Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing zdr w1 plus
first things first, unplug your wash machinebefore doing any sort of maintenance. from a recent which survey, one of the most commoncomplaints about washing machines was problems with the detergent drawer. the big problemhere is a buildup of substances that include detergent residue, mold and bacteria, or insome cases, a black jelly like substance. some detergent drawers will just slip straightout but others like this beko has a clip to depress. to clean your detergent drawer, simplyuse a bit of lukewarm water, some washing-up liquid, and remember to wear gloves, to protectyour skin against detergent residue. the fabric softener compartment is particularly proneto build ups of gunk and residue. so make sure you clean it thoroughly, includingthe hole that goes through to the washing
machine. like the detergent draw the drawershousing also prone to substance build-up. when you're cleaning the housing, make sureyou move all the grime from the holes above the detergent drawer. all the water that entersyour machine comes in through these holes. any blockages can deflect water into differentcompartments or can even spray the water outside the front of your detergent drawer. once everything'sbeen cleaned, pop your detergent drawer back and you are ready to go. but if the detergentdrawer has broken or is beyond cleaning, you can obtain replacements from your manufacturer. for more washing machine advice tips go
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