Thursday, February 2, 2017

How To Flashing devante smart calling

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How To Flashing devante smart calling

hi, wayne here from sears partsdirect. todaywe're going to talk about troubleshooting a garage door opener that won't close thedoor and blinks 10 times. the blinking opener lights indicate that the safety sensors arelikely blocked or out of alignment. defective safety sensors or faulty sensor wiring alsocause the opener lights to blink 10 times. the safety sensors use an invisible beam ofinfrared light to detect obstructions in the garage door's path. the sensors won't allowthe door to close with their infrared beam blocked. first, look for an item blockingthe door and remove it. if there's nothing blocking the safety sensors, check their may have bumped a sensor out of position. each safety sensor has an indicator light.the sending sensor, which has the yellow light,

transmits the infrared beam to the receivingsensor, which has a green light. the yellow sending sensor light should always be lit.but you’ll only see the receiving sensor's green light when the sensors are aligned andunobstructed. make sure that the yellow light is on and then check the green light on thereceiving sensor. if the green light is off, realign the safety sensors until the greenlight turns on then try closing the door. if one or both sensor lights won't come on,check the led troubleshooting light on the motor unit for an error code. the controlinside the motor unit flashes the troubleshooting led a number of times to indicate the causeof a failure. you may see one of these error codes related to the safety sensors on a commonchain-drive garage door opener: 1 blink–sensor

wires are disconnected, 2 blinks–sensorwires are shorted, 4 blinks–sensor eyes are slightly misaligned. a belt-drive garagedoor opener and some newer chain drive models flash the up and down arrows to display errorcodes. here's a list of error codes related to the sensors on these models: up 1 blink,down 1 blink–sensors are not installed or wires are broken, up 1 blink, down 2 blinks–wiresare shorted or reversed, up 1 blink, down 4 blinks–misaligned or obstructed sensor,up 4 blinks, down 6 blinks–sensors were temporarily obstructed or misaligned. if yousee one of the first two error codes, check the wiring between your motor unit and thesensors for visible damage. you won't be able to check all the wiring if it's routed throughthe walls to the sensors. check the wires

that you can see and repair any broken ordamaged wiring. here's a video that will give you some additional information about repairingwires. a loose wiring connection could prevent the garage door opener from closing the door,causing an error code. check the safety sensor wiring connections on the motor unit. reconnectany loose wires. make sure that you have the sensor wires connected to the motor unit should see the white wires twisted together and inserted into the white terminal on themotor unit. the white wires with black stripes go into the gray terminal. connect the wirescorrectly if you find them reversed. if these tips didn't solve your problem, test yoursafety sensors directly at the motor unit. this test will help you determine whetheryou have defective sensors or a break in the

wiring that’s not visible. we'll check thesending sensor first. remove the sending safety sensor with the yellow light from its doorrail bracket. disconnect or cut the sensor wire about 1 foot from the end. the sensorwire has 2 strands. separate the strands and strip 1/2-inch of insulation from the endof each strand. disconnect the existing safety sensor wires from the motor unit. connectthe short, white wire strand to the white motor unit terminal. connect the other wirestrand to the gray terminal. check the yellow light on the sending safety sensor. if theyellow light doesn't turn on, you’ve confirmed that the safety sensors are defective. here’sa link to a video that that will show you how to replace them. if the yellow light turnson, then you know that the sending sensor

is okay. now we'll add the receiving sensorto the test. remove the receiving sensor from its door rail bracket and disconnect or cutthe sensor wire about 1 foot from the sensor end. separate the sensor wire strands andstrip 1/2-inch of insulation. disconnect the sending sensor wires from the motor unit terminalsand twist the white strands with black stripes together. repeat the process to connect thewhite sending and receiving sensor wire strands together. connect the white wire strands tothe white motor unit terminal and the white and black strands to the gray motor unit terminal.hold the sensor eyes directly together and check the lights. if one or both of the lightsfail to turn on, replace the safety sensors. here’s a link to purchase new sensors. ifboth lights turn on, press the remote button.

if the door closes, then the safety sensorsare okay. once you've eliminated the sensors, you know the problem must be a break in thewiring. here’s a link to some replacement wiring that you can use to resolve the problem.replace the existing safety sensor wires between the garage door opener motor unit and thegarage door. next, connect the new sensor wires to the motor unit terminals and thesafety sensors. reconnect the sensors to the door rail bracket and align them properlyso both sensor lights turn on. i hope this video helped you out. you can find links tothe parts we talked about in the video description. be sure to check out our other videos hereon the sears partsdirect youtube channel. subscribe and i’ll let you know when wepost new ones.

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