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How To Flashing lenovo a630
hi, everybody. this is chad with aloe that's, a little everything 4 u. today i thought i'd do a quick video on if you happen to have one of these. that is a samsung galaxy gear. this is the firstgeneration one. they have a couple more after but that i'm assumingthis will work for the new generations too the problem that i had was i had i wasn't using this for a little while. i was off work. i mainly use it for work so i can hear text messages, phone calls or whatever. i was not charging it
so it went dead. i just assumed that when i was going to go back to work i'd charge it back up and everything would be fine. apparently, that wasn't the case when i plugged it in, i had it plugged in for a whole day, went back and looked at it and the screen was still completely black. i tried a whole variety of different clicks on the little power button on the side. nothing would get it to come on so, if you had the same problem, i found the solution onine. i went through a bunch of different blogs and googling and all kinds of stuff. most people didn't have an answer or the answers they had didn't work for me. what did work for me
is if you have one of these you know this is the normal charger. a little plastic case the watch clips into and this is thenormal cord that comes with it, which is a hardwired cord. it's hardwired onto the ac plug and has a mini usb plug that plugs into the case and you plug it into the wall and charge it. even this wasn't working. when i plugged it in, normally the screen on the watch will come up. when i plugged mine in, it didn't do anything. it was still blank so i thought my watch was dead
so, again, after googling and whatnot, i tried some different things the first thing i tried was getting a different usb, mini usb plug, not onethat came with it, and then i used by ipad charging block and tried to charge it that way, justplugging it into the wall and that didn't work either. so, the lastthing i tried was just using the mini usb to standard usb plug. i plugged that, the mini usb, into the charging case
and plugged the other end into my computer, just let it charge through the computerwith the usb just plugged into a standard usb plug on my laptop and lo and behold it worked! as you cansee here now we have time. everything is good so, i don't know why that works and just plugging it in and charging it doesn't, but all i did is plug it into the computer and that brought it right back up. so, if youhave one of these, you have a samsung
galaxy gear watch and yours is not charging, or doesn't appear to be charging, it won't come on, the screen is black, give that a try before you have too much of a freak out and take it down to the store and demand your money back or ask someone to repair it, or to try to take it apart yourself, sometimes the easiest is the best. just try to plug it into your computer's usb and you'll be back in business. thanks a lot for watching! try to subscribe, like it, do all that good stuff for me please and i'll see you guys next time!
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