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How To Flashing wiko highway signs
ever since the terrorists havestarted using mobile phones... we have developed a new software,from the security point of view it has been fed into this system whenever words like murder, rape,rdx or bombs are associated... with the names of vips, their numberwill be flashed on this immediately i've noticed objectionable words beingused several times since this morning... on this number.on whose name is the number registered? we've checked the recordsof the cell-phone operator the name and address are fakes.- naturally
the cell-phone company wantsto sell its services... whether it's a touristor a terrorist switch on the locationidentification system tell me where the cell-phone user isright now the caller is at the poolsideof hotel sunshine keep me posted onevery movement of his your cell-phone was out of range, sir.- i'm at the poolside now. go on that cell-phone is nowout of range, sir he's in room number 204of the same hotel
there's no one in the room, mike.- our system still shows... that the cellphone is in room 204 akram shaikh,you will always lag behind so they knew we'vebeen following them i found this map of mumbaifrom the bedroom this looks like l sir.- l...? could also be 7 what's with l or 7 that the terroristscould target in mumbai? 7-ways, 7-bungalows...? lamington road, lokhandwala,linking road...?
which means, one of the threeis a woman mr dara, they're here only we brothers havethe right to search her many happy returnsof the day, mr dara you turn 60 today and there willbe a grand party this evening but we regret,we will not be able to attend so we thought of personallywishing you on your birthday you are a father-figure to us the godfather in the businessof arms-running
please accept your birthday gift you're the one who has it, right?- strange! how would it be with me?it's with you! but you were supposed to carry it!- rubbish. it was you... no, no. it's not okay.- we must give you the gift i had to make youbelong to me... this meeting was just a pretext i wanted tosteal your heart... this meetingwas just a pretext
apocalypse... i spell apocalypse i haven't sleptmany nights...' you are the onei've been thinking about i've even touched it... your body's as clearas crystal a spell i wanted to cast... you spell apocalypse in your arms,i want to live...
on your eyes,i want to be drunk the redness of my lips... i have preserved only for you i wished to drive you mad... this meetingwas just an excuse you've already killed, dara however, children...times are bad i have news from the cbi that oneakram shaikh is hot on your trail he'll always keep trailing.- in missiles and arms...
we've gone too far ahead anyway.- if you get caught... i won't remain the home ministeranymore. do you understand that? if this deal goes through, you willbecome the chief minister, uncle don't call me uncle, okay? you're very mischievous. now tell me.what are you doing about akram shaikh? did that hurt? i'll tell you! ali, abbas...- damn it, suresh-bhai! why didn't you tell me earlier? why doyou provoke violence in gandhi's land?
has he told you something? a police beating is quitesomething else, sir even the mute start singing my suspicion was right, sir small-time thieves four years ago,ali and abbas... are today's biggest arms-dealers ever since america is keepinga vigil on other countries... these terrorists want to turn indiainto a marketplace for firearms we will not let india get a bad namein the rest of the world
you are now in-charge of the case sir, dara's murder, the seizureof the map from the hotel room... i don't know why,but i feel... that there's a storm in the offing.the city's under threat, sir we've been after dara for somany days for these weapons and now we get our hands on them what a figure!sleek and sexy! we only need a virus now.- funny! not even the girls i promise marriageevery day are as suspicious
i told you,you'll have the virus in which case, the governmentwill go down on its knees we can spell doom how about making a callto brigadier rashid...? our contact in the isi this cake in the shape of india,in the flavour of pistachio... in green! it's going to be funrelishing it ali abbas! have you gotyour hands on those missiles? yes, you need to help us now.and we will help you
it's like this, brother every muslim from the land of theinfidels finds shelter in our land anyone who teaches the infidelsa lesson... becomes the king of the palacesof karachi you must teach them a lesson too the serial bomb-blasts of '93are fading from memory what dara could never do,we will do wow! wonderful!
take shelter from us.and take the money from them god protect you.- god protect you mr vajpayee wants peace.and we want pieces pieces of india especially this one... kashmir our virus will show such magicin bombay... that talks between the countrieswill collapse, even before they begin this virus could very well becomea bigger issue than kashmir a delegation from the defenceministry has arrived, sir
the director wants you tobrief them on the virus sir, these important files aregoing to the u.n. please sign them how are you, gopal?- how should i be? i hear you're going to brief adelegation from the defence ministry? you will go to america to do a researchat the director's recommendation... and when you return, you will bethe join-director, sir! how am i to feel? i've worked all night and prepareda progressive report on the virus
our research team is being headed by ayoung, brilliant scientist rahul gupta the enemy every day warnsus of a nuclear war he prepares chemicaland biological weapons our intelligence have unearthedthe information... that the enemy hasdeveloped this virus if this virus is dropped in ourcountry through missiles... people will suffer to death.no one will survive air, water and land... wherever this virus explodes...
it will affect the nervous system ofeveryone in a radius of 10 kilometers our research team is thereforepreparing an antidote an anti-virus, like the ones usedfor cholera and typhoid should this virusbe mixed in water... we're trying to develop something thatwill prevent it from becoming poisonous a virus as deadly as this one,no human brain has ever given birth to but our research-team hasmade good progress in a month or two, we willsucceed in our mission i've even asked for vodka today
rahul, there's no onein my house tonight why? where has everyone gone? daddy's in bangalore, mummy's... dr kalam is there too.he's got a lovely lab tonight, i'm all alonein my house now look, just don't be afraid.keep the doors and windows shut keep a torch within reach.if possible, call bunty over... there's something i wishto tell you today what?
will you marry me? sheetal, you...? i've fallen in love something's happened to me, my love in your arms,my body... melts in the heat shut the windows, my love... let me draw the curtains let's do away with the distancesbetween us, my love
a miracle...has occurred in my arms,your aching body... i'm leaving for the trip.the boat's ready you ought to have joined me, stupid i've got work to do.some intense work i know your intense work.listen... listen, rahul... i found the virus-ball lyingoutside on my table it ought to be in the safe!
sir, gopal was here last evening this is the elphinston jail many notorious criminals usedto be held here and how were they brought here?- just as you were brought here mister, i'm the one she asked.why did you answer the question? because i know a lotabout this jail too maybe you do. but whysnatch my livelihood? how will i tell you whatelse i'm going to snatch? this jail is surrounded by the sea.no prisoner could therefore run away
how do you know the detailedhistory of this jail? i know of the things that happened,and also what's about to happen please come... let's gotowards the lock-ups this is the place where dreadedcriminals were held for years... without any food or water.you sleep in your houses... with the air-conditioners on.but take a look in these jails you will learn a huge lesson! i was only kidding! i only wanted you to feelwhat those prisoners felt
take a look at these jails.maybe they'll wash away your sins may you be blessedin jail! everybody's in...? what's happening here? it's the beginning of a game you're the prisoners.and we're the jailors it's no use trying touse your mobile-phones we've jammed yourmobile-phones here who are you...?
i'm no guide.i'm a scientist and now starts a deadly game we're holding you hostages till the government meets our demands,you folks will remain here we have no enmity against you.but you must do as we say get us out of here! surround the jail with guards.use the radars at every entry point,deploy motion sensors james, what's this?- it's a motion sensor
whenever someone gets close to it,our computers will alert us and if someone even defuses it,we'll still get to know you mean we'll get to know immediatelythat someone has arrived? where have you placedthe seven missiles? one's in the tower,two in the library... two in the ammunition room,and two in the portuguese room i've connected you bothto the c.m.'s phone c.m., bad news for you we've turned the elphinston jailinto a prison again
what rubbish are you talking?who are you? don't interrupt. talk only whenwe ask you to. go ahead now why're you asking him to talk?- okay, shut up! you talk.- who are you? you speak up again!so let me tell you we're madmen... by the end, we're goingto turn you mad too we've captured 213 tourists.including some foreigners who are you?
who are we...? why? you want to get yourdaughter married to them? even if you want to,don't offer the guests any water if they drink the water,they're doing to die! with our missiles, we havetargeted the seven lakes... which supply drinking waterto the whole of mumbai our missiles are carryingnot just explosives... there's also the virus we havestolen from the cdc lab c.m., if you don't meet our demands,we'll let go of a missile...
and the whole of mumbaiwill perish with the water don't talk, c.m.just watch the teaser at the lake in goregaon full of emotions... and cries of agony cancel all my appointmentsfor the day... what's happening here...? 28 people are dead,a child's suffering... tell us something, sir!
the effect of the virus take a look at this, sir i need samples of this water.- okay, sir people have dieda horrible death! we've seen 29 bodies today,it'll be 2.9 million soon! i'm glad they haven't contaminatedthe air to terrorise us they've only contaminatedthe well water one moment.call from elphinston jail, sir 15 billion and a shipto get out of here
what?- aren't you recording it? listen to what you've recorded you have 24 hours.- i get it you speak up again?all right, go ahead you must speak now and then as for what we can do, you've seena sample at the well in goregaon i'll explain. until we havesailed across the arabian sea... the 213 hostages willremain with us on the ship you're already using your brains...
as to what you've got to doin the next 24 hours tell him, james anything done within a radiusof 3 kilometers of this jail... will see our missile land inthe seven lakes of mumbai if you try to explode the missilein mid-air, they'll no doubt blow up but the virus will spreadeverywhere in the atmosphere... and kill all of you.you get that? 24 hours... to doomsday these criminals who have takenover the elphinston jail...
are they indeed capable of doingsomething so dangerous? they are. akram...? ali rehmani he found many jobs, but becauseof his abusive nature... and his bad habits,he couldn't keep any job abbas rehmani like this brother,very intelligent... dreams of becoming rich overnight
the two of them deal in defenceequipment only in name but actually, they're agents ofinternational arms-smugglers laila once the life of the discosin bombay she's the life of thetwo brothers now james ricardo.the gang's techno-brains he used to work for the nasa earlier murthy, worked in an explosivesfactory. expert at explosives lop, a radar-expert
there's another thing. as smart asthey are in committing a crime... they're equally adeptat wiping out the evidence which is why, we have onlyinformation. we have no evidence we have informers,no witnesses ls there no way we cansurvive this virus?! this virus spreads very quicklyin air and water, sir in mumbai, it'll spread fasterbecause of the humid conditions this virus could perhaps bedestroyed with fire we're still experimenting, sir
to begin with, alert the navy seal the area, 3 kilometers inthe radius of the elphinston jail so that no vessel, whether it belongsto the fishermen or the government... goes there. also declare the areaas a no-flying zone alert all the emergency services.and please... think of a sure-shot plan torid ourselves of this crisis i'll go and have a wordwith the p.m. why that smoke...?- reaction oh god! we must get the gasout of the chamber!
else, they can't get out either.the gas will spread through the lab the experiment has succeeded put the concentratein the test-tube this virus can be destroyedwith fire 10 seconds more we've fixed sensors and motiondetectors on all the ways to the jail if the c.m. acts smart,they're going to get caught we've even laidlandmines everywhere you've got to watch your step, laila.- what for?
if you are blown up, we brothersare going to be widowed i hope you've marked the areaswhere you laid the landmines i want to live. with her and i... want to die with her even if we die, we'll takethe whole of mumbai with us this news must not beleaked to the media any contact with the tourists' kin?- yes, sir they have been takeninto confidence what about the firebombs?- the air-force's firebombs...
will burn everyone therealong with the virus i hope that moment never arrives how are we to attack them? if their radar intercepts our bombs,their missiles will all be fired and mumbai...! there is a way, sir.- which one? to get into the jailthrough the water in the sea is a secret way, wherethere are several other tunnels one of the tunnels leads to theseptic tank in the jail
and there's just one manwho knows about it but there's a problem, sir.- what? the man who knows about the way,is serving a term in the pune jail what...? how does he...? he's the only man who successfullyran away from the elphinston jail what is he serving a sentence for? murder. there are othercharges against him too you want to take the helpof a criminal like him? yes. do we have a choice?
how will such a man pull offsomething so difficult? hatred is an intense power, sir he was once a friend of ali and abbas.he's their enemy today sir, call from the pmo how did you find outso much about this criminal? a man who can run awayfrom the elphinston jail... is someone we must have information on.sir, please take a look at his file i've only told you about the hatredhe harbours in his heart but the sentiment thatdrove him to break jail...
was his love for someone loneliness everywhere... somberness in the air her memories... bring tears to my eyes i breathe restlessly... there's an ache in my heart separated from my beloved... life is no fun at all
she torments me so much... that girl i miss so much she makes me laugh... she makes me cry... she torments me so much sweetheart, beloved... you are the onei have loved restlessness grips my heart... what ache have yougiven to my heart?
you are the one i have loved you have stolen my heart the glance you cast,robbed me of my peace... your dreamskept me awake all nights a thirst for youlingers on my lips... what love is all about,you have shown me my feet no longertread the ground... i've begun to fly like fragrance, your tressesare spread in the air
what spell have you cast? in your arms,i must live and die i have decided. you are the onei will love without reservations you are the one i havetaken as my beloved you're going away now.- stop me, if you can as if you'd stay backif i asked you to i could even lay down my life,if you asked me to stop fibbing but i feel like talking with you.all day, night, evening and noon
just talking.- so go on your deep voice...it does something to my heart so i'll keep talking. all my life.so much that you'll be fed up you will call me from mumbai,won't you? are you going to think of me? you're the only girli can never stop thinking about the moment i've wrapped updaddy's business... i'll fly into your armsfrom mauritius i'm glad you went awayto mauritius
there's no tensionwith the police anymore everything's under control.- let's talk business podar seth's company has closed down.- what happened? that which is happening everywhere from bikaner's bhujiato dehradun's basmati rice... from potato chips to thecomputer chips... multinationals are storminginto every trade why're you playing a socialist?what do you want me to do? i'll explain.peter, switch off the music
podar seth needs a new formula of amedical drug to start another company we've got to steal that formulafrom a multinational company why wait for me to pull offsomething so easy? you could've done it on your own.- we couldn't have this company has a very advancedsecurity system. ultra-modern the alarm will go offthe moment we pick up the floppy the police will take 2 minutesto get there... but the security guardswill be there in 10 seconds only you can steal that floppyand escape in 10 seconds
the money?- we've taken an advance we'll get the rest later.- the most important thing... you can't enter the company'srecords room through the door you'll have to get inthrough the roof suppose this is the records roomand the safe is here... from a height of 150 feet,you will descend here the problem is: laser beam trapsare laid all over the floor they aren't visible, but the momentyou touch them, the alarm will go off but these laser-beams can beseen through a smokescreen
she makes me laugh,she makes me cry... i miss that girl very much say something... don't be quiet.just keep talking your voice... forget about my voiceand heed my heart i'll come back soon he appears in my dreams... he steals my heart... he torments me so much
i miss that boy very much the first time i saw her,i went crazy about her' she acknowledged my loveand robbed me of my peace he's the one i could die for... i'm not afraid of the world it's his name i always chant,as i sigh wistfully what helplessness is this?our love is yet unrequited this distance shall beonly for a few days... unite then, we must
he awakens the achein my heart she makes me laugh...she makes me cry... i still can't believe itthat you have returned liar! you didn't come to theairport to receive me your daddy was coming there.- so what? you could've met him too.- in his presence... could i have touched you like this?- strange guy, ali! you guys... here?- for a cup of coffee, what else? we're good friends of rachait
rachait, i must leave don't you like our company?- it's nothing of the sort well...? love? you didn't give us a properintroduction to your girlfriend we'd have said a few wordsin praise of you you've given that girlthe status of art! looks like you haven't told herwhat you do for a living every time i told a girl,she fled! love makes people talk.and you've fallen silent
let's talk business it's going to be very crowded there,there will be a lot of security men and the party's being heldon the 20th floor it's impossible for usto escape from there what's gotten into you? i'm not in the mood.- where are you going? moods don't run the business.- i'm not in the mood, i told you i don't want to do it.- relax, ali let's talk about it later
something surely is fishy.- isn't there? it's his girlfriend you're through with talking, rachait? and you said you couldgo on all your life well, mr silent...?what's up? sapna, i carry a burdenon my heart so give it to me.your burden and your sorrows i am a criminal
ever since i was a child,i have been a thief but i'm not using my povertyand helplessness as an excuse i'm just a thief maybe you've become quietbecause you hear me say this maybe you'll go far away from mein just a moment or two i'm afraid to turn around and see.even if you have walked away... i won't hold you guilty.but if you're still with me... i promise, i will give upeverything. everything. promise?
i've made up my mind.i'm giving up all this is that your decision...?or is it hers? if you're in love, get married.that's a nice thing we'll dance at your wedding.but there's a problem if one of us commits the theft,he won't be able to escape he'll get caught. and if he tattleson the names of anyone of us... the police could cometo your house too your family will be ruinedbefore it's made that's just what we don't want!- now look...
the necklace is worth 50 million.do it one last time once we have the money,we'll give up this profession too we'll also get married the last time...?- of course. the last time! i'm glad he agreed.- have you told him... the necklace has a computer chipwith the army's secrets in it? as is he'd have agreed then! before the chip is delivered toanyone else, it'll fall in our hands and we'll sell it to the isiat any price we wish
but the goose that lays the golden eggsis slipping out of our hands it won't.- sapna will not be true for him you have a beautiful necklace what business are you into?- i run a diamond business by the way, i don't dancewith just about anyone in which case, you will rememberme for a long time to come people think of meafter i'm gone away out with the necklace you wanted to give the isi classifiedinformation about the indian army!
bring these three guys along.move it why do your friends ali and abbaswant to kill me? take the body to the hospital have him charged under tada and lockedaway in the elphinston jail forever he'll rot in exile we have another request. our namesmustn't be dragged into this case in the last 150 years, not one prisonerhas been able to run away from here i see a rebellion in your eyes.but your lips are sealed maybe the onslaught of timehas turned you dumb
and we have now clipped your wings.don't ever try to escape from here you'll either drop deadon the ground... or drown in the sea.understand? he ran away!in just 2 months i know where he must've gone forgive me, although wedon't know each other... i do know of the lovethat lies hidden in your heart for rachait i think of the immense lovehe must've had for you...
to lose his balance of mind i don't want to listento anything about him you may leave i have nothing to do with peoplewho break their promises please don't say that.i need your help i don't meet anyone.- i know... you're dead, as far asthe world is concerned because you're from the cbi,i was compelled to... that's exactly whyyou must go to rachait with me
no he won't turn you down and we desperately need himin this mission i'm dead for him!- but he's dying every moment... with your memories.- so tell him... to light a pyre of the memories.- even the smoke from the pyre... will be that of your love.come with me just once let him see that you're alive.he'll come back to life... and our mission will be successful.- sorry, i can't help you
i implore you in the name ofsomeone you must ever have loved you will never tell himthat i'm alive did you have to implore mein someone's name...? although she's no more...my love for her is still alive and here, although she's alive... the poor man thinkshis beloved is dead why're you wasting your timeover such a man? he's lost to himself.what use will you have for him? i want to take a chance, jailer.- why take a chance for a man...
who's alive just by chance?- what does that mean? every 12 hours, the man drops dead.- dead? yes, every 12 hours, he suffers a fit he sees only shadowseverywhere he then runs after them he assaults anyonewho comes before him out of control some times,he bangs his head against the wall so how do you bring him under control?- with tranquillisers although these tranquillisersaffect his memory
but he calms down instantly what happens when the effect ofthe tranquilliser has worn off? i didn't give him a dose, becauseyou wanted to question him set him free please leave everyone here thinksyou're good for nothing but i think you can beof great use to me i'm akram shaikh.from the cbi your name is rachait, isn't it?
you have two objectives in life.both of them... cannot be accomplishedunless you're out of prison i can help you ingetting out of jail if you help me... to savethe nation from a crisis the elphinston jail...does that ring a bell? it's now a tourist spot.but when it was a prison... no inmate could everrun away from it except one man. you
in the waters under the jail, is amaze of tunnels leading to the shores only you know about them you were the one whoran away from there i want to use the same tunnelto get inside the jail you will go with me,because... you will fulfil an objectiveif you leave with me two men are holding 213 peoplehostages in the prison the two men are your friends.the brothers... abbas and ali they've placed all the seven lakes inmumbai in target of a deadly virus
if their demands are not met,along with mumbai... they'll destroy the entire nation.i know, it'll make no difference to you but if your enemies slip outof our hands this time... they'll have gone very far awayfrom your reach you'll never find a betteropportunity of confronting them come with me and have your revenge i forgot... your second objective.your love love never dies, they say
and the way you loved her,only someone in love can understand she left you and went awayto a world of her own but whichever world she lives in,you will meet her some day and what will you say to her? that you were a criminalwho served a sentence? won't you do something that willmake you rise in her esteem? so that she can say, no one hasever loved the way you have if you can fight a battlebecause you hate someone... you can fight it becauseyou loved someone too
or maybe for the millionswho live in mumbai sir, can i ask one thing. sir, you talk big talksin small city. withou love can't poet. sir, please tell. she hadn't love you.. or she had loved and ditched you. she loved me and not ditched. there is more sorrow except love.
no one can snatchthat right from us! we were born in a free nation... hey little girl... you talk as if the mutinyof 1857 has begun again you're in the habit of talkingabout the mutiny of 1857... and the struggle of 1942, aren't you?- i'm your guide, after all you can't hold us back by force! i love fighting girls.what is your name? congratulations!you have just won your freedom!
guards, open the door welcome you've won freedom only from them.not from me this one's been instigating everyone.i suggest, you keep her separately lock her up in the old wingof the jail who else wants freedom? hey c.m...- who's this? your father!- watch your language! watch your manners
this is your mother speaking, son call me a genius haven't we turned the heaton the whole of mumbai? you remember the demands,don't you? ali, you talk to him you remember the demands? 150 billion and a ship to leave but who's going to give you asylum?- there's just one nation... which gives asylum tothe criminals of india
you have 20 hours to go get in! the walls in this cell are very weak.scream, and they'll collapse on you you look handsome time turns you into a savage,time turns you human we're all slaves to time.because time is all powerful your face has changed today,your clothes will change soon... maybe your times will change too never have faith...
never wait don't ever haveboundless love for anyone someone is faithful,someone is unfaithful... who knows what misdemeanourthey commit in love, i have beenheart-broken... i have been deserted half waythrough the journey don't ever express it... don't ever wait for him my suspicion was right, sir.the isi has hatched this conspiracy
i've received a report from raw too isi's brigadier rashidis behind all this he's the one who tried the viruson a few of our prisoners but our forces will givehim a fitting reply go ahead and accomplishyour mission hail india, sir.- hail india akram, this is brigadier rashidcalling from pakistan quickly say what you've got to let mumbai go to the dogs.you needn't worry about your job
as soon as kashmir is freed,we'll appoint you the i.g. there allah-willing, kashmirwill soon be ours hey rashid, stop dreaming you've been fighting for kashmirfor the last 55 years... has allah ever helped you?no you know why? because even allahwants kashmir to be part of india if not to us, listen to at leastthe will of allah because of allah i have telephonedto help a muslim brother of mine why? are there no muslimsin pakistan anymore?
help them, rashid miyan. and if youthink pakistani's are not muslims... it's a very sad comment but if they are and youstill want to help us here... people in your country willcall you a traitor, rashid miyan not me! it's people of your countrythat call you muslims traitors! oh yes, there aresome people here... who lecture us on patriotismevery now and then like you lecture uson islam all the time now look, brigadier.my religion is islam
but my motherland is hindustan.and thus i salute mother india... the one you want to bleed.stop doing it else, we'll teach you a lessonthe world will be left watching we'll finish you for good at sunset, we'll reach the prison.with high tide... we'll gain entry into the prisonthrough the secret tunnels with me will be thisspecial force of commandos and also rahul gupta,scientist of cdc he will tell us about the virusthat is loaded in the missile
however close you get to the missile,whatever the emergency... do not even try to separatethe virus from the missile which is why i'm going to with you.and remember... the slightest bit ofcarelessness on our part... could make the entire mission fail.it could affect the whole country this virus is very dangerous the moment the mission isaccomplished, one of you... will have to light smoke-sticksto signal us akram, can rachait recall something?- he will, sir
the moment he sees the model,it'll all come back to him this is the jailyou were held captive at try and recall howyou escaped from there remember something? officer, here arerachait's medicines if he has another fit,give him these medicines he will calm down immediately sapna, this is akram you didn't go with me to meet rachait.but i still want to thank you
you haven't told rachaitthat i'm alive, have you? no, he still doesn't knowthat you're alive this mission is so dangerous,there's no saying... whether he will even return alive rachait did not betray you,he gave you only love because of that very love, he forgetthe way to live... the way to speak hail india i have influence in the primeminister's office, my child you guys have played a very big game.now listen carefully
bad news. akram shaikh, with 10commandos, is coming to attack you and there's good news too.your old friend, philosopher... is coming to you to be your friendfor a lifetime your guide be careful our old friend rachait is coming.to fight against us really? in that case, we must welcome him isn't it the rachait you guysoften talk about?
before you finish him,do let me take a look at him no, no, no! why not?- because he's a lover what if you fall in love with him? the two of us will be ruined so we'll first kill himand then show you the helicopter has droppedthe commando force... about 3 kilometers awayfrom the jail they're now movingtowards the secret tunnels
sir, our commandos have got intohe elphinston jail the jail was made anddestroyed several times i don't know which mapought to be followed rachait can help us only ifhe remembers something sir, our commandos have got intothe tunnel to the jail the cameras are switched on.you can take a look can you see something? careful, sir.there's a motion-sensor there they've left the tunnel
stay here, rahul.and take care of rachait moron! your governmentsent you here... and you came along chantinghail india! when we set chanting outhail india... we only return victorious.- not from here you'll get killed!- if we die... scores of others will stand up.if they are killed... millions of otherswill rise against you he's talking too much!- make a sieve out of him!
akram shaikh, your death isdestined at our hands! and your death is also destinedat someone's hands not me, but theone above knows who we're the ones above!can't you see that? now beg for your life! he's down on his knees anyway! looks like they were told beforehandabout our commandos' attack sir, we've got signalsfrom the second camera he's still suffering.- so let him suffer
are you guys thinking ofshooting him? here goes do what you will.you can't run away from here we're not running away.we're leaving... in a ship of your government,like their sons-in-law don't you knowwhere we're going? very well too.there's just one nation... where every terrorist from indiais hailed and welcomed you got it right! but that nation is a paradisefor muslims like us!
you're going to get kicked aroundin that paradise you're going to even in 1947, several people wentacross in search of their paradise they were subjected toa lot of humiliation that's what's going tohappen to you too whatever happens to us over there,we hate the infidels in this country! not hindus, not muslims... this country has a problemwith traitors i haven't killed you yetbecause you're a muslim if you want to live,talk to the c.m.
and make him give usthe 150 billion i'll get you even 1500 billion.on one condition take all your friends with you,whose faith is money... and betrayal, their profession whatever faith or religionthey belong to he spoke so much! it's all over you're in a lot of pain,aren't you? all i regret is that i'mleaving a mission incomplete...
for the first time in my life.- nothing will happen to you! nothing! looks like god has called me over from very far away... someone's calling me i'm coming, my love...i'm coming no! akram, we'll be ableto do nothing! no! don't say such things.promise me... you will leave only after youhave done what we had set out to do
they are not the oneswho will bring doomsday... we'll bring doom to them hey c.m.you sent commandos here! i... i sent themto negotiate with you with guns in their hands? their guns spoke, so did ours.they're all dead-meat now see what we're going to do! rachait, they're going to kill us!get up! they've got guns!we could lose our lives!
do you get what i'm saying, rachait? i was crazy to come hereto defuse the missiles! i've had my fuse blownand you won't say a word! say something... react! they were here.they've killed akram shaikh! the one who brought us here.he's gone away... and left us here!what am i going to do? oh yes! you remember the way back!we'll go back the way we came! i can't even remembera normal route, rachait
i've burnt rachait to death.his ashes will now flow into the sea! only his ashes willescape from this jail! sir, there's a girl called sapnawho wants to meet you she says she has permissionfrom the p.m.'s office what am i to tell her, sir?- show her in there was a call from the pmothat a girl wants to see me she's the lover of the prisoner rachaitwho has gone on the mission ls rachait all right? yes, we're trying toestablish contact
what does that mean?- at the moment... those who have gone onthe mission, are missing what are you looking for...? looks like the effect ofthe medicine is wearing off he's getting the fits again sir, the scientist rahul gupta isright before lt pradip's camera switch on the beep of the wireless!tap it, please! who's this?- khurana. cbi chief sir, how do you know thati've got the wireless?
the officer lying in front of you..- he's dead, sir there's a camera fixedon his shoulder... through which i can see you remove the camera from hisshoulder and fix it on yours they've all been killed, sir.only rachait and i are alive i know all the commandoshave been killed a traitor has leakedinformation to them no, sir... the two of you cancomplete the mission!
do not lose your nerve! there's someone standingright in front of you! when death stares you in the face,you have only two options either surrenderor take him on hurry up and get to rachait rachait! get up!come to your senses! only the two of us are left! it's very important for rachaitto regain consciousness on him depends the successof our entire mission
but how are we going to sit hereand bring him back to his senses? sir, i can help you i can have a word with rachait talk to him! go on! rachait... rachait, this is sapna are you listening, rachait? i'm alive, rachait nothing has happened to me, rachait
i'm here in the control-room.only for you only for you, rachait i went far away from you, didn't i?i'll never do that again you can give me any punishmentyou wish to but once... come back rachait.just once i want to live again...in your eyes, in your arms, rachait i'll wait for you i'm going to wait for you i'll break every boundaryin my love for you, rachait
stand up, rachait.rise and destroy those... who have betrayed not just you,they have betrayed the nation too! the cbi director says the two of uscan complete this mission there are threemissile stations here but which one is the closest,i don't know. you'll have to... the general is very happy with you the way you havefinished the commandos... he has decided to reward youwith 5 billion rupees thank you. tell the generalthat we will finish anyone...
who stands in our way. before theindian government makes another move... we'll put the pressure on them.we'll scare them a bit more in a few hours, we're reachingyour country. god protect you let me fire a missile on mumbai! only then will the c.m.send the money abbas, what are you doing? i'm going to put the whole of mumbaito eternal sleep! i only asked you to threaten them!- i've said what i had to gopal, let the missile go.- let's do it
abbas, hold it! gopal, let go of the other missile do what you want to.i'm hurling a missile at them i'll kill you!- ali! try killing me! that's mumbai... sir, they've fired a missilefrom elphinston jail what have you done! what fear or bargaining powerdo we now have!
that c.m. wasn't sending usthe money! he'll send it now we won't get the money anymore we've contaminated their lake.all our efforts have been in vain! have you gone out of your mind?- you guys were out of your minds i kept my nerve.- kept your nerve, my foot! i let the missile go,but i took out the virus i've fired a blank missile! so you fired a blank missile? because the virus isn't a bulletyou can fire at will
the virus is priceless.it's worth billions. like me! we're saved! we're saved, laila! gopal, you're a genius.- that i am! we are saved. abbas, don't everdo that again, brother don't call me brother.you fired at me! out of love, brother.don't be angry with me you aren't angry with me,are you? let's embrace, brother c.m., do you see the power we wield?
we wanted to undo the dhoti you wear,not make you wet it which is why we didn't loadthe missile with the virus they had taken out the virusfrom the missile now tell us how many hoursyou have left eighteen.- wrong! 10 hours you tried to act smartby sending those commandos so soon, how am i...- eight hours listen to me, please...- six hours four two!
one want us to fire the missile?- no, no! so let's settle at five hours.150 billion and a ship remember, we're really mad if you ruin our mood, we'll putthe whole of mumbai to sleep okay, i'll meet all your demandsin five hours. all right? what's happening, sir...?they're dropping missiles on mumbai? in the lake at powai whichprovides drinking water? i'm going to answerall your questions
it was an exercise on the partof the defence ministry why didn't you inform the publicwell in advance? many things the press get to knoweven before the government does how did you miss out on this one?- you're the one who missed out, sir! i can't believe this is the placethey have kept the missiles this is the compartment in whichthe virus is loaded this is where the virus is.one mistake could ruin everything here's the virus in its hyperconcentrated bio-chemical matrix form this is the deadly virus
one down. now for the next no one's respondingfrom the ammunition room that's where the missiles are without this chip, theycan't use the missile where are we landing? follow them! where are we going? rachait, they're firing!do something! we'll meet withan accident, rachait!
do something! you, sheetal?!- rahul! you?! sheetal, you, i... i kept calling you like a madman!and here you are! they kidnapped me, stupid! that's all right.but what are you doing here? i'm on a picnic!i told you, didn't i? but what are you doing here?
i... i'm here on a secret mission you came to save me? you came to save me!my god! listen to me rachait, this is my girlfriend sheetal and this is rachait,a bit of a snob we have very little time.here's the map two more missile stations left.one in the library, one in the tower now which one is closer,i don't...
rachait is alive tell me something why've you tied a redhandkerchief on your mouth? strange man. neither does he talk,nor will he let me talk you tell me. do i talk too much? oh no. where do you talk at all?- exactly. i wonder what he thinks that's a toy-gun, isn't it?- you think it's a toy-gun? it's a real one where are you guys headed...?
has the money arrived? guns, missiles...what's going on over here? someone's coming from behind, or towards the front?- in the front... back there, rachait...where's rachait? give me the gun and tell mehow it works. you go and stand there have you gone mad? rahul! what's he doing here? he must be the onewho decoded the missile
before he gets to the other missiles,let's gun him down hey romeo! what have you come here for? brother... i made a mistake. i ought to havebumped him off with his sapna! i made a mistake!a bloody mistake! he has come here to die!you stinking... laila, we've buried rachait you can shut the tunnelfrom the other side now
so that they don't evencome across his soul i've pulled out the pin.toss it at them quickly what a bombshell! i must take herout on a vacation! we have either lost the signals,or the camera is damaged this is no technical glitch.the two of them have been killed when an officer like akram shaikhwas felled... with outstanding commandosof the nation... what will these two clowns do?- mr home minister maybe you don't know my rachait
he can fight any power on earth.- that's your love for him speaking yes, my love possesses his soul.and it won't let him die there's no jail on earth fromwhich he cannot escape history is witness to that rachait, they've blocked all theways through the tunnels come with us! shit! the path this wayis blocked too! we're going to die here!no one's coming to our rescue! why did you come here?even if i were dead...
at least you'd have lived!our love would have lived on! i'm suffocating!i'm going to die! do something, someone! nothing's happening to us! it's loaded!i just loaded it gunpowder? what are yougoing to do with it? rachait, go to the tower i'll meet you there afteri've defused the rest of the missiles we haven't been able to establishcontact! what are waiting for?
just pay them if you want tosave the lives of millions! dollars, pounds...give them whatever they ask for! must we give you your shareor will you take it from them? your pawn has told us everything in any case, akram had prepared apretty comprehensive file on you half an hour to go and the moneystill hasn't arrived something is surely wrong we're going to make the government'splans go wrong now yes, everything is in place
we've made arrangements to jam thesignals of all tv and radio channels you are the only ones who will nowfeature on every radio and tv channel mumbai's under threat.so is the rest of india i'm ali.- i'm abbas in exactly 30 minutes, the peoplein mumbai will breathe their last because your governmentdoes not care for you if the government does not meetour demands in half an hour... we will fire the missile at mumbai! the missile is loadedwith a deadly virus
which will kill you and the wholecity, in a matter of a few minutes listen, halt the transmission ofall tv and radio channels immediately tell the cable operators to suspendtheir services till further notice it's such a deadly virus,anywhere it is dropped... not even an animal is born for150 years, let alone a human being 213 people, we have... looks like the government hasblocked all the tv channels that's all right.our job is done mumbai must've gone berserk!
bloody bull! allah, abbas and aliare blowing up mumbai as long as there is in mumbai haji ali,no harm can do abbas and ali you're dominating every channel today thanks. it's all becauseof your patronage even we have not been able to scarethe indian administration so much get to the naval border as soonas you have completed your work i'll personally cometo receive you there come here, my boy...
they send a duffer like youto stop me? i told you, gopal.never use science for destruction sure, but i hope there aregirls and beaches up there i'll issue orders to the air forceto blow them up i can't risk the lives of millionsfor the sake of just 213 hostages i'll stop him!go and fire the missile! ali, you fire the missile!i'll deal with him no, no...you can't fire at me the moment you shoot,ali will let go of the missile!
let go! leave abbas alone!else, i'll kill this scientist! leave abbas alone! else i'll kill him!- don't worry about me! kill him, rachait!- let him go, i say! i'm sick of these blackmailers.they hijack planes... explode bombs,poison our drinking water! don't spare him, rachait.kill him! laila... my laila! laila has saved me.but what happens of you?
you're going to your sapna!you're going to sapna! kill that man and his brother!let me die, rachait! you really... really...?! bloody thief!you're taking sides with the cops? when it's a questionof india and pakistan... every indian is on one side you're in a hurry to goto pakistan, aren't you? your brother and lailawanted to go there too you're going there too
they've given us a smoke signal bless you, dear any news of ali and abbas?- no, sir dear citizens of mumbai,your mumbai is whole safe now the two terrorists abbas and alihave been decimated... their missiles and the virushave been destroyed... mumbai is like the mumbai of old.beautiful mumbai, our mumbai rachait is now a free man.go on. live happily rachait, i made a grave mistakein understanding you
i didn't keep my promise hold on! wait! here's the scoundrel!why did you make a cripple out of me? i only tried to save your life he speaks! he can really speak!
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