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How To Flashing walton primo hm mini
[mark] hello everybody, my name is markiplier and welcome back to five nights at freddy's! now in this video i will be doing absolutely everything i can, to get every last secret in the game, and i don't know if i'll be able to get everything. but i know i can get this secret ending that i know is out there. it can't just be left up to them scooping out my innards, baby stepping her way into my skin and then walking out of this facility as a weird robo me. so the first step is the cupcake game
because i looked at my footage uh, when i was editing the previous video and i know there's a way to get by everything. there's a way to jump over cupcakes, hit the right people. and then go back get a cupcake, hit the right people again. and then do a final loop through with the last green cupcake to get absolutely everybody i'm not gonna explain it in full because right now i just need to get to it but the next thing you'll see is me actually in the cupcake game
because i just have to die, over and over and over again and i'm not gonna start the game over just yet i may start the game over to try and find other secrets *flash* but for right now i'm just gonna try to die again and again and again until i get the cupcake game and then i'm pretty sure if i get it once i've thought in my head how to do this right and i don't know if i may be able to do it right but i'm gonna do it, the best i can
you'll see not too many failures [female robotic voice] motion trigger, parts and service. [mark] we're gonna do this. see you there [hand unit] great job reaching- [mark] ok. so the strategy is you get these kids here. *happy music plays* you do that, what you need to do there. oh sh*t ok now this is where things get a little tricky cause what i have to do here i have two left which means that i need to
leap over this one, to this platform here go over here and get this kid *singing* if i'm not mistaken this is right ok boink boink ok there we go. ok so what i need to do is i need to oh i don't know if i'll be able to make that. ok so heck
okay so, oh boy. oh boy. euhhhheuhhhhh oh yes you can! okay, this was the tricky bit. *cupcake sounds* ohahhh noooooo oh no! oh no oh nononono i went too quick! no! ohh frick
eeughhhhhh yes! okay, okay. don't mess this up... oh please. yaas! okay, alright, don't mess it up, don't mess it up! oh! don't mess it up, oh don't mess it up! keep my finger off the trigger so i don't waste any... goddamn cuppercakes. mmmmhmhmmhmmmm ga frickyfrickyfrickyfrickyfrick frickadick
hababababa bam, bam, okay, just like that just like that, okay. we got plenty of time and there's really nothing new, just gotta remember that one jump that's all kinds of funkyy! if i remember the funky jump, which is not here... uggh ha! okay. so... bam! alright, and this one's the funky jump. so i gotta jump here,
yes yes yes! yes! yass! y-yaaass! ice cream! whooo! what do i- what do i do with it? what di- did i do that right? oh no!!! did i do it right?!
oh my god ow was i supposed to do something with that??! ohhhhhhhh noooooo! was i supposed to go back to the beginning?! awwwwwwwwwwww come on! ok, so i got all the kiiiids. so then i get this and then instead of going there. i'm gonna go all the way back. i got-i-i think i've got plenty of time the music changed so theres gotta be something going on over here somethings different. something has to have changed
right? riiiight? ? good thing i jumped over that other one because i would have dieeed... if not but theres gotta be something back at the beginning, and i- oh no. gonna run out of time. *mark noises* it's gonna be down to the wire, way down to the wire oooh boy ooooh boy.
running out of time come on come on come on i don't know what else there could beee! its gotta be something who else-? oh! three! come onnn! two! commmmmmeee onnnnnnnnnnn!
its there! uggghhh duck well what do you dew? was i not fast enough?! i was about as fast you can gooo. *happy music* *mark's serious face* oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
(headphone warning) *baby screaming* yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! oh! did i do it?! i don't know! yes! thats good yeah baby! idk uggggggghhhhhh i did it. i think i did it! what did i do?!
did i get anything?! heeeeeeeeeeeeyy! yeah! okay! alright look! its a two star! its a two star! na thats a four star- its a two star! two for victory! how ever the fu*k that (?) i dont understand it
you guys don't know how long that took like hoooly shiz that was forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever that was like. that was 2 hours and 45 minutes. that i was trying that it was so annoying because it was just like. getting to the point where i could make another attempt its only took me like- like 6 or 7 tries.
to actually get it done [little girl voice] daddy they're watching [mark] but getting to that point was obscenely difficult but i did it. i did it! now i gotta try to go to the goddamn room. [hand unit] welcome back to the last day of the job. [mark] i hope it works. [hand unit]that is the last day of your first week [mark] ah man if this doesn't work then i have no idea what to do. [hand unit] some of the most valued qualities.. (inaudible) i don't wanna go through the whole game after thaaat!
so now i just need to send baby on her way and then gun it for the private room. because i imagine its like mario- [baby] can you hear me? [mark] shut up! it's like mario, and you need two stars to get through the two star door. that's how it works, right? probably? idk i'm gunning it for the private room! [female robotic voice] access granted ooohhh!
ooooohhh, oooohhhh woah... [hand unit] it seems you have accidentally wandered into a restricted area. [mark] have i? [hand unit] due to the sensitive nature of the materials that you may be exposed to here you will not be allowed to leave until the clean up crew arrives at 6 a.m. so hang tight. rest assured that you will be promptly rescued, fired, then sent home. [mark] yeah! [hand unit] thank you for being an employee.
[mark] omg [hand unit] we hope that your experience has not been as regrettable as ours. [mark]oh my goooooddd- it's actually five nights at freddy's! holy shet! yeah!! oh my god, this is probably going to be obscenely difficult, i have no idea where anything is. [voice] how could you do this to me? [mark] what? oh god, is baby on the way?! baby's on the way!
oh crap, this is five night's at babyyy's. bab- [voice] why don't you trust me [mark] cuz you're ugly and i hate you. does this poster go boop? does the golden freddy go boop? does this go boop? boop boopidie boop ... no? no okay, that don't work apparently, okay. holy shet. i had no idea this was gonna- woah! thats not good. ah frick! yeah!
[voice] why didn't you believe me? n- not at all! not at allll. *noice accent mark oh s*it dude. ok. mmmmmmy god-auahh ahhh okay, well f*** i thought he was gonna be gone he was actually getting closer then before. oh geeze. oh geeze. [voice] sometimes i don't understand why people do the things that they do.
uhh, i don't understand why you're such a douche. because apparently you definitely is douche. can you please go away from that goddamn door? oh shit, oh where is he? [voice] i thought you liked me. uh no, the answer is, i don't. oh god. oh, coming down the same avenue again? huh?! well i can beat you at that game. there's no way i'm gonna lose to you.
i mean there's every way i'm gonna use- lose because i don't know about my power consumption. [voice] i thought i did everything right. naw, you didn't. wait a minute, okay there's something to that keypad. okay, it's a certain code. okay so- *squeaky pipe sound* eeh what was that? [voice] i need you so that we can leave
[mark] hi. so that you can leave, not we! 1.. 9.. there's a code here, i'm- oooh geeze, i- i'm trying to figure out and survive at the same time and its not gonna work out too well. holy crap! okay, its 1.. 9.. oh it's 1987! no? is there more? goddammit. aw i thou - i thought that was gonna be it.
aw geeze ok, he's not there. is it 1984? no? i'mm not gonna make it! *loud screech*owahhey hey hey hey! i uh- you get really skedaddle-ly at 4 a.m. huh? don't cha? aw do i have to walk all the way back there? probably. aw fuk.
[female robotic voice] funtime auditorium maintenance vent opened well shit. alrighty then, i see how this is. ok this time i'm gonna be a lot better about those- about those uh, u know, power. area. [mark] ho! oh! [hand unit] due to the sensitive nature of the materials that you may be exposed to here [mark] woaaahhhh. that's the house of five nighs at freddy's 4 and the code was 1983.
which ties back to that because that was the era that that occurred. that was the bite of '83, not the bite of '87 [voice] why didn't you trust me i don't hear any movement, i gotta conserve my energy right now cuz i dont wanna play through this again. *mark focusing* oh come on, what the f?! oh f that! oh f that i had that! oh fuck you, i don't need this goddamn game. fucking shit!
oh shit. [little girl voice]everything is okay. i am still here ahh, fuck man. how?? that's so finely tuned! that's absurdly tuned! oh god not this again! goddammit, ugh fuck. dammit. dammit dammit dammit, god its really close! [little girl voice] i don't understand ahh fuck. ugh, i have no idea how close i am, all i know is that i'm really fucking close.
[little girl voice] hi! fuck. goddammit! it's so close! it's so fine tuned, its so fined tuned, its soo fined tuned. i gotta do the stopwatch thing. cuz i just need to know like, what i'm doing. man! it's so fined tuned. i was very close, like obscenely close that time. 7 minutes and 30 seconds right there. [mark the narrator] okay, so is me talking to you from the future! or the past, or whatever you want to call it. i was concentrating so much here that it wasn't obvious what i was doing to you guys.
the main factor in this moment of the game is listening to auditory cues, there's noises that signify he's changed locations. and the 3 locations; one being center, right, and left. uh, if he makes a noise in that department it doesn't mean that he's at the door, it just means that he's moved over to that area. it's only if he makes a second noise in that area, that i then shift my attention over to, say the right side right here. and it may not seem like like i'm seeing anything, but when i flip up the screen i'm actually gathering data. you know i know he's there or i know he got closer, i can see that. it comes from my, you know, hours and hours of practice of doing five nights at freddy's 20/20 modes over the years. you know, i'm very good at flipping the screen up and just grabbing what little detail i need to spare as little battery as possible.
and then using majority the auditory cues to know when and where and what to do things so if i know that he's moved to one area, i also know that he can come back, but i know that there's no danger unless he makes 2 noises in the same field. now this isn't always the case because he does sometimes move silently, but that's very rare. that's what flipping the screen is useful for so you know exactly when to do something. but here, i've managed to do it. so i'll leave it up to me. take it away me in the past/present/or whatever! [mark] yeaaah!!![voice]i will find a way out. wooooo!!
*to the tune* fuck yeah i did it yeah! i am- d'oh my head... ooooh i got light headed. wooo! oh man! oh i get my last bowl of popcorn! shove it in my gu- *gasp* *laughing* my exotic butters! [vlad] you burnt down my house?! [clara] you call that a house? it was like a morgue in there!
[vlad] i may be undead, but you're heartless! [clara] you need to see your son! [vlad] the baby isn't mine! [clara] he ate the cat! [vlad] sounds like something he got from your side of the family. [clara] well how's this? i'm keeping the diamond ring. [vlad] the jokes on you, i found it in a kids meal! [clara] you bought a kids meal? [clara] oh vlad! *mark laughs*
[vlad] clara! *mark laughs more* what the hell? [tv announcer] as the hair on the back of a cat stands up straight, so also does the love between vlad and clara stand up against all obstacles. but what about the baby? what about the backed child support? stay tuned next season for those answers and more. [mark] ooh! i got my exoctic butters! yes! and i buttered my popcorn from all around the world!
oh the sweet taste of vic- wooaah... *eats popcorn* *laughs* well, ain't this just a son of a bitch. huh. nom nom nom holy shit. i did it, yeah! i don't know how baby, or whatever the hell that was
followed me home, but holy shit. okay so, in summary, i was purple guy. i'm pretty sure that's how that went cuz if mr. afton is purple guy, which is established in the books and that is his daughter, that would explain why this guy kept coming back especially after he got kidnapped! and that also explains why he didn't die when he was manipulating all the animatronics, because you know, any untrained bumbo wouldn't know what the fuck to do, but he does! he knew exactly what buttons to press, and its obviously cannon that he didn't die. and i don't know how that thing *ennard* got all the way out into my house!
how did it drag its way over there? i mean, okay i guess. but wow, it seemed damaged too, so what happened to it? yeah! that's the blue ending! it was the red ending and now this is the blue ending. well i did it! place the crown upon my head! ow and then call me: the king of five nights at freddy's!
yeah! ooh my god, show me my 3 stars baby! okay, goddamn. it wasn't like- the problem is it wasn't that hard. i mean again, like the minigame. it took me, what? 6, 7, maybe 10 tries? like i'm not exactly sure how many it took, but it wasn't a lot compared to me doing 20/20/20 modes when i do literally hundreds of attempts. so, it's not that bad. and i'm not flying, that one just took careful listening and understanding what
the listening meant, so this one was called- ennard? like innards? his name is ennard. ennard?! what kind of name is en-ard? eh whatever, ok ennard-d-d. i'mma call you bumbo i'mma call you dumb bumbo. you're bumbo and i'll call you bumbo till' the end of your days, bumbo..
so i don't think there's anything new... [exotic butters] [exo- exo- exotic butters] how long until someone makes a remix of exotic butters exotic butters exotic butters okay, but i don't think there's anything other than that. i have my 3 stars lemmie just, hang on... might as well be thorough.
yep, okay. and that is it. so that is all for five nights at freddy's: sister location minus the possibilities of some more easter eggs but those are gonna be almost impossible to find, but i bet people are going to pore through the game files and locate them sooner or nu- or later. but, i like this. i love this game. i wanna recap and say this is probably one of my favorite five nights at freddy's games besides the first, the first will always hold a special place in my heart. but this one is just really cool because of what if offered. what it felt like to play it.
now i do have some very legitimate criticisms about it. but as far the secret ending with that other room, that was just annoying. like it was just annoying to have to go back to through that stuff and waste like 3 minutes just to get back and make another attempt. that was annoying. other then that though, i loved it. atmosphere was great. voice acting was great. the semi "free roaming" of it obviously limited by the engine that it was made in, was still really good. i liked that, it gave a new dimension to the game. the mobility of it. the fact that you're going somewhere.
the fact that you're traversing an actual area instead of just watching it from the cameras. and yet at the same time it had that element of watching and observing as well. and it had the last game at the end there, that literally was throwback to five nights at freddy's! and a version of it. i mean only a one version of it, but it was still pretty good. it combined the listening of fnaf 4 with the other mechanics of everything other that we've ever done. so all in all, i'd say this is probably the sssssee- i don't know, fnaf 2 is still really good so, i'd say this is probably the 3'rd best fnaf so far. so it go'es number 1, number 2, and then this one. so that's my ranking anyway, either way, thank you all so much for watching thank you for encouraging me as i go along in this, that took roughly like, i donno, 4-5 hours.
not nearly as bad as number 1 or number 2, but definitely took longer to get to the 3'rd star ending then the rest of them so thank you everybody so much for watching, and as always, i will see you in the next video, bu -byeee! (don't click off the video yet) i it its its m
its me (you don't know what we've been through) exotic butters
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