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How To Flashing lemon a1
- welcome back to what's inside? i'm lincoln, this is dan. - today we're in an undisclosed location and that's because we have a grenade. we have a couple of grenades. we've had a lot of questions from you guys saying, "cut open a grenade." i think a lot of you are joking because you know that we're going to cut into it
and it's not going tobe a good thing for us. but still, we take yourcomments seriously. this grenade is called a pineapple grenade because you can see thedifferent ridges on it. here's the lever righthere and here's the pin. when you pull the pin, it doesn't actually start the grenade, it's when you pull the pinand this lever comes out. there's a little timer inside of it
that starts counting down and you have four or five secondsuntil it actually explodes. i'm going to let lincoln pull the pin out and let go of the lever andthrow it in this toaster oven and then we're going to go run behind a rock that's over there. - [dan] alright, youready to blow this up? - yup. - [dan] okay, be really careful.
do not let go of that lever. put your fingers over the lever. okay, and open up the toaster oven door. okay. really carefully, take out the pin, keep your finger on the levers. okay, now set the grenade inside of there but do not let go of that lever yet. just set it in there carefully and then let go andrun as fast as you can.
go! go! go! (explosion) (slow-motion explosion) that was crazy. that was really fun. watching it explodeeverywhere, that toaster oven, the pieces flew so far we even got hit by some shrapnel,especially lincoln. we're going to put a link,we're going to put a video on our instagram accountso you can go in and watch
the actual explosion froma little further away, a different angle of itso go check that out. we're back home. wehave these two grenades. there's two different kinds. this one's called the pineapple grenade. this one's called an apple grenade. and just because of their different sizes, they shoot off different types of shrapnel when it does explode.
so, these are not live grenades. you can see the bottomhas a hole cut out of it. all of the gun powder is taken out. the firing pin is out of it. so here is that pineapplegrenade up close. you can see the differentlever that it has on here. here's the pin. it starts ticking down until it gets to the bottomand then it explodes. so it's a little bitof a delayed response.
now, when i say four to fiveseconds til it explodes, it could be shorter than that, i mean, if these things have beensitting around for a long time there's no guarantee. let's cut this thing openand take a look inside and see what it looks like. oh man, that's hot. i put a glove on. look at my line. there'smy cut. it's going through. it is not a straight line.
look. - [lincoln] it's hollow! - look how hollow that is. that must be totallyfilled with gun powder when the timer ticks down and it explodes. - [dan] nice, it's apple grenade time. check this one out. so this one, you can actually screw it and get that off of it.
there's the little sensor. (loud buzzing) well, that's one way to get it. ah, just broke and jumped right off and there's the grenade down there. oh man, i'm very safeand good at what i do. look at that. lincoln's holding on to thesebecause they're very warm. these ones are very hot.
those ones are pretty warm from earlier. - yeah. - and it's a little chillyoutside, fall's hitting. so here's these grenades. this one just broke open at the end. we have definitely confirmed that there's no gun powder inside of these. they are not livegrenades. thank goodness. honestly, i was a little worried
as i was starting to cut into it and i got out my flash light on my phone and shined it inside just to double-check. like you can buy live grenades on amazon. our motto here is, "we cutthings open so you don't have to" so now look, you guys don'tneed to cut open a grenade. - [dan] so here we go. what is that? show to the camera. - it's a big metal piece that got
completely destroyed by the tannerite. - [dan] look at that. that looks like, what does it say on it? "disconnect toaster before cleaning" so, just so you know, here yougo, here's the grenade, we didn't hurt anybody in this. we didn't put lincoln at riskof getting hit by a grenade. here's the explosives that weused, it's called tannerite. what you do is you takethese white chemicals
and you put in thislittle gun powder material and mix it in there and then once you mix it aroundit turns gray like that. and then what happensis it will only explode if you have a high-powered rifle and shoot the bullet through it. otherwise it's not going to explode. it's not dangerous right now but as soon as you hit it with that bullet
with the high-powered rifle, it just explodes like a bomb. so that's how we got thetoaster oven to blow up. - here's our shooter. thattook one shot by this kid. he is 13 years old. there's his rifle. he's going hunting, elk hunting next week. he just took that microwavedown with one shot. we put this pan on top of the microwave and look at that, this isfrom tannerite explosives.
there's your orangedot, tannerite out there way over there in the desert, and then here's our buddy, chase. so chase, how was thatshot? was that difficult? - no. i've taken lotsmore difficult because when you're shooting,like a milk jug at 300, it's really hard 'cause it's tiny, but in there it was likereally big in my scope.
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