Monday, February 13, 2017

How To Flashing iball andi 3 5 kke winner plus

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

do not forget there are some additional tips from me:

Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
2.boot into recuperation mode, in the document as of now exists as .pdf open a full instructional exercise and take after the guidelines. anybody utilizing blazing programming.
3. When've taken after the greater part of the conditions please check the telephone has been typical what is most certainly not.
4.Characteristic components EMMC highlight of blazing not harmed in the street, still can wipe information reserve. yet, introduce the upgrade shape sd card can not or won't runing.
5.booting first after introduce rom considerable lot of time of around 15 minutes. Try not to rush to evacuate the battery. hold up until the framework completes the process of booting.
critical: before doing anything on the telephone to do the information reinforcement already. can pass CMW, recuperation, twrp please find on the off chance that you lack.

How To Flashing iball andi 3 5 kke winner plus

english translation by caitlin eagles "nieuwezijds kolk." "this number is unavailable. call 1888..." "dam square" "you can transfer here to lines 13, 14 and 17." "please remember to check out." each week 300 police reports are filed against smartphone theft in the netherlands. a little while ago i was having lunch in amsterdam, when my iphone was stolen. by the time i realised my phone was gone and i had called the police, it was already too late.

on ‘find my iphone’ i was able to see the last few metersthe thief had walked, before the phone went offline. losing such an expensive phone wasn’t even my biggest concern. but the idea of a stranger having access to all my photos... videos, contacts, e-mails, and messages… the way in which the thief worked made me wonder. what kind of person would steal a phone?

and where do these phones end up? to find out, i started an investigation. ‘find my iphone’ turned out to be of no use. the thief could simply take the sim card out of thephone and reset the phone so that it was untraceable. besides, the internet provides differentservices to unlock blocked iphones. to find out what happens to stolen phones,i decided to create a decoy phone. a phone that doesn’t just give the location, but with which you can also take photos, video's and make audio recordings remotely.

i bought an android telephone and started working on it. the memory of an android phone is divided into two parts. a system and a user part. when resetting the phone only the user part isdeleted, while the system part stays intact. only when the phone is updated or if a different operatingsystem is put in place, the system part will be reset. i contacted the developer of the anti-theft app cerberus and asked himto change the name of the app, so it is not easily recognizable. by installing cerberus on the system part of the phone, and by makingupdates and flashing impossible, the app was impossible to delete. if the phone has an internet connection, i can control it remotely. now the easy part, the phone only had to be stolen.

although the plan was for the phone to be stolen, i definitely did not want it to be provocation of theft. i prevented this by always making clear it wasobvious that the bag belonged to one of us. “have they got it yet or not?” “no it’s still in there.” "they’re not paying attention to it anymore.” "they are leaving" “oh, wait, look...” “they looked at it.” “no, they’re off again.”

“the old man ruined it.” “they’re on the move again.”- "they just keep on coming back.” “are they leaving?” “that lady is going to say something.” “that man decided to stand next to it.” “yes, yes, yes! aw..” “yes, yes, yes!” "no?"-“no he got one of those cobbles.” "they are not looking at it."-"hold on."

“he’s checking the environment. he’sgoing for it. he’s walking back." "yes yes yes. stay calm, stay calm. he’s there, stay there." he’s going for it, he’s going for it.." "f*ck." and after four unsuccessful days inrotterdam, we tried amsterdam for a day. approximately 17 phones are reportedstolen every day in amsterdam. but even after a whole day in amsterdam, having been at allthe tourist attractions, the phone was still in the bag. we gave up hope and waited for the metro on our way home. and right at that moment, when the camera wasn’trolling anymore, the phone finally got stolen.

i had never been happy that something was stolen from me. you get it in focus using this… it is very black, see. the phone has just been stolen. in amsterdam. and the fool hasn’t turned it off yet. it is still connected. let’s see if we can follow it. he’s walking around the area of amsterdam central station. i’m taking a photo… send command. it took a picture. maybe it’s inside a pocket.

record audio. nieuwezijds kolk. this number is unavailable. call 1888... dam square. you can transfer here to lines 13, 14 and 17. please remember to check out. oh, it’s turned off. i can’t make a connection with the phone. connection status says off. damn. -it’s not necessary bad, we just wait until it’s turned back on.

because the theft was not recorded on camera, but i did want toproof who the thief was, i decided to walk up to a police officer. my phone has just been stolen in the metro. where can i report this? did it happen just now?-yes, just now do you have any idea who could have done it?-yes. in that case, what we can do is try to get the cctv surveillance footage. hi kim, this is (…). there has just been a theft at the metro… that’s why i’ll have a quick walk around there. i’ve told them they can report thistomorrow and i’ll call headquarters now…” we can make an assignment of this, seen asit’s just happened,we might have a chance i think.

research by the police resulted to nothing. the next day i reported the theft. you can read it through if you like.-yes and if you agree, you can sign where it says reporter. is it alright for the insurance like this? but i can’t count on it that, you... you can have a look on the police stationwhere there is the lost and found. everything that’s found today, will be there tomorrow. but i’m afraid it will be sold to an east european country.

-yesfort the parts. they take it apart and sell the different parts. we shall see. thank you very much.-good luck. now, we had to wait and see when the phone would be turned on again. but when the phone was still offline after four days, i started having doubts. did i miss something? or was the officer right and was the telephone taken apart? but that same night… i was just in bed and i got a message.

new sim card has been placed. new sim card? arabic number? so the app is still working. somebody put a new sim card in with credit on it. this means that it will be used, right this moment. so i’m going to try to log in. he’s trying to connect, so who knows, he’s searching... yes! connected! take a photo, send command, ‘photo taken’ it says.

i’ve received a photo. it’s laying somewhere on a table. get installed apps list. he’s still got all my apps. he didn’t reset anything. not cool if some thief searches through everything on your phone, you know? you’d expect that they would reset the phone. but he didn’t even do that. is it a very blunt person, is it just an opportunist, do you think? his first phone theft?

and if it’s not the same person it’s a buyer.that is just as well punishable. i just looked up the location history and he went, maybe that’s a sign he has lost his wi-fi connection. oh, we have wi-fi again. -at 21:51, that’s when it got stolen. first location, amsterdam. that’s when it was taken. we could hear through the recording that he went thereand apparently it was already switched to arabic. 21:56 it was switched to arabic. then he went here. where is this, also amsterdam?

yes.-absolutely... not. mulhouse? maybe it’s just a bug. although he’s been to maastricht as well. these aren’t just deviations, because theseare three different locations in maastricht. he was in maastricht at 5 am on the 23rd. anyway, he’s been online again in amsterdam, the same place he’s often at. so that is his house. let’s take a new photo.

maybe he’s changed it now. being processed… -something’s coming in… that's it! clear image! is this him? -the person in question is a man, around 40, 45, short black hair, foreign looks, slightly coloured. yes, this is him. this is the perpetrator of the theft. with a bit of luck i can do this all week. to find out as much as possible about the thief, i tookseveral pictures and recordings each day at different times.

i only took video's occasionally, because that costs a lot of data. every evening i collected the location history. after i studied the location history properly later on, it appeared thatthe phone was in the french town of mulhouse the day after the theft. the saved location turned out to be a humanitarian institution. that same night the thief drove back to amsterdam, via maastricht. what did he do in mullhouse? did he collect something? or someone? whenever the phone was in contact with wi-fi, i made a backup of all the contacts,

text messages, as well as the photos and videos on the telephone. the thief himself did not take any photos or videos. but my own photos were still on the phone one week after the theft. only after two weeks he seemed to have removed them. in the call history i found two remarkable phone numbers. i called the provider of these numbers. good afternoon (…). yes, that is indeed our number.

what sort of number is this? it’s just a sex line. and this was not the only time that my phone was used for porn. after a few days, the thief started to consider my phone as his. he added all his contacts and started texting people. one of those people he called miss russia. she told him it was her birthday recentlyand he decided to give her a present. it seemed like he fancied her. after a few days they agreed to meetat a cafe at the rembrandt square.

"how are you?" "how are you?"-"good, do you want to sit here or there?" miss russia seemed a bit strange. “i said, ladies and gentlemen, please have a look how the directoris behaving as a con-artist. look how she’s changing my file." "which is good, ‘cause you never know what kind of things she wrote about me." "i reported it, to the newspaper and to the mayor and everything.” “did you really?”-of course! "i reported it to amnesty international, tohuman rights watch, to the russian television." "i will go to court, if they push me in that direction i will do it.”

“damages, damage money, how much are you asking?” “1 million euro?” "1 milion euro?"-“3 million, but no lawyer wants to do it.” after discussing this for hours, they say their goodbyes. “see you tomorrow.”- “yes tomorrow we have a phone call together.” in hindsight the thief seemed to understandthat she was not quite in her right mind. “what do you think? you think the russian girland claudia are normal? no, they’re junkies.” “i hang out with her on her level. i do what she wants,so i get what i want. they are in love with me.” “do they have feelings for you?”- “yes, they’re in love.”

“i am a good person, i treat them right. i am not mean.” “they want me to call them more often.” “i know exactly how it works with them.they want cocaine. they want to go out.” still, he stayed in contact with her. the more data i collected from thethief, the more sympathy i got for him. i got the feeling i really got to know him. he seems to be an egyptian, because he spoke arabic with an egyptianaccent and every now and then he called an egyptian number. i didn’t think the thief seemed like a standard criminal at all. i even started to feel sorry for him.

during the day he hung out in alleyways in thecentre, coffee shops and in amsterdam-east. at night he slept at a homeless shelteror sometimes at a friend’s house. i thought he was a sad and lonely man. he seemed to take his religion seriously. “don’t forget to pray every friday, because onfriday your prayer gets answered straight away.” “if you pray every hour for 24 hours onfriday, then all your prayers get answered.” “for example, if you say ‘oh god, give me… ‘ or ‘god, cure me’ and you are ill…” “every hour! every hour!” “at that moment god will listen to you and do as you ask.”

ironic that i recorded this conversation through a telephone that he had stolen. one day he texted a friend, that he didn’teven have enough money for the bus. was he really that poor? i noticed that he often bought call credits. i realised that this was partially because i used his mobile data. i started to feel guilty. one night when he was asleep i upgraded his call credits remotely. after having followed the phone fortwo weeks, he suddenly went offline. after a day without connection, i considered it was something todo with his sim card. or maybe the telephone was stolen from him?

i decided to call him. “hello?” “hello, who is this? hello?” “who is this? yes.” “i dialled the wrong number, i’m sorry. have a nice evening.” it was the thief. so the sim card was still working. was he perhaps abroad again? i went to amsterdam to check the locations he often attended. i suspected if i wanted to find him, he would be in amsterdam-north.

just as i was setting up the camera, two men came out of the house. it startled me. suddenly i had made eye contact with the thief. in front of me, was a completely different person than i imagined. nothing was left of the sad, kind man i thought i knew. i realised that the bond i thought i hadbuilt with him was merely one sided. the aggressive attitude and smell of hasjthat surrounded him, made it clear to me; i don’t know this man in front of me at all. i quickly turned off the camera and left,afraid that the thief would recognise me.

whatever happened to the telephone, i don’t know. i found out the phone went offline in between anitalian-egyptian restaurant and a telecom shop. that’s probably where the sim card was removed. i don’t know what happened after that. what i do know is that whenever thephone is connected to the internet... ...the story continues. 7 months later. connection status romanian:device connected


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