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top 10 potentially paranormal examples ofspook light phenomenon 10. gurdon spook lights, arkansas drive 75 miles south of little rock and turneast onto highway 67 and you’ll be in the little town of gurdon, home of the mysterious“ghost lights†that haunt a local stretch of railroad track about two miles out of town.seen for more than 80 years, some claim it’s the ghost of a man who was brutally murderednear the tracks back in 1931. others claim it’s the ghost of a railroad employee whofell onto the tracks and was decapitated back around the turn of the century, and that thelight is actually his lantern that he’s using while he searches for his head. (thisparticular tale appears to serve as the basis
for various spook lights around the unitedstates, suggesting an urban legend is afoot.) killjoys, however, suggest that it may benothing more than quartz crystals emitting electricity, although they’re not certainexactly how or why it happens. in any case, the lights are best seen on especially darkand overcast nights when, apparently, “ghosts†are most likely to be prowling about. andnow you have a reason to visit arkansas. 9. silver cliff cemetery lights, colorado first spotted in 1882, these silver-dollarsized bluish white lights are infrequently seen dancing around headstones at the catholiccemetery on the outskirts of this tiny little town just west of pueblo, colorado. what’sinteresting about these particular lights
is that unlike most ghost lights — whichare usually solitary phenomena — these appear in clusters of up to four or five at a time.they’re also considerably smaller than most other spook lights, which tend to be aboutthe size of a basketball. like most ghost lights, however, they’reimpossible to chase down as they quickly fade and disappear. the lights gained an unusualdegree of fame when they were featured in an august, 1969 national geographic article,giving it something of a scientific pedigree. while various theories have been put forwardto explain them, none have stood up under scrutiny, leaving the silver cliff cemeterylights as unexplained today as they were a century ago.
8. ghost lights of the yakima indian reservation,washington state the glowing whitish-orange orb that beganappearing to forest rangers and fire watchers near toppenish ridge in the late 1960s wereat first dismissed by local authorities as just a trick of the light, but all that changedwhen chief fire-control officer bill vogel not only spotted the thing himself, but tooknumerous photos of it as it danced and raced among the trees. what’s most interestingabout the light is that, according to vogel (who had the chance to observe the phenomenathrough binoculars for nearly 90 minutes before it finally disappeared) is that it had whatappeared to be a mouse-like tail or antenna protruding upward from the top of it.
the antenna, as long as the object itself,was segmented into colors of red, blue, green and white which were constantly changing brilliancyand hue, leading many to assume it was possibly mechanical — or even extraterrestrial — innature. as a result, it soon came to the attention of the ufo community and was even investigatedby none other than the famous ufologist j. allen hynek, who concluded that the lightswere inexplicable. today the sightings are far less frequent, suggesting that whomeveror whatever is behind the mysterious lights may be growing tired of their little experimentsand are content to move on. 7. the hessdalen lights, norway first observed in 1981, these strange whitelights that appeared periodically in a small
valley near the town of hessdalen, norway,so concerned residents of the area that they tried to get the norwegian government involved.alas, no official within the government was willing to do anything, leading several researchersto organize their own scientific study of the phenomena, which they dubbed the hessdalenproject. it proved to be successful, unusually so for such ventures — in just one monthin 1984 investigators spotted the mysterious lights no fewer than 53 times, making it oneof the most reliable ghost lights in existence. the lights are still being observed in thehessdalen valley to this day, though their frequency has decreased dramatically. in anycase, an automatic measurement station set up overlooking the valley in august 1998 stillmanages to record about 20 sightings a year.
6. the hornet spook light, hornet, missouri travel a short distance west of joplin, missourion interstate 44 and you’ll find one of the more reliable and unusual spook lights,the famous hornet lights. not only does it appear with some frequency, but it’s unusualin the fact that it not only changes colors, but has been seen to split apart, fly aroundand even leave a phosphorescent trail. extensively studied and photographed since its first appearancein 1881, all attempts to explain it away as swamp gas, a luminous fungus, plasma, balllightning, optical illusions caused by headlights on interstate 44 and lights flashing off adistant water tower have all been debunked, leaving the mysterious lights as inexplicablenow as they were when first spotted.
one of the more common — and romantic — metaphysicalexplanations is that the light is the spirit of a young quapaw brave and his bride whoplunged to their deaths from a nearby bluff to avoid facing punishment from their tribalchief, who forbid the marriage. on the other hand, it may be nothing more than a fireflywith an attitude. 5. fireship of baie des chaleurs, chaleurbay, newfoundland & labrador, canada instead of appearing as an orb of light, thisparticular luminous glow appears as an arc, with some people affirming that it takes onthe form of a burning eighteenth-century three-masted schooner, making it a full-fledged ghost ship.since it generally appears just before the arrival of a storm, some have suggested thephenomena may have something to do more with
static electricity in the air than the paranormal,although other explanations, from rotting vegetation to undersea releases of naturalgas, have also been suggested. on the other hand, perhaps it has somethingto do with a little known naval battle between french and british squadrons that took placein the vicinity of la baie des chaleurs around 1760; not only did the skirmish result ina french defeat, but one of the small warships the french lost may have inadvertently createda supernatural manifestation in the process. 4. longdendale lights, derbyshire, england when a place is known by the locals for centuriesas a “haunted valley†it’s a good bet something spooky is going on, and that’sdefinitely the case for this quaint, remote
valley in northern england. also called “thedevil’s bonfire,†these eerie, flickering lights have been known for centuries and havebeen attributed to everything from fairies and witches to torch-bearing ghosts of romansoldiers. these reports are so persistent that mountain rescue teams in the area haveturned out on a number of occasions when lights and ‘flares’ have been reported to thepolice, only to find that the lights fade away as they approach. this particular spooklight is also unique in being one of the oldest known to exist, with reports going back tomedieval times. in fact, reports have been going on so long that police no longer passon sightings of mystery lights to unless they feel it’s a genuine sighting of a real distressflare.
3. naga fireballs, mekong river, thailand each year some 200 to 800 fiery orbs are sightedalong a 60 mile stretch of the mekong river between thailand and laos, usually in thelate autumn months, and especially in october during a full moon. local tradition maintainsthat the fireballs are from the naga, a serpent from buddhist legend, though modern sciencenaturally disputes such claims, preferring a more pedestrian explanation such as naturalphosgene and methane gas being released from the river. in any case, they generally appearshortly after sunset and are frequently seen by thousands of people each year, making themone of the most witnessed phenomena on the planet.
2. the peakland spooklights, peak districtnational park, derbyshire, england the peakland spooklights have long been consideredby science to be a textbook example of a will-o’-the-wisp (a byproduct of methane gas created by rottingvegetable and animal matter bubbling up through the bogs which, when ignited, produces wispyflames which flit about), but studies done in 1980 by a geology professor at leicesteruniversity consistently failed to reproduce a similar flame using methane, phosphine orany other substances suspected as contributors to the chemical soup in marshland. worse,he couldn’t determine an ignition source, forcing him to conclude the lights were nota product of marsh gas, nor was it the product of other natural electrical phenomena, likest. elmo’s fire, ball lightning and luminous
insects. this led some to suggest that the lights,which are often observed to move about in a purposeful, even playful manner, were beingcontrolled by some sort of nascent intelligence or were responding to subtle changes in theair, magnetic field or environment. in any case, they’re still being reported to thisday and continue to defy easy scientific explanation. 1. brown mountain lights, burke county, northcarolina first observed in the eighteenth century bylocal settlers, these reddish orbs of light have been seen by thousands of people overthe years and are considered to be perhaps the best known spook lights in the world.they were so famous that they were even investigated
by the us geological survey back in 1922,who determined the lights to have been misidentified automobile or train lights, fires, or mundanestationary lights. interestingly enough, however, shortly afterthe report a massive flood swept through the area, knocking out all electrical power andwashing out a number of railroad and highway bridges, thereby making access to the areaimpossible and eliminating all other light sources (with the exception of open firessuch as the type that moonshiners might create). you guessed it: even after that the lightscontinued to be seen, leading some to wonder about just how reliable that government assessmentreally was. you can still visit them today, and there’s even an observation stand setup for that purpose along highway 181 near
morgantown. the best time of year to see themis reportedly september through early november in case you’re planning a trip anytime soon.
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