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How To Flashing tooky t86
i vow to be true, always. i vow to always be yours. yeah! ed:previously on "flashpoint": parker: team, we'relooking at another bomb that just went off downtown. we're looking at terror. ed:steve! steve: - ed!ed: - where is he?
steve: phone signal's here,man, it's gotta be him. ed:clark! clark! donna, if there's no timeron the bomb, then you can waittill i get there! donna:no, i can handle it. spike:how many wires do you see? uh... (counts to herself) eighteen. jules:donna, how's our subject?
quiet, co-operative -could be the gun on his head. jules: boss, this makeany sense to you? if he was gonna blowhimself up, why didn't he already do it? donna:this is your very last chance. tell me where the detonator isright now! right now! what're you looking at? parker:what do you see, donna?
i got a blinking camerain the ceiling. get outta there now! holt:(panicked breaths) ed:donna, what's happening? eddie... move! (screaming) (thundering explosion) boss!
i'm okay. all:(relieved sighs) holt wasn't the bomber,he was the bait, eddie. she's gone, eddie. she was right in front of him. (gasps) sonofabitch! (voice hitches) sonofabitch! (rescuers shout)
steve, get in here! get the oxygen mask in there! clark! clark!let's clear the door! let's clear it! (debris shifts noisily) ed: pull up! get in there! (grunts of effort)clark, i'm here. you're gonna be okay, buddy,i'm right here.
okay, you're gonna be okay. (whimpers) (gasps) clark? (clark coughs) (relieved laugh) okay, let's get a board! rescuer:i need a board! ed: okay, let's get that board!let's get that board down here! okay, i'm right with you.
okay, okay.okay. all right. what...what happened? you're okay, you're okay. we're gonna take care of you,all right? they got him! ed:guys, i got him. we're good.we're good here. parker: that's great. youstay with him, eddie. fireman:you gotta stay back.
my people need to seeif the structure of the building's compromisedfirst. all right.okay? oh god...(chokes back a sob) hey! i need your cruiser,there's another bomb. (breathing heavily) (groans with pain) (indistinct radio chatter) (parker coughs)
fireman: hey, i toldyou to stay outside! there's nothing you can doto help here. look, my peopleare still in there. fireman: i'm sorry. itwas over in a second. supporting wall is compromised. it's not safe. i'll show you another way in. all right, boys, let's go! ed:got it. yeah.
okay, easy.we got you. we got you, okay. ed: - easy, easy.steve: - easy, guys. (cell phone rings) hey. he's gonna be okay.he's getting an iv started, and, you know, he's okay,he's conscious. tell me everything,don't leave anything out. ed: soph, he's got a brokenleg, a broken wrist. i think he's gotsome broken ribs.
i'm telling youeverything i know. is he okay? where are you taking him?i'll meet you there! no, no.soph, stay at home with izzie. just stay safe.it's not over, okay? i'm gonna take himto the hospital, we're gonna get him x-rayed,we're gonna check him out. everything's gonna be fine. sophie: just tell himi love him, okay?
steve: - ed, we're ready to move.ed: - okay, soph, i gotta go. sophie: eddie,please, be careful. ed: i will, okay? i love you.bye. fireman: we have to getout of here right now, it's not safe! everyone out, now! we have to set a new perimeter. (coughing) we got a problem -a big problem.
i got really high readingsin there. team one, new deal. ed:okay. let's get you fixed up.you ready to ride? - i'm gonna be okay?- you're gonna be fine. you gotta go, dad. i'm not going anywhere. clark: no, dad, please!you gotta get this guy. steve:ed, coming or going?
no, hang on, hang on.buddy, i'm not going... clark:dad, no, okay? you gotta do this!i'm gonna be fine. please? are you sure? yes. okay. okay,i'll see you at home. i love you.your mom and i love you. i love you too. (clark groans in pain)
(bangs on door) team one, i'm coming to you. (sirens wail in distance) (brakes screech) (jules grunts in pain) what's happening? sam: we're not allowedto cross the perimeter. jules:boss, what's going on? parker:team, just hang tight.
spike:boss! parker: no, don't! don't!stay back! jules:why? what's going on? exposed to radiation. it was a dirty bomb. (radiation sensor clicks) (tires screech, siren wails) parker: all right, guys,you know the drill. i've gotta go offline,get scrubbed,
get blood tests. i need you to stay on task. do you copy? all:copy that, boss. now, someone droppeda trail of breadcrumbs leading us right here,leading us to the wrong man. he watched as this man died. someone hated anson holtpersonally. jules: holt was a sadist;sadists have victims.
and he was arrestedfor abusive experiments... - officer!- i'm not done yet! they were performed right here. the manifesto saidit began here; we're looking forone of his students. what just happened? - he just signed off.- why? his headset's contaminated. he's gotta get himselfcleaned up.
we can't just drop contact. you're right. (siren wails) okay, guys, let's do this! sam, coordinatewith the military. we need more bootson the ground now! ? flashpoint 05x13keep the peace part 2original air date december 13, 2013 ==sync, correction by dcdah==www.addic7ed.com
(low hum of confused murmurs) (truck rumbles) hazmat worker:okay, outer layers off. equipment, cell phones,gloves... anything that's exposedstays here. the material releasedby the device is caesium 137. you're gonna be taking one gramof prussian blue. it binds to the caesium, moves it faster throughyour digestive system.
i'm gonna be sick. hazmat worker:okay, okay. here. what's your name, son? jason. do you know howdirty bombs work, jason? they spray radioactivematerial, contaminate the area. parker: they spread fear;that's the bomber's point. the good news is,fear is easy to treat.
a dose of factsusually gets you results. how long were you in there? not too long. hazmat worker:okay, demron blankets. you wrap them tightaround your body. but we were already exposed. it's all right, it protects othersfrom exposure to us. it's just a precaution.
jules: so this was hiddenat the prof's house. it looks like holt keptthe video archives of his experiment. subjects...eight students. okay, it's a start.get these names to winnie. firewalled. the video serverhe was using in there, i can't trace it,i can't trace the ip. i have no idea wherehe was watching this from.
(into headset) yeah?go ahead, winnie. sam: colonel, wind's10k south, southeast. that means from hereto the lake, we've gotta keep everyoneinside their houses. windows shut, vents sealed. duct tape, plastic,whatever's available. sam: we're upwind on the north side.you can stage here. ed: anything comes in contactwith the ash or the debris, seal it in a plastic bag,shower off immediately!
spike: guys, we can cross"big banking" off the list; team two just defused a bombat the hudson trust head office. okay, okay, good news. winnie: team one, thebomber's just called 911 and boss is offline. copy that, winnie.jules, you take this. jules: okay, winnie,patch me through. this is jules callaghan with the police strategicresponse unit.
bomber:where's my other puppet? jules:he's in the field right now. you got what you wanted;the manifesto's out there. you're gonna be famous. you want to tell uswhat your name is? bomber: why would imake it that easy? jules: that's right, the lasttime you made it that easy, we walked right into it. you sent the manifestofrom a smartphone
spoofed to anson holt's name. bomber:very good. jules: then pointed usstraight here to the lab. bomber: and holt walkedright into it, too. jules: and then youstrapped a bomb on him, made him watch the news, made him watch what you'd done. bomber: while i watched him sitthere too scared to even breathe! you've proven your point.
i think the five remaining bombsare redundant. bomber: how'd youknow there were five? where are they? bomber:you think people know fear yet? this is nothing. this isn't fear,this is an inconvenience. people still have illusionssomeone's looking out for them. police, paramedics,government, doctors... authority figures.
bomber:you think you can trust them? it's all lies, it's smoke, and when peopleunderstand that, when they realizeno one's looking out for you... then they'll know fear. bomber:then they'll grow up. five down, five to go. jules: confirming atotal of ten bombs, but still no closerto who this guy is.
leah:maybe a little closer. those eight participantsin holt's study, how many of themknow how to set up a firewall? we're looking for the onewith the most security measures. but four of the subject'sstudents have moved to other cities. spike:four of them are still local, three of them have open ip's, no security.
jules: leaving onename: marcus faber. spike:winnie, we need an address! winnie: marcus faber,266 robinson street. twenty-five years old,parents deceased. he dropped outof brookfield university, but before that he actuallyattended schools for the gifted as a child. he skipped grades twice. well, any trouble with the law?
six months in jail for assault, charges for vagrancy,that's it. does he work? winnie: uh... no tax recordsfiled, so nothing on the books. here, he took a jobthree months ago as a telephone technician. that lines up withthe bomb's wiring! and he would've had the accessto plant them. this has gotta be our guy.
(sirens wail) (showers hiss) (radiation sensor beeps) (water patters) (sighs heavily) thank you. (clicking) (beeps) hazmat worker:sergeant parker!
this came from sru. parker:thank you. oh, thank you, winnie! thank you, son. (tires screech, sirens blare) (suv doors slam) let's go, guys, hard and fast. let's move!let's move now! go, go, go, go, go!
(door crashes open) police! police!get down! police! police! sam:clear! spike:clear! okay, team,let's tear this place apart! we've gotta get aheadof him here... equipment, plans, anything! (glass shatters)
(thudding, splintering) leah: right here! we'vegot a map on the wall! spike:has he marked the targets? leah: - negative!ed: - keep looking! (drawers crash) (grunts with effort) (thudding) (glass shatters, drawers crash) what's this?
(wainscotting splinters) sam:spike, bomb components! spike:yep. caesium 137.same stuff hazmat found. trace amounts... it's not dangerousat this level. check this out:h8, k6, g11. some kind of code? is that some kind of datasheet?
this is old school.these are the targets. map coordinates. the 911 call centre. h8, brookfield university. we got the federal building,city hall. k6, hudson trust,that was team two's package. parker: okay, team, i'm here, iheard the last part of that. ed: we've got the fiveremaining targets, and the subjectis marcus faber.
leah: g11, police stationon college street! sam: ems headquarters, andthere's a tv station. parker:okay, what about a timeline? he's on a half-hour schedule. the lab was the last one to go,which one's next? ed:there's no indication. all right, team, i'm scrubbed. i'm not waitingfor my blood test. you've got too muchground to cover.
ed: greg, you wait untilthe blood work gets back, you hear me?we got this. okay. all right, jules, let's get insidethis guy's head, then. we've got videoon holt's experiment. marcus was one of his students. i'm gonna stream it to you. it's gonna take a minute though'cause there's a lot to upload.
copy that. and another student,tony james, lives close by. i'm gonna go talk to him,get his take on marcus. ed:okay now, the rest of us, we're gonna split intorapid intervention teams: one sru, one ems,one firefighter. each team takes a target, we find the bomb, we defuse it. spike's gonna talk us throughthe tech.
ed: - let's go.spike: - wait a minute! we're short one bomb. what do you mean, spike? spike:ten targets. he's written downnine locations. we're missing one. where's the last bomb? (eerie howl of sirens wailingin the distance) guys, we need yououtta here now!
radiation level? steve:uh, clean so far. ed: okay, the floorplans havethe server on the second floor. are we good? yeah, it's all good.let's get it done. team one, status? bravo team at the emergencymedical services building. charlie teamat adelaide systems. spike: delta team, we'reat the tv station.
parker: - team...spike: - boss? parker: i know this is hard.we're split up, we don't knowwhat we're walking into. but today's like any day;we walk through doors together, we're in each other's ears, and we've goteach other covered. and even thoughi'm not there with you, my hand is on your backs, and don't forget that.
it works both ways, greg. (latch clicks) (latch clicks, quiet footsteps) steve: negative for radiation.we're good. ed: okay. clear out, guys,only one man downrange. (snaps photo) spike, i got a picture,it's coming to you. okay, silver lining, our bomber'sa creature of habit.
it's the same devicehe used at the call centre. okay, guys, radiation levels? (radiation sensors beep) negative for bravo. leah:negative for charlie. okay, guys, i'm the only onethat needs to be here. okay, timers! mine's a little overthirty-five minutes. ed, what do you got?
i got fourteen minutes. leah:twenty-three and change. he's picking up the pace. sam: guys, it looks likei got the short straw. five minutesand thirty seconds. okay, guys, i need youto get outta here now, make surethis building's clear! five minutes...what the hell am i doing here? ed: (calmly) okay, spike,just focus on sam, okay?
spike, we're gonnafollow along. just focus on sam. yeah. parker:spike, what happened to lou... was a sacrifice he chose. it's the reasonyou're still with us. but that's not goingto happen today, you know that, right? yeah, i know that, boss.
okay, spike, what do we do? all right, sam, guys, take out your meters, and i want you to checkthe resistance, okay? then i need you to take outyour tac knives. tony: marcus was acouple of years younger. he was gifted,and, i don't know, different. how? tony:awkward, vulnerable.
you met him throughanson holt's study? we were all honouredto be chosen. i mean, there were fistfights just to get intothis guy's seminars. what'd you do when you realized that the study was a bit morethan you bargained for? tony: he told us, "whathappens in the lab, stays in the lab," and we did what he said.
i mean, this is anson holt. he made us tell himwhat we loved, what was precious, what gave us hope, what we... holt:eyes up! what our secrets were,what we believed in. he took it in. each of us had to sitin the "hot seat"...
holt: eyes up! keep youreyes on the monitor! camera in our face, with all the otherstudents watching, while he tore us apart. and then holt startedgiving us medication. we never knewif it was real or placebo. he made us watch these dvds. holt: - eyes up!- torture... holt:keep your eyes focused!
snuff films.it was... holt:look up! it was sickening. holt: tony, i needyou to stay focused. tony, stay focused! (shouting) tony! tony:i can't! keep your eyes on the monitors! tony:he's just a little kid!
holt: - he's what?!tony: - he's a little boy! he is what?! tony: a victim! he's a victim! that's right, tony. he's a victim. tony: he made us watchthem again, and again, 'til you keep seeing themall day, and all night, and i couldn't stand it! (sobbing)
bill: they found myson in his residence. he'd taken a bottleof sleeping pills. i brought him home,i finally got him to talk. i talked to a lawyer,i called other parents. i tried to get a lawsuit going. i didn't see any recordsof charges being laid. bill: the university came backwith a huge settlement offer on condition of silence. tony: i just wantedit all to be over.
thank you, tony. my name is marcus faber,i'm nineteen years old. well, i'm eighteen.(laughs) nineteen in may. holt:tell me, marcus... what do you love? who do you thinkcan protect you? (marcus sobs) this is fear, marcus.
it owns you now. you're just another victim, and you know what happensto victims, don't you? marcus: victims get whatthey've got coming! nurse: - sergeant parker?parker: - yeah. nurse: we've got the resultsof your blood work. you're gonna wanna follow up,but you're a lucky man. you're good to go. parker:oh, thank you!
okay, team, how we doing? okay, careful now,carefully put the dry ice in with the acetone. sam, how're you doing? sam: i'm still tryingto expose the switch. i'm going as fast as i can. spike: you go ascareful as you can. right.fast and careful. spike: - and safe.sam: - i know, spike!
i'm cooling it down now.i'm under ninety seconds. sam, you're runningout of time. you need to get outta there,buddy. building's not clear. spike: okay, sam, you're not gonnahave enough time to do this. you need to get outta thereright now. parker: team, you juststay focused on your task. jules: hey, boss, italked to tony james. these kids were young, bright,
eager to please,trusted authority. he used that authorityto break 'em down. parker:jules, jules, wait. jules:winnie sent me the files. they all tookthe settlement money. four of 'em left town,two of 'em are in drug rehab, and one's in jail. you either lash outor you self-destruct. parker: jules, juststop, all right?
just go to channel one. it's sam. sam, what's going on? i've got time. spike:sam, no, you do not! jules: sam, do you needto get outta there? it's working, i've got this. jules:sam! it's working;temperature's going down.
it's minus thirty-five degrees. sam, you drop your toolsright now, and you get yourself outta thereright now! come on... jules:sam, listen to him! minus thirty-eight degrees! sam, you listen to him! it's almost there! jules: sam, we will notlose each other today!
spike: (shouting) sam?sam, get out! go! (under her breath)go! go! go! sam, get out of there now! spike:get out, sam! sam! (door slams) (explosion blasts,glass shatters) sam, talk to me.
sam, talk to me! okay, team... team, i need you to hear meright now. i need you to keep safe. spike? spike! you listen to me, all right? we still need you, we all do, and whatever happened,you need to keep going. you hear me?you keep going!
you all do! (crying) (gasping for breath) what the boss said, guys.trust me, you don't wanna do thisthe hard way. (gasps with relief) (laughs) sam braddock, you do notdo that to me again. okay, sam, get yourselfcleaned up, all right?
spike: that's the last bombhe's gonna blow up today! ed: okay, spike,temperature's dropping. thirty-eight,thirty-eight five, thirty-nine. spike: okay, ed, thatshould be frozen solid. spike, "should be?" no, it is, it is.it's frozen solid. just lift the circuit board,cut the blue wire. okay...
(wire snaps) boss, the bomb is defused.i'm on my way. spike, i just frozethe tilt switch. spike: copy that, leah.same thing i told ed. lift the circuit board,cut the blue wire. (snap) clear! spike:nice, leah! leah: i'm on my wayto the stadium. okay, jules,
let's just cut to the chase,all right? we gotta find that last bomb. let's nail who this guy is. yeah, i'm gettingmixed messages. parker:i'm with you. the manifesto's all aboutfighting back against forces of control, like he's on some twistedmission to help people... free them from government,or whatever.
yeah, but if you're gonnahelp people, you don't kill their children. this is about marcusbeing in control. he doesn't wanna feellike a victim anymore, so he shows holt,beats him at his own game. shows the worldhe's in control, he's the boss. all right, i'm marcus. i'm gonna reduce my worldto black and white.
two kinds of people:the strong and the weak. jules, i think i knowwhere the last bomb is. i think it's right here. the bomb's right therein the stadium? how can you be sure? parker:i'm not, but wouldn't it explain why marcus didn't havethe location of the last bomb? jules: yes, and he wouldn'thave known it himself until about an hour ago,
when they mentioned the triageon the news. jules, a lot of these peoplecan't be moved easily. it's gonna take a lot more timethan we might have. best chance is findingthat bomb, and defusing it. jules: okay, boss, if thisis a last-minute target, he still could be there. you watch yourself! parker:okay, just send me a photo.
jules: now, listen, i don'tthink talk is an option, okay? he's not gonna wanna bepsychologized, especially by a guy in uniform. you are everythingthat he hates. yeah, copy that. hey, i want you to meet meover there. spike: okay, boss, we'll get akit sent to you right away. meantime, your tac knifeis your best friend. see if you can get an ohm meterfrom a stadium tech.
(low hum of confused chatter) parker: this is the bomber,his name is marcus faber. keep your weapons ready. we're looking for packages,wires, suitcases. check stairwells,garbage cans, vents. it could be anything, anywhere. all right? communicationson channel three. good luck.
ed:greg, if you're marcus, you want maximum damagefrom a single bomb, right? yeah, right. he knows that bomb will nottake that stadium down, and this is his grand finale. parker:yeah. it's gonna be dirty. greg, he's gonna put that bombup somewhere high, somewhere where everyonein that stadium will be exposed.
and the city outside, eddie. i'll keep you posted. (confused chatter) (siren chirps, brakes screech) (siren wails, brakes screech) jules:it's taking way too long. ed: boss, jules andi are on the scene. evac's a mess here. (confused murmurs)
(footsteps thunk) i've found the bomb,top level, catwalk. you were right, eddie. ed: - i'm on my way up.parker: - negative, negative. ed,this one's definitely dirty. i you need to cleareveryone away and get everyone out of range. boss, are you sure? spike, cs 137.i'm sending you a photo.
spike: boss, my bomb is defused,i can be there in minutes. up high, maximum damage. (sighs) caesium 137,right next to the c4. i've got access to a timer -three minutes, forty seconds. officer, let's movethese people back! clear room for vehicles. officer:copy that. sam: we need to get themost critical out now!
(panicked, confused chatter) can you locatethe power supply? not that i can see. spike: okay, it's gonna be underneathjust like all the other ones. what about the detonator,is that exposed? not that i can see, spike. spike: that's 'cause he's gotit in the middle of the c4. okay, boss,the first thing we gotta do, we gotta make sure...the anti-handling devices...
we gotta find those first,okay? so i want you to checkfor leads. do you see any leadsgoing into the circuit? yeah, stand by. spike: yes! okay, perfect.get the ohm meter and i want you to checkthat circuit. (slide clicks) ed: winnie, we need everyavailable vehicle down here now! jules:get the door!
(sighs nervously) ohm meter's holding steadyat nine. spike: it means there's noresistance in the circuit. parker:yeah, is that a good thing? spike:that's a great thing, boss. it means there'sno anti-handling devices. there's a clear pathto the detonator and the power supply. he must've ran out of timeon this bomb or something.
step by step,what do i do next? (gunshot, parker gasps) (winnie gasps) ed: - boss?spike: - boss! parker: i'm taking fire.he's here, it's him! (gunshot) ed: - sam!sam: - right behind you! (firing repeatedly) parker: okay, spike, what do i do?what do i do?
(grunts, hit) marcus:get away from the bomb! boss, are you there? boss, you there? (hoarsely) yeah,just took it in the vest. (rapid-fire gunshots) spike, what do i do next? just lift the cover, boss!just lift the cover and get underneathto the power source.
parker:okay, spike. (gunshot fires)oh! agh! (cries out with rage) (groans) (groaning hoarsely) (weakly) marcus?marcus, listen to me. i know i'm not gonna tryto talk you down, and i'm not gonna tryto talk you down because i know you don't care.
oh, you tried to hurtthose around me. you killed kids,you killed people i love, and i know you don't feelany fear anymore because your messageis already out there. (spits) that feels good, doesn't it? your will, your messages... will live on. mission accomplished.
sever the wire! cut the wirebetween the power supply and the detonator. (parker grunts in pain) (parker moans in pain) (weakly) sorry...sorry it didn't work out because i just stoppedyour bomb... and my team stoppedyour other bombs. your message isn't goinganywhere.
your message is going nowhere. you're done! (gunshots fire) (parker gasps for breath) (choking) you stay with me! sam:subject neutralized. okay, okay, i got ya, i got ya. we have an officer down!
we need emsto the upper level now! i repeat, officer down! - you're gonna be okay.- where's the medic?! we need a medic up here now! you're gonna be okay, buddy. you stay with me, i got you.i got you. dean: stay with us,dad, we're here! stay with us. you did it, buddy,you defused the bomb.
are you trying to put spikeout of a job? huh? i got you...i got you... they're on their way. we're gonna get youout of this. (chokes back a sob) hey, you remembera couple years ago when i had to shootgoran tomasic, and you said to me, buddy, "you might wanna do the mathon all the 'i'm fine's."
i've never said thank you. you're more than fine, buddy. you're more than fine... stay with me.no, you don't. no, you don't!stay here! we're not done! parker:(shallow raspy breaths) no you don't!greg, don't leave me. you're not going anywhere!
greg, stay here!stay here! you're staying here! medic! ? and i will watch youdisappear ? ? from my fortress over here ? ? and i will never understand ? ? every heart's a foreign land ? ? and i'm so afraid to ? ? so afraid to ? ? love you ?
? and i will turn my eyes away ? ? from the harsh lightof your day ? ? and i have slept throughpouring rain ? ? it was all that kept me sane ? hey! what have i told you guysabout holding hands at the station. we're off the clock boss. where's everybody? they're just behind. ed... good speech.
thank you.he was a tough man. [jules in sing song voice]sadie! look who's here. aunt winnie and uncle spike. she didn't fall asleepin the car? sam: she didn't wantto miss any of the action. jules: she's all like "wheream i going? what kept you guys? greg, you forget the wayto the barn already? nice speech ed.
found out a lot aboutthis guy tonight. thank you buddy. you saidsome nice things tonight. you're welcome. look, i hated to drag you outtayour retirement party early, but i just thought that uh... you know, it might be nice,just us... last time as team one. yep. winnie:here, let me take her.come on, sadie! yes!
there we go!(sadie coos) oh, she's adorable! let's go for a walk! guys, to uh... absent friends. mm-hmm. to donna and lou. donna and lou. ed: to the new team leaderof team three!
thank you. and to the newhead instructor at the academy, bravely teachingthe next generation. leah: - congratulations.parker: - yup. and to sergeant ed lane, for taking team one forward. sarge. all:cheers! i miss it. i miss it like hell.
i know you do. but you're here ed. you're all here. parker: and i've got my handon your backs, just like you've always hadyour hands on mine. come on. ? ? team one.
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