Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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How To Flashing symphony w67
whatâ´s up ladies and gentleman. i am janno from wise gadgets and today i will show you how to root your phone your android smartphone so my version is that you have to download superoneclick, this is the easiest method i don't know what you like, but superoneclick is the easiest method i found in the internet you go in to the link i have given down in the description below and you open that file and you have to extracted it all
and when it is extracted you go to your phone and plug your micro usb in go into the usb mass storage and turn on usb storage so you could access your sd card and you also have to be running sd card on your smartphone and go to the file you have extracted and go to computer and open your sd card and go
take all the files what you have extracted and drag them to your sd card on your android smartphone and extract them there and when you're rooting i'm not responsiblefor any damages keep that in mind and when you have done that, here i replace the file you take the superoneclick
program and press root when you root your device all the warranty goes away but when you go into thestorage you can unroot and some shops doesn't even realize that youhave rooted your device how to be assured that your phone is rooted when you go to phone menu you cansee that you have a new program called super user and that that assures you thatyour phone is rooted and that's the first
video of how to put custom rom on your android device please be subscribed if you havenâ´t already and thanks for watching and i will catch you later. peace
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