Thursday, April 6, 2017

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How To Flashing wellphone g9

hey everybody happy 2017. best news ever the cw renewed all of the tvshows. so all the superheroes is a coming back. i'll explain what's going on they aired thisepic promo reel. so let's go there is a new round of the flashring giveaway. all you have to do to enter is be a subscriberand leave a comment on this video be sure to click that bell to enable alerts so youdon't miss anything. oh my god this is so excited just to clarifyto the new constantine animated tv show was not the brand-new show.

the geoff john's was teasing that's goingto be something else. so we'll talk about that when they announceit. so going down the list, so legends of tomorrowprobably going to double down on legion of doom. obviously, the team is plug and change thelittle bit. the legion of doom will probably cycle itsroster to probably some more black siren. maybe some more justice society character'sand just a society storylines from the comics because vixen is on the team citizen steelis on the team. so i'm expecting them to stay heat wave willsee about sara is probably deftly going to

stay on the team ray palmer will probablystay on the team, but there's always like one or two people that might get cycle dinnerout the other new characters that they could introduce on legends of tomorrow will be constantinebecause they said they would love to bring them back on legends when the opportunityarises but they're doing so many characters. this season. the just wasn't an opportunity for him, soexpect constantine to come back for the live-action shows next season. maybe he'll even be a part of the big fournight crossover, but the basic way that they billed the seasons will stay the same likethough still travel around to different periods

of time can do all kinds of trouble whilethey're chasing down the legion of doom, so one of the big question is is what about thereverse flash. i would be willing to bet that there stillgoing to be like a big flash villains leading the legion of doom, so hopefully that's thereverse flash just like looking forward to like another big villain like grodd or someonecrazy joining the legion of doom as well. so next on the list supergirl season three,what the probably do is still keep her earth in a different universe that they can do supergirlsuperman stuff and they don't have the it like really crazy with the way they explainsuperman on earth one, but here's the thing supergirl in the legion of superheroes monel is a big legion character supergirl was

a big legion character for little while butthey haven't really done a legion of superheroes story line yet they tease the legion ringin the fortress of solitude during supergirl season one. but that's about all we've gotten so far,so if you haven't read the comics. the legion of superheroes is from like thevery distant future and it's basically like a giant team up there is a version of brainiacon the team. so i would be surprised if they do some brainiacstuff but i'm also expecting legion of superheroes at least make some sort of appearance maybeduring the big four night crossover because they said they already had the idea for likewith the next big four night crossover's going

to be this time they'll be a little more integratedbecause this year there was really just like the end tag typically took like a piece ofthe flash episode contacted on to the end of the supergirl episode, so expect more fromthe supergirl crossover later this year and here's the thing to do because the justiceleague movie is getting ready to drop at the end of november this year. when this crossover would get ready to airlike this there's usually the beginning of december. so because they're happening around the sametime just expect like a little bit of parody that doesn't mean that they won't be ableto use superman, but just expect some more

superman stuff to be happening i'm expectinghim back before the end of the season for like a brief appearance, but there's stilla lot of big rules about using those big justice league characters on tv i would not be surprisedif wonder woman also gets teased on supergirl to like a version of wonder woman even ifthey just make a reference to her or just makes an offhanded remark but if there's anytv show that the gonna tease wonder woman on it would have to be supergirl, just becauseit's a female lead show and she is also similar power levels so it just makes sense next bigshow arrow season six so not a huge surprise arrow pre-much as the steam at this pointto make it through season seven beyond season seven really just depends on what the ratingsare, and whether or not the actors want to

keep making it because they just renew supernaturalas well, which is an like it's 15 billion season so they can keep making that then obviouslythat's like the benchmark for returning series so as long as arrow is rated higher than supernatural. they will continue to renew arrow storylinethough like what is going to be the big arc for arrow season six. you know they still haven't finished seasonfive yet the still of this prometheus stuff is happening, but like i said my prometheusvideo he's tearing oliver down preparing him for a green arrow rebirth like a rebirth inthe comics so season six of your tentatively calling green arrow rebirth.

if you haven't read that arc in the comicsis really just like returning the character to his core values geoff john's did a bigrebirth for pretty much every character in the dc universe in the comics it was greatbut i know you are asking like what new big characters from the comics the gonna do duringseason six. marc guggenheim has said that they are workingup to the question is like i would love to do the question we been teasing hub city whichis where the question comes from the one obviously there's always like a lot of new characters. they do from the comics there doing talleyall cool shall probably come back in season six but i'll also save the biggest new charactersthat we know right now will probably be the

question, but because of all the drama withthe suicide squad on tv do not be surprised if they do some more suicide squad stuff inseason six just depending on how big he gets that like a superman. on supergirl situation to because there'sa big suicide squad movie franchise just don't expect them to be able to do every singlecharacter is they billed into season six season seven also don't be surprised if they do otherspinoff word of the team ups like you things that are big enough that they could be theirown shows in their own right like birds of prey that something we haven't quite got toon arrow yet teen titans would be like another one or like a live-action young justice situationjust more storylines that you feel like could

serve as the basis for a spinoff tv show,but number one of course the flash season for, nobody is surprised that he got renewed. it is literally the cw's highest rated showof course is going to get renewed. they renew pretty much like every single returningseries with a few exceptions what about the storyline. everyone is like whose can be like the newbig villain is going to be another speedster is going to be a non-speedster. so what will happen this season is that they'llwrap up their savitar storyline and like all big villains like the black flash at the endof season two he'll probably just go off and

be sidelined for little while. so they can come back for some big adventurein the future but the one big thing that we definitely know there going to do is moreflash family so we have new speedsters wally west and jesse quick and jay garrick jay garrickis really that new he kinda started during season two so will all come back they couldalways decide to introduce a new speedster beyond that like the always be new speedsterson the show, but there like court characters and then there are characters that you onlysee very briefly like the flash of verse 19 the accelerated man. we don't really know what his future.

on the show is because they do so many differentthings each season. they go to different earth when keeping withthat tradition. the also visit different earth's of the multi-verse. so will see more different versions of theflash we might see the daniel west reverse flash. we might see that he is thought i think whatwill definitely happen is is the black flash will make a brief appearance even if it isa part of the big arc like the flash is been teasing this big future war what they mightdecide to do in the future season is a version of the war of light only.

the light will just be like the differentcolors of all the speedsters lightning. so you have like evil reverse flash familyteam up versus good flash family team up because we do have enough members of the flash family,that they could do like a big group fight. so i feel like that's mostly building intodefeating savitar at the end of the season and in the future you could just have likethe good flash family fighting a team up of evil flashes. so what i'm in a do. next week is i'm in a do like a flash seasonfor early predictions for storylines and characters that they could do so if you have any questionsabout storylines or characters that you want

to do bonus videos about just let me knowin the comments, it's still gonna be a couple weeks before all the shows come back theycome back on the 23rd. so what can happen is all still be doing theflash ring giveaway. make sure you turn alerts on so you don'tmiss any of the videos this can be all kinds a bonus videos before that happens it's gonnabe awesome and we have to talk about the animated constantine. so if you guys didn't know cw seed is likea different streaming service that they have been doing of vixen animated show is a bunchof episodes that are about five minutes of peace they didn't say exactly how many episodesof animated constantine.

there is going to be or how long the episodesare going to be they did say that matt ryan is coming back to voice the character so itwill be the constantine that you remember but they didn't say whether or not it's goingto be a continuation of the original constantine series i'm assuming. not just because they can be as crazy as theywant. so they'll be continuity with the other cwseries but maybe not with the original constantine series, so was can happen later tonight isi'm in a do some more comic book stuff then i'll post my sherlock video in the morningjust a been a minor schedule change. so get hype is can be so awesome this yearwhile you guys wait for that to post you can

click here for the trailer for the next episodeof the flash. you can click here for the arrow trailer thankyou so much watching i'll see you guys in the next video!

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