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• are we running out of new music? we answerthis and 9 other life mysteries • hey there, my name is shima, i'll be readingout the questions and answers • i'm danger dolan and i'm here to blowyour mind with truth 10 - spatial rend asks, how does tuning aguitar work? , • cheese – use the strings to grate cheesewhich will fall into the centre hole thereby subtly altering the feng shui which leadsto acoustic perfection – trust me, i’ve been in tons of bands• when a string on a guitar is plucked, it wiggles back and forth, compressing theair around it into sound waves. when you turn the pegs on the guitar's neck, the waves getcloser together if you tighten the string
or further apart if you loosen it, makinghigher or lower tones. 9 – lizard 1023 asks, what was the firstrap song? , • it was obviously the pokemon rap thatfirst took the world by storm, it was quickly followed up with songs about big booties,something about being on a boat, and now everyone just calls each other racial slurs to sickbeats • the first single to feature rapping was“king tim iii (personality jock),†a disco song by the fatback band in 1979. however,it was “rapper's delight†by travis “sick tricks†issac later that same year, thatis generally considered to be the song that popularised the genre.8 - josh gurney asks, if all the buttons on
a trumpet look exactly the same, how doeseach one make a different note? , • it’s a technology known as haptic feedbackin which the buttons become raging hot if you’re not playing properly, which meansbad players have hands that are eventually worn down to stumps because of how terriblethey perform • the buttons on a trumpet aren't actuallywhat play the notes themselves. in fact, you don't have to touch the buttons at all! allthe different note changes depend on how fast or slow you buzz your lips when you play.7 - soraroxas528 asks, what was the first recorded song? ,• it’s actually a song we’ve all heard a million times, in fact one we carried inour pockets for years and years without even
realising – the nokia 3310 ringtone is whatall contemporary music is based on, art itself sprang the day we heard these luscious tunes*song* • the first ever song to be discovered wasfound in syria in the early 1950s. the tablets the score is written on have been dated toaround 3400 years ago and has been dubbed “hurrian hymn no. 6.â€â€¢ *song* 6 - eliet exel asks, where did rave musicoriginate from? , • the whole genre was sparked by one song,but for the life of me i can never remember what it was called, what was that song? ican never remember the name… it’s on the tip of my tongue, wait, i think i know, ofcourse, the name of the song is—
• the term “rave†was originally usedin london in the late 1950s to describe the wild bohemian parties on the soho beatnikset. later, it was used to describe any wild party in general. this idea soon brought aboutgarage rock and psychedelia bands in the '60s, and the techno and acid house genres in the'80s. 5 - wizard geff asks, fortissimo, what isit? , • these are the secret lyrics of that songwhich always plays when walking down the aisle at a wedding, listen carefully next time you’reat one, and you’ll begin to hear it - fortissimo • fortissimo literally means “very loud,â€so seeing it written on a music score means to play that section or piece very loudly!as simple as that.
• fortissimo4 - connor darrow asks, what is the difference between high and low tones? ,• it really depends on the musician, if they’re deep in bank loan debts, their wifeis filing for divorce, their dog left home and took the dvd player, chances are he’llplay songs a bit low and mellow – on the other hand, if he finds that sock he thoughthe lost, get ready for a high and vibrant performance, although the sock won’t bringhis dog back – oooh touchy subject • the difference between high and low soundsis how close together the sound waves—waves of compressed air—are to each other. thecloser together, the higher the pitch and vice versa. human hearing is only sensitiveenough to hear a tiny fraction of the noise
around us, but many animals can hear soundsmuch higher or lower than we can. 3 - epicissocool 101 asks, where did the instrumentsections get their names? , • they were named to be as accessible tothe audience as possible – you have the “guitars that shrunk in the washing machineâ€section, the “coffin with strings†section, the “fancy tube blowing†crew, everyone’sfavourite “coconut basher†and our most important member: the stick waving magicianguy who makes music while everyone else pretends • the traditional orchestra has four sections:woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings. “woodwinds†get their name from the reedused to make sound in the instrument. “brass†is for the material the horns are made of.“percussion†is how the drum beat is made,
by hitting it. finally “strings†is namedafter the vibrating strings that make their sound.2 – are we running out of new music? , • we thought we were for a while, but werecently discovered a huge stack of cds with new music and we’ve been burning throughthem pretty hard for the last few years – it’s estimated we have about 6 months’ worthof cds left before we’re totally boned • i can't speak for the creativity of musicians,but i can make a guess mathematically. the average song is 180 seconds and plays at about120 beats per minute. just doing the math for one bar results in 1.17 quadrillion differentcombinations! the one bar! i think we may be safe from running out of music for a while.1 - cabrin_23 asks, how does music affect
emotions?• music spreads a message, you feel what the artist feels and that is what influencesyour emotions – here’s a song i wrote earlier, it demonstrates something that happenedto me today, i will understand if you need to cry as i bear to you my soul *• researchers have found that music affects our emotions in many differentways, but the base of it seems to be the rhythm and tone. our heartbeat naturally slows downor speeds up to synch with the rhythm, causing us to feel sad, excited, or even joyful. amajor tone sounds and makes us feel happy, while a minor tone can make us feel sad.• and some music drives us insane • fortissimo
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