so you didn't come here to see me? well! i had some work here. you'll not steal my'll stay here tonight. but gulfam sir... tradition here is that guestscan come at their own will... ...but can leave only atthe will of the host. i promise to do the same beforei leave your county.

mirchi! at this hour? sire!- what is it? punish me if i'm at fault... ...but don't play games with me. you've ruined my sleep.tell me what's the matter? a man comes from mumbai andthreatened to arrest me. now i find that he's your guest. what am i to make of it?

are you talking about ajay? not just ajay!he's acp ajay singh rathod. it was he who seized ourentire consignment. come with me. is he the one? i can kill him right now andbuy him in the desert... one will know! no. he's a friend... ...and killing a friend is treason.

it's a big crime to killa police officer. i'll not get entangled withthe law of this county. don't worry. i'll deal with him. i'll handle him withmy friendship. peanuts!peanuts for sale! who's that? where were you all these days?- i left to get married. wife told me to changemy career so i did. is it?- was i wrong? recognise any of these guys?

god! death can change thelook of a man. - be quick! most of these guys were inand out of victoria house. victoria house.- it's next to sangam bar. people from both nationsdo not want to fight. we must foster brotherhood andlove been our two nations. politics has its place but artand culture must have its own. yes! we too wish to havesuch cultural exchanges. sure! why not? hello!- hi!

excuse me. hello... how do you do?- hello. i am fine. this is a friend who wishesyour blessings. how is the general? he's fine and sends you his regards.he's disturbed. he feels that your music has madeyou forget your mission. he's told me to remind you... remind me?thank you for reminding me. assure him that gulfam is awareof his responsibilities.

yes! you promised to createa hundred veerans... but? but what? but there is only one andhe too is undependable. sir, a photograph, please.- sorry, not now. brother, you are too much. look. i was born here and understandthe realities of india better. the war that i'm waging is the onethat you should be fighting.

tell the general that it'seasy to talk nonsense... ...sitting in a guardedroom in karachi. if he's desperate let him comehere. i'll trade places. please don't get upset! the general has full faithin your abilities. that's why he has trusted amigrant mohajir like you. i must meet gulfam.- sure. go on. hello! welcome, ajay! this is dr. baig!

hello!- hello. how are you? baig is a poet at heart anda bureaucrat by profession. he has come all the way fromkarachi to attend this meet. see that gentleman there withgulfam hasan? he's acp rathod. he's gulfam's closefriend and is... ...with the police crime branch. get him a plum posting so thathis life will be made. i understand. it will be done. with so many fans in india youmust be mobbed in pakistan.

i've many fans but i'm stilllooked on as a mohajir. don't mind... what is a mohajir? mohajir? they're muslims from india whosought refuge in pakistan... the hope of living as equalsin a new muslim nation. instead of being welcomed theywere rejected as mohajirs. fifty years have passed we'restill mohajirs. not pakistanis. am i right, mr. baig? i refute that. you're like aprecious jewel to pakistan.

hell! that's rathod! get everyone out! i'm leaving. stop. quick! get out. it's a police raid. police! tell shiva to leave! shiva! police! let's go! move! he got away!

never mind!we now know their hideout. gather all evidence andseal the building. arrest them. speak up. anyone talked yet?- no, sir. i don't know anything.i came into town yesterday. isn't it? i'm just an electrician.i'm innocent, sir. so none of you're involved?- no, sir! okay. kill them all.

shoot them and reportit as an encounter. please sir. any last wish? feed them.fried chicken? kababs? booze? give them what they want. one minute, sir! i swear i'm innocent!believe me! i've children! this is your last chance. confess. we're poor people!we didn't do anything! i'm innocent!

it's no use, sir.they won't speak. go ahead and shoot them. what... you mean it? but the bullet shouldn't wound. fire to inches away from the ear. stop crying.there's still time. speak up. don't kill me please. don't kill me. please. i'll speak, sir.

take the others out.- get going! speak up! all i know is the stuffcomes from rajasthan. where is sultan? he's run away to pakistan. who runs the business now?- haji. who's haji? he runs a travel agencyfrom victoria house. when is the stuff expected again?

i don't know.haji just returned from rajasthan. take him away! salim!- yes, sir. inform yadav in bahid thati need daily reports... ...from the intelligencebureau in rajasthan. check out who haji is! keep tabs on him... ...but don't arrest him till i order.- ok, sir. sire..- what is it, mirchi?

you promised to takecare of your friend. he has caught up with haji... ...and also raided victoria house. haji wants to get salimon our side... ...and then kill your friend. don't do that! it will be ourloss if ajay is killed. then what do we do? put him out of action.break his leg again! deliver goods to veeranin the meantime.

okay sire. i'll get him out of thiscase very soon! tell haji to break his leg...only his leg. - ok, sire. greetings, mr. salim! greetings. tell me. it's painful to seea fellow muslim... ...working with infidels... ...against us! muslim? do you know what it means?

yes! one who believes in islam.- not just that. a true muslim must havea pure conscience... one whose conscience isalive at all times. a conscience as solid as rock... ...and as pure as dew. speak of being muslim only ifyou've such a conscience. you're complicating matters. i believe in live and let live. we tried to reason with rathod.

we were willing to pay asmuch as half-a-million. so you've put a pricetag on acp rathod... what's the price tagfor your county? how many pieces of silverwill you sell it for? i'm a businessman... ...and i believe in fair play. and never with one of our own. we're both muslims.we can sort things out. don't equate me with you!

i'm not like you! you're a traitor! because of a few muslims likeyou we're all suspects. men like you betraythe county and... ...the whole community suffers.- enough of lectures! someday you'll cometo your senses... your friend rathodwould've realised by now. what do you mean? go, save him!

if you hurt him i'llnot spare you! don't mind, how do i drive? we're home safe and sound!- thank you. i'm safe and sound!what about others! ajay!- hey stay quiet! help! help! somebody help. help! stop them! please don't hurt my son!

please stop them fromhurting my son! move. hold him. please don't hurt my son!- call the police. please don't hurt my son!- stop. shiva! the police! run! sir!- ajay! are you hurt badly? salim! catch them!

what are you doing? ajay! ajay! wait! they got away!- get the jeep! we can get them at any time.- get the jeep! yadav has returned with vitalinformation. - listen to me! mom! i'm fine! let them be.we've enough to nail them. the villages on the border areconduits for drugs and guns. unmanned camels smuggle thecontraband across the border.

how? the camels are specially trainedto travel on their own... ...they ferry the stuff acrosswithout human supervision. intelligence reports suggestthe presence of... ...a few pakistani spiesin these villages. this one is captain javed abbas... ...operating in bahid as shafi. and this is major aslam baig. he visited india recentlyto attend a poetry meet.

what's the matter, sir?- nothing. intelligence has interceptedand taped a message. a huge consignment of armswill arrive in a few days. we should prepare toleave for rajasthan. yes. i'll talk to the dcp. even i want to talk to you. sir!- come in. hurt your leg?- nothing much, sir. if you...

if you didn't want take on this caseyou should've informed me. i'd have arranged a lucrativeposting for you. what do you mean, sir?- truth. you pretend to be honest and thenangle for plum postings. i haven't angled for anything. then why did i get this order? it's a ploy to getme off this case... i'm close to solving it. i must leave for rajasthanimmediately.

believe me, sir. trust me. i'm being shunted, sir. let me go. please. fine! this order stays with me. you've not received it. thank you, sir. no! i shan't let you go!forget this job! you even got shot at!- mom! i must go! why can't they send someone else?

you were attacked! you don't care enough!see the way he limps. you're hurt but you stillwant to go to rajasthan! i won't allow it! stop him!why doesn't anyone stop him? i won't let you go! don't mind. ajay. i've lost one son!you're all i've left!

goodbye, mother! no! i won't let you go! "i'm sleepless all night!as i long to be your bride!" "gift me pearls and diamonds!as i long to be your bride!" "will you die for me? ...oh yes!" "will you entice me... oh yes!" "want to save your life...then make me your queen!" "are you true to love... oh yes!" "live a life of love...if you wish to live!"

"hold me to your lips...if you wish to live!" the stuff has arrived! be careful this time. rathod is here!- rathod? come with me! salim!- yes... - shafi... come. go by the godown! come with me!- come on.

where's the boss?- i don't know. where's he? today you'll die! acp rathod. hurry up! he has escaped. i know where they're headed. acp rathod.crime branch. mumbai police. seize all this stuff!we're going to bahid fort.

ask the control room tosend your forces there. come on! control room... hello... get out of here! i can't!they've blocked the entrance. go up! let me know when theback-up forces arrive. yadav! baiju! stay here!salim! come with me. yes sir.- move. stop firing!

ask your men to stop firing! yes, sire. stop firing! gulfam hasan! you, major baig and mirchi seth... ...will be arrested for spreadingterrorism in this county. you cannot escape! surrender! how can you accuse us,ajay, without any evidence? evidence is this traitor mirchi... ...and haji, who is in our custody.

who is he? i don't know him! i do know mirchi because helives in the neighbourhood. you can ask him whathe's doing here. what evidence is this?i don't know mirchi or haji. but you do know shafi. right? a captain in your spy agency isi,where you're a major. we've caught him red-handedsmuggling arms. now your terrorist acts willbe exposed to the world. i'm a diplomat representingmy county...

...a guest who is here on yourgovernment's invitation. i have diplomatic immunity. touch me and you'll see therepercussions in islamabad. let's wait! once the forcearrives, how will they escape? we don't have enough evidenceagainst gulfam hasan. he'll get away scot free. let's kill them and claim thatwe did it in self-defence. no! i won't let them die so easily.

the force is here! salim! give me your gun! you don't seem to understandi've diplomatic immunity. to hell with your diplomatic immunity! that can be of use if youlive through this! i'll give you just onelast chance to live... ...this gulfam hasan whomwe loved and trusted... ...has cheated me andbetrayed my county! i won't let him walk away alive!

if you want to live...kill gulfam hasan! i'll then free you and shafi. but why don't you kill him? the law here forbids it! what's the guarantee you'llfree me after i kill him? what nonsense is this? you'll have to trust've no option. sir! the force will behere in five minutes. hurry up, baig.

once the force arrives i'llnot be able to help you. take this gun and kill gulfam. baig! baig! are you out of your mind?you want to kill me? don't you know who i'm? i know, but a singer can't besaved at the cost of soldiers. your death won't reallyaffect my county... you aren't a're a mohajir. is it?

until now wasn't i a mohajir? now that your life is at stakei've become expendable. mirchi! tell your men to kill him! mirchi! don't interfere!it's between them. i'll make you a state witness.stand by us. that's the best. ajay! i saved your lifetwice from this man. this man who you want tomake a state witness... ...wanted to kill you!is this how you pay me back? ajay! ajay!

you played a game with me. i'm defeated. you tricked me into killing a man. i have committed this sin. today you lay hands on a gunand realise that it's a sin! what about the guns you gaveothers to kill innocents? gulfam hasan, my county gave youlove, respect, adulation... ...and what did you give in return? terrorism and bloodshed!

i didn't make you a killer!you were always one... ...i just ripped off the mask. the world knows thati'm a true artiste. maybe but from now onyou'll be known... a traitor and assassin. you're a criminal and you'llbe punished for your crime. this land on whichyou stand today... ...and order me... ...was ruled by my ancestors.

i grew up in this palace. we've ruled this land. one day, for no reason... ...we were drivenout like cattle... to render families homelessis a crime. to snatch everything fromsomeone is a crime. to orphan children is a crime. what they did to us fiftyyears ago was a crime! yes! it was a crime.

it was because of the partition. you weren't the only onesingled out to suffer. millions were killed,orphaned and rendered homeless. it happened on both sidesof the divide. sadly some people want to pushus back to the same situation. they want to use religionto divide us again but... ...we won't let them succeed,no matter what their religion. gulfam hasan,we didn't celebrate the partition. we remember it withsadness and grief.

we want to forget the past andrise above that trauma but... and your kin rip open oldscars to make new wounds. and we'll keep doing that! for our wounds are deep... ...and they won't heal so easily. i wish that you and your futuregenerations remember... ...the atrocities committedagainst our community. every time our weaponsrain death... ...then you'll realise the pain...

...and the wounds sufferedby our community. stop talking nonsense! what do you mean byyour community? if you mean muslims then india hasmore muslims than pakistan. guns do not discriminate. even muslims die by your bullets. your deeds bring dishonourto the muslims in india. by spreading death,you aren't helping your community. all this talk of communityand religion is a fraud.

men like you belong and this mirchi seth! he bites the hand that feeds him! the rogue was willingto sell his county. people like you are enemiesof humanity. gulfam hasan. i regret... ...having befriended you. salim, arrest him. gulfam hasan, the renownedpakistani singer, is dead.

he committed suicide atbahid in rajasthan. his fans all over theworld are shocked. he'd expressed a desireto be buried in bahid... ...while pakistan wants hisbody to be returned. government sources link himto anti-national forces. how could an artiste like gulfamhasan do such deeds? artistes are human. some good. some bad. twinkle twinkle little stars.

inspector salim? here? yes, but what are you doing here? i'm going to dubai.- dubai? i'm now into import-export. good we met! let me give you one solid tip! remember veeran? he's here!- where? don't long is it going to take? they should be here soon.

mother has made adelicacy for you. excuse me, sir. veeran? go home and tell momi'll be late for dinner. where are you going? something important has come up.

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