Friday, April 7, 2017

How To Flashing xiaomi mi 11s

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How To Flashing xiaomi mi 11s

hey guys, my name is shubham kejriwal andtoday in this video, i have the xiaomi redmi note 3 once again and in this video, i willbe reviewing the cm14 rom , cyanogenmod 14 rom on this device that i have been runningfor about a week now on this device, so we will be talking about some of the pros andcons of this rom, some of the bugs that i have faced on this rom and pretty much everythinggood and bad about this rom and i would be telling you guys if this is actually a goodrom for you or not. so, yes, without any further a due, let usget straight into the video, and talk about this rom and it's good and the bad! *intro*

so, first of all. let us go to the settings and just go to theandroid version settings so that we can get an idea about it is actually android nougatand as you can see over here, in about phone, android version is 7.0 and this basicallyconfirms that this is android nougat. first and the foremost pro that i noticedin this rom which is really nice thing about it is the battery life. like, it is stunning... and is enormouslyamazing on this rom, i don't know how the unofficial rom makers managed to do that butbattery life on this rom is simply amazing. like, with miui, i had just one complaintand that was that with every update, the battery

life was kinda decreasing and i didn't actuallylike it, but with this rom, i can say that that issue is pretty much resolved! because i can easily get a screen on timeof 7.5 or maybe 8 hours, that is... that is insane! and i can show you proof, i can show you screenshotsthat you are seeing right now on your screen and that basically confirms that this is whatit offers! it is really very awesome, and let me justgo into the battery settings and just show you something about it, so, i just chargedit, but you can see, for the last 20 hours or something, i have been using this devicelike crazy, like it is a steep downfall, and

you can pretty much guess that i have beenusing this very very aggressively, yer you do have quite a functionality here. also, you get this battery saver mode in anycase if you have to have more battery life, you have that feature too! another thing which i really liked about thisrom is its ram management. so, this is what i say for each and everyrom what i flash on this xiaomi redmi note 3 or any other smartphone for that matterfrom xiaomi because of the fact that miui itself is kind of a very heavy ui, so whenyou are moving from miui to any other rom, you are expected to get better ram management.

so, yeah that is a case here too, and youdo have good ram management! and along with that, the third very nice thingabout this rom that basic cyanogenmod related functionalities are present here. now, when i say basic, i say not all of themare included, but all of the basic ones that all of the cyanogenmod devices must have,are actually present in this rom. so, if i show you that, i can go into thesettings, and in the status bar option first of all, here, as you can see, status bar,and under this, i can configure almost everything, brightness control what it does is like, youcan slide the top slider in order to adjust the brightness, you might not be able to seebecause i am recording the screen, but the

brightness actually gets configured when iactually scroll through the status bar. that is a really nice and an interesting featureand many other things like clock style, am/pm style and all, i don't even know. ya, that's that, and another thing that iwanted to tell you guys is that other basic functionalities from cyanogenmod like, otherbutton configurations and all are actually present and that is pretty basic but are presentthere, which does make sense! another thing that i really like about thisrom is the fact that it doesn't have any peripheral bugs except the main camera bug about whichwe would be talking about in the later parts of this video.

except for that one major bug, almost everythingworks and almost everything works pretty fluidly like, wifi, ril, battery life, battery saver,whatever, do not disturb, torch, auto rotation, you name it, it probably runs on this romexcept for the camera obviously as i already told. so, we will be talking about that in the conssection, and we should actually just proceed towards it and talk about it right now. so, one of the biggest con that we have overhere as i already mentioned, is regarding the camera. so, the problem with the camera is that itdoesn't actually work.

it doesn't actually run on this rom. so, what i have noticed with this rom is areally very weird and a really very different kind of an experience and that is that withsome applications like instagram, i can actually capture videos and record videos occasionally! now, when i say occasionally, it fully dependsupon your device, like if it wants, on this rom, it would record video, it would shootphotos, and if it doesn't want, it wouldn't just do that, so, yeah, that's that and letme just go into the instagram application and show you that. and if i go to the capture thingy and justgo into photos, yeah, you can see, it is running

as of now, but if i just mess around withit for some time, it would just vanish away! another thing which i hate about this romand android in particular, android nougat, is the fact that it is really very restrictive. like, i don't know why, but i am not ableto access my sd card from the point of time i have installed this rom on my device. i thought that it would might be like, a startupprocedure, like, it doesn't read the sd card for sometime and then just sync in whole ofthe data, but it has been around one week now and i don't expect it to be read anytimesoon, so, yeah, if you go into the file manager, and if i try to go here, into the sd card1, it would most probably show me that it

could not be read. okay, it isn't showing me anything right now... you see, unable to gain the required privilegesto function, that is a thing which i get shown and like i also searched for that problemon the internet about how you can fix that and it turns out that many people on androidnougat are actually facing this problem. and not only those people who are runningcm14 on the redmi note 3 or any similar device! so that is one problem which i have noticedand yeah, that is about android nougat in itself, and not just this rom, so i cannotblame this phone or the developers about this but yeah, it is present and you have to beaware about that because you are the one who

have to use this phone ultimately! so, yeah, you cannot access your externalmemory as of now, but hopefully, if you root your device, you would be getting those previligesand those functions would work! now another thing which i wanted to tell isthat many features that android nougat is supposed to have aren't actually present onthis rom. one of the major things which i was expectingthis rom to have but it didn't have eventually, was the google now on tap functionality! now, if i just tap on it (home button), itjust takes me to the google application so, i have reset it to the multi functioning window,but originally it took me to the google application,

like what we had on android kitkat or jellybeanor something and that was kinda disappointing. you should have had google now on tap as ofnow on this rom and that is kind of a disappointing thing for me. another thing that android nougat was supposedto bring with it was the feature of multi window, and that too isn't present on thisrom. like, multi window was supposedly a featureon which you can just double tap on the recents menu and you would be taken to the multi windowmode, but it doesn't actually happen here and that is again, kinda disappointing. i expected that to be atleast here and thatis not present!

another thing and most probably the last thingthat i would be talking about this rom is the fact that the network connectivity isn'tthat great. like, you have network connectivity, but itisn't just what you can expect a rom to have. like, in miui itself, it is already reallyvery bad and in this rom, it gets worse! so, i don't find how it is good for you tohave bad network connections. like in my room, where miui provided me somepoints on which i can use my phone on the internet connection or the 3g support or somethinglike that, with this rom installed, it is pretty much nothing on my room, like, i canget anywhere, i can just jump around my room whole day long but i wouldn't get even a singleantenna for the signal so, yeah, that is kind

of a disappointing thing, i have to rush outof my room every time i have to make a call or i have to use my data connection and thatis kind of a disappointing thing! but yeah, that is basically it for what ihave noticed as the major cons and major pros on this rom as of now. i hopefully haven't missed anything but ifyou guys have seen any other cons or pros about this rom, just let me know and i wouldtest that out and i would most probably cover that in the next video which i might makeabout this rom.

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