Tuesday, March 21, 2017

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How To Flashing reach klassy 400 hd

- [voiceover] if you think a black cat crossing your path is bad luck, just wait 'til you see what happens when you get in the way of some of the world'smost ferocious felines. (upbeat electronic music) we're counting down the top 10 most extreme cats in the animal kingdom, and examining what makes themsuch accomplished killers.

get ready for theworld's biggest cat fight when killer cats take it to the most extreme. earth is a planet of extremes. extreme places, and extreme animals. but some animals aremore extreme than others. join us as we count downto find the most unusual, the most extraordinary,

don't be fooled by the cat'scute and cuddly packaging. the 300 breeds of domestic cat and their 35 wild cousins are all natural born killers hiding behind a fluffy exterior. the tools of their predatory practice are jaw and paw, but some cats can kill with more skill than others. and, as the list of species on the menu

grows longer the body count rises and we get closer to findingthe most extreme killer cat. the first feline in ourcountdown is built for speed. it is the fastest landanimal on the planet. but because it mostly livesoff just three types of animal, the cheetah crosses the line at number 10. the stalk is as important as the sprint. it slowly moves to within 15meters of an intended victim. then the starter's pistol is fired

and the cheetah is off like a shot. the cheetah can run morethan 100 kilometers per hour. the cheetah is a runner not a fighter, so it's got to pick a targetthat won't strike back. even wildebeest are a risky proposition. it's safer to hunt the smaller antelopes that live on the african plains and ignore the bigger beasts. if humans wanted to run like a cheetah

then we'd have to be built like one, and there are a numberof features we'd need. cheetahs are the only catswhose claws don't retract, which means they dig inlike cleats when running. our limbs would need to be long and slender to reduce our weight, but our chests would need to be huge to accommodate anenlarged heart and lungs. and we'd need a really big nose

to feed lots of air to them. - [voiceover] on your marks! set! (booming gunshot) - [voiceover] but of course, speed comes at a cost. and for the cheetah, it's longevity. nevermind nine lives, cheetahs in the wild arelucky to live nine months.

90% of newborn cheetahs won't even make it to three months old. most cheetah cubs fallvictim to bigger predators, such as lions and hyenas, which is why cheetahs need to have the largest litter of any cat. there's no cheetahchildcare on the plains, and after only six weeks they start accompanying mom out on the hunt.

it takes cheetah cubs three years to learn to hunt successfully. training cats takes time, just ask yuri kuklachev. this russian has spent years learning how to communicate with cats. he is a cat whisperer. the result of his effortsis a group of cats that appear to be happydoing anything for him,

much to the delight of therussian people who come to watch. (audience cheering, applauding) (energetic circus music) yuri has developed a show that will astound anybody who has ever tried to get their cat to follow even the simplest command. the key to training them is understanding what motivates the cat's behavior.

a cat will only do what it wants, so to make it do what you want give it something it wants to do. and what cat doesn't wantto get its claws into a dog? cheetahs want to get their claws into something even bigger, but their slim runner's body mostly limits them to just antelope. our next killer cat sharesits home with the cheetah,

but where the cheetahspecializes in running, this cat prefers to jumpinto the record books. leaping into number nine in the countdown is the serval. (african drum music) this unusual but beautiful cat is among the felinefamily's most successful. it has a small, delicate head, and extremely large ears.

the serval uses its ears like radar dishes picking up the faint sounds of its prey. unequaled in the cat world, the serval's hearing allows it to locate small mammals moving through the grass or underground, and to hunt its pray without seeing it until the final pounce. and no other cat canpounce quite like a serval.

they also have the abilityto make vertical leaps of three meters, and snatch birds as big as they are right out of the air. but in-flight meals are rare and the serval's size usually limits it to just seven species of rodent. and although the serval'stechnique is remarkable, its diet of rodents is afavorite of cats the world over. it was the cat's rodent killing prowess

that first brought them into our lives. small wild cats were befriended by people that were starting to gatherharvests and store their grain. (ominous music) the cat's ability toprotect precious grain was so great that soon the cat became a goddess that protected all. (egyptian music) in ancient egypt it was adoredto the point of worship.

the cat goddess was called bastet, and the cult of cat worshiping lasted more than 2,000 years. if a cat happened to die ina house in ancient egypt, all the human occupantshad to enter full mourning and shave off their eyebrows. cat killing was punishable by death. egyptian cats were even given the same ritual treatment as their owners,

and were made into mummies. archaeologists havefound thousands of them. but the biggest cat mummyof them all lives in turkey. turkan akalin is truly a cat lover. (light rock music) she owns 600 cats and a dog, all of them cohabitingin her four apartments. this 69-year-old turkish woman spends around $2,000 a month

for two assistants who help her cope with the task of feeding herpets and keeping them fit. turkan's feline loveaffair began 57 years ago when she started sheltering30 cats in a single apartment because she could not bear to see lonely and sick cats in the streets. mrs. akalin, who has no children, has had to sell her previous houses in order to afford her 600 feline friends.

servals aren't so friendly. you'd need 2,500 square kilometers of land to keep 600 servals happy. fortunately, the servalis more than capable of looking after itself. we've seen cats that competein the high jump of death, and savage sprint champions. but coming up we go poolside to meet a cat that loves to swim.

and what killer cat takes areal beating from his wife? find out next on - [voiceover] goldfish hate cats. (orchestral music) while on the other hand, cats hate water. - [voiceover] coming in at number eight in our countdown of killer cats is a feline that makes its home in the wetlands of tropical asia.

(energetic asian music) the fishing cat hunts wherefew others dare to wade, and usually lives offjust 10 species of animal. although its a fantastic predator, the fishing cat's hunting territory depends on the size of the river or pond it lives next to. which means its diet is limited to just a few species of fish,

amphibian, and aquatic bird. but the fishing cat isn't theonly cat that takes to water. (spirited sea music) the cat's reputation as a killer quickly earned them a place on board ships during the days of exploration. rats infested the holds of ships spoiling food and spreading disease. so cats were treated asessential crew members

and became as revered atsea as they were on land. sailors believe they broughtgood luck to their ships and used them as weather forecasters. if a cat licked its fur against the grain it meant a hail storm was coming. if it sneezed it meant rain, and if it was frisky it meant wind. it was even a popular beliefthat cats could start storms through magic stored in their tails.

in fact, cat hair is a strong attractor of static electricity, so cats can detect the build up of electrical charge thatprecedes bad weather. a gathering storm often makesthem nervous and restless. a bit of cold and rainy weather probably wouldn't bother the fishing cat, but for our next cat it's a way of life. so far we've seen a marine invasion

and a deadly airborne attack. but still to come is a cold-blooded killer that hunts in the snow and ice. and later, what man eating monster prowls the swamps of asia? find out next on the most extreme. (light tinkly music) number seven in ourcountdown of killer cats is definitely designed for cold weather.

it wouldn't last long on a summer's day, but put it in the snow andits completely at home. and places don't get much snowier or windier than the himalayas. (low, ominous music) no wonder the cat that'snext in the countdown is called the snow leopard. despite its brutal environment the snow leopard's buffet list

includes almost 20different species of animal. the snow leopard's made for the mountains. its adaptations for high-altitude life include an enlarged nasal cavity, shortened limbs, strong chest muscles, and dense, wooly fur. and a tail over a meter long for balance. snow leopards are strong. they can kill prey up tothree times their own weight.

usually they'll hunt the various species of wild sheep and goats that live on the steep cliffs of the himalayas. a study of radio collared snow leopards found that adults kill a large prey animal every 10 to 15 days. but one good thing aboutliving in a refrigerator is that your food staysfresh for a long time. snow leopards are such powerful hunters

that some of the local people see them as magical beings that protect the sanctity of the mountainsides. they believe that sinful or impure acts will attract the wrath of the big cat. 400 years ago a japanese house cat waved at a nobleman andearned a spiritual following. curious to see why thecat was waving at him the nobleman went to investigate.

seconds later a bolt of lightning struck the ground wherehe had just been standing. ever since the cat that waved has been revered as a signof good luck and mercy. (saxophone music) these cats might be wishingthey had a goddess of mercy. photographer maji haruri has 17 cats, all of which lead the livesof pampered supermodels. but what do the cats think of it?

- the cats enjoyed the shoot. there's one in particular that absolutely loves it. absolutely loves it. you can't get him, you can'tget him away from the camera. - [voiceover] as classy as they seem, maji rescued all her cats fromthe wrong side of the tracks. - it's a bit of a second chance for them, and some of them have beenso starved and neglected

i didn't think they'd make it. but they seem to be well and happy now. - [voiceover] and happinessis the key to everything, even if that means livinglife as a cat in a hat. thanks to its high-altitude home the snow leopard rarely comesinto contact with people and is worshiped from afar. the next cat on our countdownlikes to get close to people, dangerously close.

(sitar music) in the sundarbans mangroves between bangladesh and india people wear masks toprotect them from tigers. more than 1,500 people have been killed here in the last 30 years. because tigers prefersneak attacks from behind, people here started wearing face masks to fool the big cats into thinking

they'd lost the element of surprise. it worked for awhile, but now the tigers maybe calling the bluff because the number of tiger attacks in the past few years is on the rise. the tiger's capable of catching almost anything exceptfor a full-grown elephant. but with plenty of prey, they'll choose to live off 20 differentspecies of animal.

(monkey grunting) (animals crying out) tigers succeed in a huntless than 20% of the time, but on average they'll stillcatch one large mammal, such as deer, and a handfulof smaller ones every week. but they are fussy aboutwhere they have their meals, and usually prefer to drag their victim into their jungle dining room. one tiger was watched as it dragged

a full-grown horse more than 400 meters to its favorite eating spot. if you think tigers makeasia a dangerous place, keep in mind that there aremore of them living in the us than in the rest ofthe world put together. but while these ones haveprofessional handlers, that's not always the case. right now there are hundreds of wild cats living a suburban life.

they may act tame and takethe place of everyday pets, but they're always just a moment away from returning to theirpredatory pastimes. tigers in the wild are solitary animals with only themselves to look out for, but the next contenderhas numbers on its side and uses them to catch thebiggest prey of any cat. so far we've seen tigerschomp in the swamps and snow leopards kill in the hills,

but coming up the battles just get bigger with a cat that's evolvedto attack in a pack. and still to come, a small cat that's turned into a giant problem, next on the most extreme. (low ominous music) forget the king of the beasts, its the queen that comes in at number five on our countdown of killer cats.

lady lion is the top predatoron the african plains. lions live in groups called prides that can number up to 20 animals. it's a collective wherethey share the work. the female lions are theones who do the hunting and they can choose from amenu of 20 different animals which includes hefty buffalo,zebra, and wildebeest. rather than help out,the males of the pride stay home more than 95% of the time.

it seems their fabulousmane isn't much help in the sneak attackthat lions use to hunt. so, like all good kings, the male lion spends his time sittingaround and looking regal while the others do all the work. lions only succeed abouta quarter of the time, and when the lionesses come home tired and grumpy froma hard day of hunting to find his highness sitting proudly

you know what happens next. luckily there's a place that specializes in taking care of battered lions, and 22 other types of wild cat. big cat rescue in tampa, florida is home to the big catsthat no one else wants according to manager scott lope. - big cat rescue is an animal sanctuary, and we're dedicatedprimarily to exotic cats.

we have about 170 cats,and they range from the tiny geoffroy cats from south america all the way up to the lions and tigers which are the largest of the cats. ready? bengali, up. - [voiceover] this sanctuary isn't a zoo. it's the final destination for animals that have suffered irresponsible

pet ownership at its worst. - hi gracie. (cat growls) hey little girl. we're not like a zoobecause we didn't actively go out and collect these animals. all the animals at big cat rescue are basically animals that needed a home, whether they were a police confiscation, an unwanted pet, aretired performing animal.

these were all animals that nobody wanted. how's my little girl? hi katrina love, hi big girl. hi pretty girl. aww, what a silly girl. - [voiceover] scott's 170 wildcats need a lot of attention. housing and feeding them is just a small part of giving them the best life possibleunder the circumstances.

so how do you improvethe life of a wild animal that's confined in an enclosure? you give it a box to play with. - [scott] they wouldspend so many hours a day hunting in the wild that this gives them a little something tohunt, something to tear up. - [voiceover] enrichmentis scott's technique for making sure thathis cats have something to look forward to each day.

all of scott's cats aretreated to enrichment, and it's tailored foreach cat's lifestyle. leopards love trees. - [scott] it takes thefocus off a little bit of everything being food driven. his reward is just as much that he gets to play with that enrichment. it's just more of anactivity for his mind. - [voiceover] it mayseem a poor substitute

for an animal that's supposed to be roaming the plains of africa, but big cat rescue is as good as it gets if you're an unwanted leopard. - [scott] they enjoythe enrichment because it gives them something to do. these animals were notmeant to be in enclosures. it makes their territorymore valuable to them. it has fun stuff, it has activities there,

and it gives him a better day. it gives him a better life in captivity. - [voiceover] every year scott has to turn away more than 300 animals. each began life as a wild and exotic cat and ended it as a pet that nobody wanted. - if i could give advice to someone who really wanted to get an exotic cat or a wild animal as a pet,

i would say just, if you care at all about the animal, don't do it. it's a miserable life for this animal. - [voiceover] lionesses in africa have to look out for lazymales and lots of kittens, but their lot in life is a wholelot better out in the wild. our next cat contender finds the wild right in our own backyards. (cat yowling)

number four on our list of killer cats is moving into towns andcities across america. meet the cougar. a staggering 85% hunting hit rate makes it one of the most efficient of all the feline predators. the cougar, also known asthe mountain lion, or puma, is north america's second largest cat. two meters tip to tail,

and it doesn't just live in the mountains. (ominous electronic music) this cat can be found anywhere, from the bottom of florida across to washington state, and as far as the tip of south america. cougars are happy eating anything, from berries to small bears. they make it to numberfour in the countdown

with a diet of more than50 species of animal. while almost anything thatmoves is on the cougar's menu, they are fussy about just one thing. while the other big catsdon't mind scavenging a meal some other predator prepared for them, cougars prefer to catch their own food. the cougar is the long jumper of the cats. it can reach 70 kilometersper hour in an instant, and uses this speed to makeleaps of up to six meters.

by waiting until its prey is within reach, the cougar makes surethat it rarely misses. like many of the big cats cougars almost always come from behind and will go straight forthe neck or the throat. these days the cougaris starting to show up in suburban backyards, butthey're not moving onto our turf, we're moving onto theirs. and wildlife officers have a full-time job

capturing and re-releasing these big cats in to more remote areas as the human population swells. one house cat owner has turned capture and release intoa fashion statement. sly little misty has a habitof playing up when left alone, so rachel's decided tonever leave her alone again. (rock music) introducing the cat pouch,

the latest method in feline supervision. it's a win-win situation. misty gets to tag along nomatter where rachel goes, and rachel gets to enjoy what might become the cat's meow in perfect pet care. the cougar may be one of the most complete killers on our list, but it loses out to thebig bite at number three. while the cougar preys all alone,

and lions prey together, coming up are people thatonce prayed to a killer cat. and later, what killer kittylikes to eat puppy dogs? our next killer cat makes its home in the world's biggest jungle. and through its eyes, the amazon jungle is one giant supermarket full of goodies, fully stocked with the 85different types of animal that the jaguar likes to eat.

the jaguar can be foundanywhere south of texas, and is the world's third-largest cat. jaguars are the only cats that kill with a single bite to the skull, a tactic they can usewhen hunting peccaries. the caiman, a tropical alligator, is also high on theirlist of preferred species. even turtle shells can't protect from the jaguar's massive bite.

the jaguar's ability tokill once made it a god. the jaguar was reveredthroughout mesoamerica. it was the being that linkedthe living with the dead. (ritualistic drum music) for the militaristic aztecs,the jaguar was a god of war. one of the highest ranks in their armies was the jaguar knight. a soldier had to capturefour enemies in battle, and feed their hearts to ajaguar before he'd be promoted.

from then on, the jaguar knight would have a full-time job fighting battles and capturing more freshhearts for the jaguar. the jaguar is like a leopard on steroids. it's bigger, stronger, and heavier. but it still can't climbpast the lethal leopard in our list of killer cats. the leopard has a prey base of more than 90 animals in africa alone,

securing it the number two position in our countdown of killer cats. (african music) it stands out as the mostcommon of the big cats, and lives throughout sub-saharan africa, india, and southeast asia. if sheer numbers don't put the leopard head and shoulders above the other cats, then its climbing skills will.

leopards mostly huntmedium-sized hoofed animals, such as impala and gazelle, but baby giraffe, monkeys, andgorilla are also on the list. but it's what happenswhen the hunt is over that makes the leopard so special. leopards like a room with a view, and will drag their prey highinto trees before eating them. these weightlifters of the animal world have been seen dragging prey

three times heavier than they are almost six meters up into a tree. - brother, he's tough. i wouldn't want to meethim in a dark alley. - [voiceover] a fightbetween a cat and a dog usually involves a lot ofbarking and a few hisses, but how often does the cat win? in the leopard's world it's cat eat dog. people who live among leopards

know from hard experience that leopards really like the taste of domestic dog. in some parts of theirrange poor old rover makes up the whole of the leopard's diet. leopards aren't the only cats that enjoy a tree-dimensional life. a couple in san diego haveredesigned their whole house to suit their 10 little social climbers. - you gonna come overhere and get the tail?

- [voiceover] they started in1987 with a single catwalk, and before bob walker andfrances mooney knew it they were living in a cat house. - literally one thing led to the next, and now there's 140 feet of cat path that goes through almostevery room in the house. (funky rock music) this is probaly the mostexclusive area in our house is the cat's only clubhouse.

- [voiceover] as strikingas the cat house looks, bob's cats may not be the only one that look down on him for his excess. - during one of our open houses i overheard some people saying that were real estate agents, i wonder how much this wouldsell for, you know, this house, you know, with all thesecat improvements, you know, if it would increase thevalue, or decrease the value.

so i've kidded often that we probably, at that point in time, put $10,000 worth of improvements in the house, and decreased the house by $30,000. - [voiceover] a well-trainedpet should know its place, but these cats aren't trained, and they know the place is theirs. - most people probablydon't want to eat here because we've been veryundisciplined ourselves

about disciplining our cats. so they'll be up there on the table, and if they see a good piece of chicken that you just didn'tquite get to fast enough, you'll see a little toenail coming out and just really wanting tograb it and take off with it. and one time we had a piece of lamb that was lost and never seen again. we don't know which cat got that,

but you could hear, kind ofgrowling, off in the distance. - [frances] here, let me see. ah, she still left some. - [voiceover] bob and frances really are wedded to the idea of living with cats. - frances always had catsand grew up with cats. i only had one cat growing up. it just was a natural thing. on our wedding night weeven got a cat, boreguard,

and he shared our wedding bed, and, you know, we've beena cat family ever since. - [voiceover] the leopardhas certainly scaled the heights of the cat kingdom, but it still can't killlike our top killer cat. we've seen the nine contenders. they're the best of the best. only one cat is a moreextreme killing machine. it's number one, andit's coming up next on

our number one killercat is part loving pet, and part vicious predator. (funky music) it's soft and cuddly on the outside, but a hungry killer lurks within. more so than any other animal, the house cat has learned tobecome highly domesticated while keeping in touch withthe wild hunter it is at heart. this little beast is a crafty carnivore,

and can catch and eat more than 1,000 different species of animal. anything it can overpower is prey. and it rarely kills for food. - what in the name of god?(cat growling, hissing) (woman screaming) - [voiceover] there are 73,000,000 pet cats in the united states, driving the yearly house cat kill

to 1,500,000,000 animals. the most successful of the house cats was the lighthouse keeper's cat on stephen's island, new zealand. (mysterious music) the year was 1894, and the victim was an undiscovered species of wren. before the lighthouse keeper ever realized he was sharing his islandwith a very rare bird

his pet cat had managed to exterminate the whole species in just a few months. and cat numbers are exploding. just one mother cat and her babies can produce up to 600,000offspring in 10 years. but why are house catssuch natural born killers? could it be that they've lost their mind? meet mikey. he's your average pedigree abyssinian,

but he's got a bit of a problem. - here comes mikey. here comes mikey. mikey! - [voiceover] mikey just doesn't seem to have any fun anymore. but he's never been quite right. - you could tell right from the get-go he was very strange.

he didn't like to betouched in certain ways and he would throw up, he would sometimes not use his litter box. i mean, just a whole host of things. - [voiceover] luckilythere is help at hand for problem cats like mikey. carol wilbourn , cat therapist. - cat therapy involves figuring out why a cat is doing this,that, or the other thing,

and what the cat really wants. and if he's misbehaving, he's doing it because something's bothering him. and there are only so many ways that he can showsomething's bothering him. - what is that called whenyou have an alpha cat, where one is... - type a cats-onality, yeah. - [voiceover] carol makes house calls

to treat cats with emotional problems. step one is a little bit ofcatnip to get their attention. - [carol] what do you think of this mikey? - [blonde woman] so thecatnip relaxes them? - [carol] usually frisky, then relaxed. - [voiceover] and thenit's time to get inside the cat, and its owner's head. - [blonde woman] you knowhow a cat can look sad? well he looks sad.

- [carol] yeah, he doesn't at the moment. - [blonde woman] no, not at the moment. but ever since, i guess since tiki died we call him sad sack, i mean, - [blonde woman] not to,- [carol] oh, no no no no. - [carol] we've got to startcalling him happy sack. - [blonde woman] well,not to his face, but, - [blonde woman] we kind of.- [carol] oohhh. - [blonde woman] happy sack.- [carol] we have to

- [carol] change your image. - [voiceover] it seems thatone of the core problems today's house cats face is the house. - these are mikey's balls, yeah. there are so many cats that live indoors. when cats go outdoors chances are they maynot need as much therapy 'cause they can just run itoff if something bothers them. - [voiceover] but individual cats

can have individual problems, and its carol's job to huntthe problem down and treat it. - the problem with mikey is that he formerly lived with another cat that he was quite close to, and the other cat wasthe top cat, so to speak. and mikey was always shy, and sort of low profile. and then what happened is tiki,

the other cat, passed on, and then he was reallyjust forlorn and morose. very, very sad, a real sad sack. - [voiceover] as aprofessional cat counselor carol also provides a written report on mikey's mental healthfor future reference. - i'm gonna shine. - i'm gonna finish up. - i'm gonna finish up,you're the best boy.

okay, do you like mikey'sname with c-k-i or just k? - [voiceover] as with humans, there is no quick fix for depression or any other mental malady. the only answer is slow and steady growth. - more relaxed and on the way to increased courage and self-esteem, okay.

- [voiceover] so is mikeygoing to get it together? - i think the prognosisis really good here i think that mikey is just gonna be able to continue tomake slow, slow strides and then even quicker. - [blonde woman] okay,thank you so much carol. - oh, thank you joey. bye guys, bye mike. bye cinnamon girl.

- [voiceover] mikeymay have seen the light thanks to carol's work, but in mental health thereare no instant results, and like many house catsmikey's mental stability may always remain just out of reach. - [blonde woman] that's a good boy. - [voiceover] with alltheir meals provided by us, house cats are the onlycats who hunt for fun and who live in a worldwithout checks and balances.

every wild cat lives a short and hard life in a full-time fight for survival, but house cats live in luxury with plenty of time and energyfor their killing spree. they kill hundreds more speciesthan their nearest rival, which is why when it comes to killing the domestic cat really is

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