Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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How To Flashing croma crcb2249
it’s time to get to flashing people no not like that get your minds outta the gutter alright we’re talking about the quicksilver or flash effect in cyberlink powerdirector 13 ultimate let’s get into it you need to use a tripod when you do this scene basically what you’re gonna do is if you’re wanna have people in the scene with you you’ll have a shot with just the people in the scene and then a shot
with you in the scene with the people taking off like you’re running and then a shot with you on the other side or wherever you’re going to like you’re stopping from the run if you’re just gonna be in the scene by yourself then you just need a shot of the scene with no movement nothing going on and then a shot of you taking off and a shot of you stopping do that all with a tripod so that nothing else moves except the people in the scene alright now about the timeline
i already got my clips down in the timeline and i got it setup where as the talent is taking off and then i split the clip and then i have a scene in the middle with nothing going on as you can see then i have split the clip again where the individual stops his run alright then i do the same thing again you can do it once twice three time as many times as you want but you gotta have the clip in the middle with nothing going on now about this clip in the
middle you want this clip in the middle to be super short i have my timeline actually stretched out right now so that it makes all the clips look bigger so you can see what i’m doing but in all actuality you want this clip to be small so if it’s a video clip you wanna click on it and then click on trim now because this clip has nothing in it on both sides and all the way through i’m not really too concerned about anything except the duration
what i did is i made the duration of this clip 15 frames that is one half a second and i know that because i have my project setup at 30 fps if you got your project setup at 24 fps then you wanna change the duration to 12 and whatever other frames 60 fps then you wanna change it to 30 but you want it to be about a half a second of space so that it seems like the person is moving real fast alright so you setup your duration make sure you set it up
to 15 and then click on ok now about these clips here when you get to the position where the individual is about to start his run you wanna take a snapshot of this i already took all my snapshots you can see them in here so i’m not gonna take another one you wanna click on the snapshot button and take a snapshot of the individual right when he’s taking off the last frame before they take off take a snapshot of that
usually what it does it saves it in your documents so go to your documents folder and find that snapshot now once you find that snapshot you need to remove the background from that snapshot and i’m gonna show you how to do that in adobe photoshop cs6 this can also be done in paint.net which is a free program or any other photo editor that you have let’s check it out and see how to remove that background
so i already have the image in photoshop so the first thing i’m gonna do is i’m gonna zoom in on this i’m gonna hit control and the plus sign to zoom this in now i’m gonna pick the quick selection tool here if it’s not already set on quick select you can just hold your left mouse down it’ll let you pick a different one and you can pick quick select from there and now i’m gonna go over here to this clip and i’m gonna right click on
this background and i’m gonna do duplicate layer i’m gonna call this layer mask this layer so i know this is the one i’m masking and now i’m going to hide the background by just clicking on the little eyeball here now i’m already set on the quick selection tool but if you’re not you know where to go so i’m just gonna hold my left mouse down and i’m gonna start dragging this out and letting it select pieces that i want now keep
in mind you don’t have to be perfect with this the reason why is it’s gonna be all blurry in a second anyway if you make a mistake like that just hit the alt key and then hold the left mouse down and it’ll let you fix any mistakes you make now i’m gonna let go of alt and i’m gonna finish bringing this out i’m gonna hold alt down again and get rid of this get rid of that get rid of this middle in here like i said i don’t have to
be perfect but do want it to look good at least kinda good alright i’m good well not really alright that’s good enough for me my friends so now what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna click on the little mask tool down here it says add layer mask i’m gonna click on that and boom background’s gone doesn’t look as good as i want it to look though even though it’s gonna be blurry i still want make sure it looks right you know at least
a little bit better than that with all the jagged edges so i’m gonna hit on mask edge up here and refine my mask i’m gonna click on smart radius turn the radius up a little bit so i can see the jaggedness and what it’s gonna fix i’m gonna hit smooth to smooth that out and that’s a lot better so i click ok and now i just do file save as and i’m gonna select png then i can just change the name to whatever i want to and hit save hit ok
and i’m done with that we’re back now that the backgrounds removed let’s get these pictures brought in and get to flashing i’m gonna stop saying that alright let’s get to doing the flash quicksilver effect alright so my first picture’s my first start blur so i wanna bring this i’m gonna left click it and drag it down and i wanna bring it right when the space happens where there is nothing going on alright
cause i gotta transition from the actual person moving to the picture you’ll see that when i get to the picture it just freezes now that picture is taking up the whole space what we wanna do first is we wanna add an effect to it we wanna go to the effects room we’re gonna go down to style and we’re gonna go to blur so i’m gonna left click drag on the blur and drag it down to this clip now i’m gonna click on effect and i’m gonna make my
blur it’s gonna tell me that i wanna continue to change the keyframes yes i do so i’m gonna click on ok and i’m gonna go to degree i wanna change the degree of the blur you can see the blur already taking effect and i’m gonna change mine up to 7 i think 7’s pretty good i’m gonna leave everything else as it is you can change the gradient if you want to but i’m gonna just leave everything as it is i’m cool with it the way it is you make it look
how you want it to look i’m gonna close this out and now we can see that this picture is actually pretty long it’s 3 seconds is the default so it’s really going over everything and i don’t need the picture over that much i need this picture to be very short as well because the longer it stays on the screen the less it looks like he’s it’s actually just him moving real fast so for this one there is no trim because it’s a photo you click on duration when you
click on duration you wanna change it to 2 frames that’s real fast but it’s long enough for it to be visible if you don’t think it’s for long enough you can change it to 3 frames or 4 i like it at 2 makes it look like he’s really moving fast so i’m gonna click on ok and now you see it changed the duration down now i need to add the rest of my photos in here so i have this one called first stop blur so basically the photos are each going to be underneath
the actual space where there’s nothing going on we gotta do a few things to get that done here so what i’m gonna do first is i’m gonna add a timeline marker here so i’m gonna left click on the playhead and click on add timeline marker as a matter of fact let’s do this i’m gonna step back 2 frames because i know that i want this to be 2 frames long i’m gonna click on movie and i’m gonna step back two frames and now i’m going to left click on my playhead and put
add timeline marker click ok and i’m gonna drag this back to that marker now i know that this is gonna be 2 frames long so if i wanted to i could just click here and click here and then split this clip because that should mean that the duration of this one is 2 frames long so i’m gonna left click on this one and click on remove if i click on this and click on duration it better be 2 frames it is 2 frames because i stepped back two frames from where it was and then
moved it over so i’m gonna click on ok now i’m gonna right click on this one and i’m gonna go to copy keyframe attributes the reason why i wanna do that instead of adding the blur and doing everything over again i can just copy it from this one right click on this clip of this picture and do paste keyframe attributes do ok and now you see it turns into a blur now you got everything setup but one thing that i would like to do for this is i like to actually go to
where the separation is where i took the picture at the first time and step back click on movie of course once again before you do your step before you do your frame and step back 2 frames and split it again because i want it to look natural as the flow of the movement if i do just put this picture in where he stopped the picture of him stopping it’s gonna look like it stops and then it blurs i want it to look natural so i’m gonna split it here i’m gonna click on
this little clip i just created then i’m gonna go to my trash bin and i’m gonna do remove fill gap and move all clips so that everything moves over now you’ll see this flow is gonna look much more realistic as i go through alright same thing for this side i’m gonna go to the beginning of this clip where he stops this is where i took the other picture so i’m gonna move to the right 2 frames i’m gonna split this clip here and i’m gonna click on the little clip that was created
i’m gonna do remove by clicking on my trash bin i’m gonna do remove fill gap and move all clips and now the flow from one position to the other will look much more natural and that’s it peeps the flash quicksilver alright guys, you know the routine the thumb the one that’s pointed in the upward direction click it, like it, live it, love it, hug it!
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