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hey youtubers, it's charlie new legends oftomorrow footage we have to talk about future flash war reverse flash versus barry spearof destiny. so let's go there is a new round of the flashring giveaway going on. all you have to do to enter is be a subscriberand leave a flash related comment on this video be sure to click that bell to enablealerts so you don't miss anything. so there's a whole bunch of stuff going onhere. we actually have some of the plot line fromthe flash that spilling over, so try to explain everything number six the legends is a massivetime quake in the 60s because of something that.
the legion of doom is doing. they come back and they have this scene herewith it could find rip hunter. but surprise surprise. he doesn't know anything about what's goingon any as this crazy american accent i totally love this and then you sort of have that funnymoment were he's like there's no such thing as time travel time ships and then you getthe reveal of the time ship it actually looks like he was getting ready to jump off thetop of that parking garage. so the description reads is that he's likethis film. students so the big really funny about it.
so everything's gone crazy, but now rip hunteris a big part of the story. again we kind of got teasers for him earlierin the season and i almost forgot, it's moving to tuesday nights. so that's gonna cause like a big shift inmy schedule. the way i post videos between the flash andlegends of tomorrow and arrow. so i'll try to explain what's going on nextweek will be some more footage. so don't worry i'll remind everyone what thevideo schedules going to be number five though the reason that he's back is because of thespear of destiny plot. so when he knew at the beginning of the seriesthat things were going back the ship was going
down the set. this plan motion and then hid himself in timelike everybody thought that he was dead is just a society had no idea what was goingon, but because of the time drift he started to forget who he was. the legion finds them and it seems like theyhave some footage here. they include those from the other trailerwere the reverse flash is interrogating him. this looks like the scene where they messwith his mind or give him a new identity the reverse flash has all the coolest toys theseason toys for becoming other people toys for getting information out of people so that'sprobably just the beginning but the whole
reason for this is that they think that riphunter has the spear of destiny or knows where it is so that's why the legion wants themin their, also, teasing a little bit of the reverse flash versus the legion of doom, whichwill talk about in the second but it's basically evil slowly, turning on itself and i'm reallyhappy about this because it says a lot about the reverse flash's plan his character sonumber for the spear of destiny. you may remember the spear from the constantinemovie that was like a big macguffin of that movie, you know you tainted you gain the powerof a god, you could pretty much do almost anything you want the reverse flash explainsto the legion of doom that they can use it to rewrite reality, so barry can change realityby going back changing the past, the best
way to explain it is that you have to imaginestuff like flashpoint is changing reality using big broad strokes like you change somethingsomething stay the same using the spear of destiny is like rewriting reality with a finetip 10 you can make really minor edits without affecting the timeline in a way that willbring the time wraiths in the black flash, so a lot of you do ask how come the reverseflash is able to time travel so much without having to worry about the time wraiths, hejust a lot smarter about the way he does it. he has very special plans for the spear ofdestiny. the legion of doom, all have different reasonsfor wanting it. they all have different things that they wantto change about reality.
the reverse flash only cares about gettingrid of barry allen. it's so beautiful very simple idea but veryhard in practice. so will probably need to do a different videothat will explain that plan because you will slowly learn more about it through the restof the season, but they're just a lot of hoops that he has to jump through in order to getrid of barry without also getting rid of himself because his destiny is so tied to barry'sbecoming the flash so he gets a little crazy. but this is also where we start looping backin the plot line on the flash tv show number three future flash war. so on the flash right now we got this teasethat something crazy is going to happen with
savitar is going to kill iris barry is goingto do anything he can to try and stop that meaning that the message that they got fromfuture barry from future flash on legends of tomorrow is from a timeline where nothingchanged is like just the regular future for what's happening on the flash right now butsomething terrible happens barry's like you can't trust me, you can't trust anyone. everything has gone to hell, so the flashtv show is all about changing that future, so you have to imagine that right now barryis on a course to become like the blue future flash in this sort of post-apocalyptic wasteland. so there's this big war with savitar thathe's teasing is coming barry has become the
future flash is really like the worst possiblescenario. so what does that have to do with the reverseflash in the spear of destiny will the reverse flash has a version of gideon, so he's actuallybeen monitoring all the things that varies been doing when he drops barry off the beginningof season three after he's killed his mother again. the reverse flash gives in that evil laughand says oh you'll find out. so he knows exactly what's been happeningwith savitar and all the stuff he just kinda been trying to avoid it he does want to drawtoo much attention to himself, the other big thing this season number to the reverse flashverse.
the legion of doom, so while he's been tryingto stay off, of savitar's radar and watch barry try to spin his wheels trying to saveiris. he's also been trying to play the legion ofdoom, so i was so happy when the producers talked about tension within the league abouthow they'd start fighting each other. so the be very true to eobard thawne in thecomics he's not somebody that has friends he's not someone that makes alliances he workswith other people. the really most of his relationships are justhim moving ponds around on a chessboard like he wants something he knows he needs a coupleother people to get it. so that's what.
the legion is to him just a couple of chesspieces to move around again the spear that he can get rid of barry the problem with thatis that malcolm merlin and damien darhk are both really big villains in their own rightthere not dumb. they figure this out. so part of the fun of the season is sort ofwatching them unravel, but here's the main reason why legends season two has been somuch better than season one number one it's because it's more of a villain story it'slike evil goonies treasure hunt. the legion of doom is on a treasure hunt tofind the spear of destiny. meaning that they will probably hold it intheir hand before it gets ripped out somehow.
so evil always turns on itself, but then itall blows up in their faces in the best possible way it is my sincere hope that season three. they bring back the reverse flash and he readforms. the legion of doom offering membership toblack siren. i would like should be really great additionto that evil team up because the villains on the show are so much more important thanthe heroes so as long as they got some solid villains next season. i feel like it will be great. so there couple really big concepts that iwas talking about here like future flash war
barry becoming the future flash of the comicson the tv show because he's trying to save iris. so there are any special flash videos theyou want me to do to explain concepts or storylines just let me know in the comments congratulationsto the latest flash ring giveaway winner larry irby just private message me on the back endof my channel so i can get your contact details. there was a new round that started in thisvideo i'll just announce the winner the next time i post a dc video. there's a whole bunch of awesome stuff thati'll be posting this weekend star wars episode 8 so new legion some new logan the wolverinemovie and then sum game of thrones the be
plenty more stuff so just post updates asi post new videos while you guys wait for that to post you can click here for justiceleague green lantern and you can click here for marveled offenders thank you so much watchingeverybody let's high five i'll see you guys tonight!
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