Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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How To Flashing wynncom ace
kolsonzk: where will you go? zackywh zackywh: have a dinner kolsonzk: which restaurant? desmond: luggage hold desmond: don't let them destroy our drones desmond: we have found the objective already desmond: don't go to the cargo hold, they will destroy the drones kolsonzk: can i come with you? zackywh zackywh: what!?
kolsonzk: can i come? zackywh: sure! kolsonzk: can i rush? kolsonzk: one enemy at the rear of the plane desmond: thermite (zackywh), please come with me desmond: we will enter the plane from the middle door zackywh: hey! someone here! at the rear! desmond: leave the stairs!!! zackywh desmond: leave the stairs!!! it's dangerous!!!
zackywh: oh, okay desmond: tommy, you can enter the plane, it's clear zackywh: smoke is at the rear tommy: hey, someone is shooting at me desmond: what!? tommy: i don't know where he is desmond: destroy the trapdoor first zackywh: at the rear! desmond: i will handle it zackywh: injured
zackywh: i destroy the trapdoor first kolsonzk: one in cargo hold kolsonzk: oh... you got a new video clip desmond: is rook roaming? desmond: i need one go to the rear kolsonzk: i destroyed echo's yokai drone desmond: zackywh, i help you to destroy the trapdoor kolsonzk: what!? how did he still alive!? kolsonzk: echo (few hp left)
desmond: go to the rear desmond: can you destroy the other trapdoor too? zackywh: okay kolsonzk: tommy, one go back to the objective. (echo ~ few hp left) kolsonzk: echo killed me kolsonzk: echo ~ few hp left desmond: only one in the objective desmond: tommy, one in hallway desmond: rook in luggage hold (objective), bandit is now in hallway
desmond: bandit come back from hallway desmond: he's here, yellow marker kolsonzk: flash grenade desmond: 2 in the objective! desmond: i'm not sure is there anyone in the hallway, tommy desmond: echo!!! tommy: f**k, he is in the tunnel desmond: got it desmond: oh! we don't have time...
kolsonzk: one in tunnel, zackywh kolsonzk: at the door, a few hp left (echo) kolsonzk: ace!? omg kolsonzk: they didn't reinforce the wall next to the hallway desmond: this is my first sledge ace kolsonzk: oh, you recorded my voice tommy: kolsonzk "ace!?" "ace!?" lol desmond: executive bedroom kolsonzk: let me turn it off lol
kolsonzk: i don't want to hear my voice
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