Monday, February 13, 2017

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How To Flashing iball andi 4 5d royale

they're leaving town. wyatt. ike clanton,andy warshaw, latigo... curly bill brocius. who's in the corral, virg? billy clanton. and the mclowerys. we've come to disarm you. raise your handsover your heads!

virgil? can't walk. morg? it's the shoulder. - doc?- yeah? did virg deputize you? i swore to somethinghe was muttering about. then wear the badge. virg, let me help here.

i'm all right, doc.see to virg. - doc, he's hit.- it's just my leg. just stay still, virg. well, arrest 'em. i don't know if a county sheriff canarrest a city marshal without a warrant. we can take him if you can't. we got enough gunsto settle the whole thing right here. you're under arrest. for what?

murder. not today, tomorrow, or ever. you don't have jurisdictionin the city of tombstone. if you did,you couldn't make it stick. we got enough men behind usto make it stick. stillwell, if you so much as turnyour head toward those men, you'll be laying in the horse manurewith your friends. wyatt, give me a hand here. i'll get a warrant.i'm serving you, wyatt!

your badgewon't help you this time. please accept my condolences,mr. clanton. we'll be ready in a moment. you got the warrants now? ready for the judge's signature. if you'd had the law in your hands, wyatt would've let you lock them upout at the corral. i know him. it was a stupid playto try without it. i didn't have the warrants

because i didn't think the earpswould be alive to be served. at least, that's what you told me. yeah, they're alive now. but their hands are dirty. and you all got to understand that. that's what's going to get youelected city marshal. that is if the county doesn't let the earpsslip through our fingers at the trial. - you don't have to worry about it.- i don't intend to. get this through your heads.

if this were back east,i could make law the way they do. but the best thingi can do out here is buy it. you get good value, don't you? it's been working. it works until the east gets here. but if i'm not big enough to buck them when they start to corner the rangesand the railroads and the stockyards, you boys are going to have to go backto living on what the county pays you. but meanwhile...

meanwhile, if we don'twanna get eaten up, we're going to have to grow biggerand faster than nature intended. yeah... and hope their brothers don't continueto be so lucky as they were this morning. they won't. one way or another. we are ready now,mr. clanton. i hope you are satisfied,mr. clanton. i am.

yay, though i walk through the valleyof the shadow of death, i will fear no evil,for thou art with me. thy rod and thy staff,they comfort me... why did you give up practicein dentistry and take up gambling? what's the word they use?irrelevant? i'll rule on that, mr. answer the question. was it because of your illness? partially. or as yourgrowing reputation as a killer?

no. i found there was more goldin people's pockets than in their mouths. does that satisfy you? eminently. what was your reason for volunteering your servicesas a gunfighter to the earp family? i owed wyatt earp a favor. you mean you killed a man you didn'teven know as a favor to another? i killed a lot of men i didn't knowbetween 1861 and 1865. nobody said anything about it then.

war, mr. holliday. well, i never didunderstand the difference. how many men have you killedas a civilian? oh, i don't know.somewhere between 18 and 25. i presume they were all quarrelsover your gentlemanly honor. no. over money.that's my profession. are you finished? no. no, not quite. then you admitthat you accepted a deputy's badge

and used it as a cloak to coveran act of homicide as a favor? i accepted a deputy's badgeto uphold the law against lke clanton who was threatening itwith a gang of gunmen... until he decided to pull outand sacrifice his brother to make the earps look like baby killersso they'd lose votes. you're out of order, mr. holliday.just answer the question. did you not, as a fact,accept a deputy's badge and... - i don't need a badge to kill.- only the word of wyatt earp! i'd go to hell and backon the word of wyatt earp.

so would half the men in this room. and you observed these impressionsof the gunfight from where, mr. clanton? fly's photographic galleryacross from the o.k. corral. i see.with the court's permission. is andrew warshaw in the court? yeah. right here. would you mindstanding up, mr. warshaw? is andrew warshawin your employ? yes, he is.

is this the same andrew warshawwho's wanted in pecos county, texas on two counts of armed robberyand three of murder? i wouldn't know that. in what capacity do you employmr. warshaw? scientific stock breeder. i see. now, andrew warshawhas been observed regularly wearing a six-gun andsaddle holstering a winchester carbine. are these normally consideredthe tools of his profession?

maybe he hasto force the stock to breed. mr. holliday...that will be all. you can sit down now,mr. warshaw. would william brociusplease stand up? is william brociusin your employ? is this the same william brocius who is wanted variouslyon eight counts of murder in kansas city, missouri,abilene, texas, gallup, new mexico between the years 1878 and 1881?

i wouldn't know that, either. in what capacitydo you employ him? bookkeeper. - i beg your pardon?- bookkeeper. i see.that'll be all, mr. brocius. now, is it a fact that you'rea heavy financial backer of another one of your employees,pete spence, for the tombstone city marshal postnow held by virgil earp? it is a fact.

that will be all. when you heard the shooting, why did you not go to the aidof your brother and the mclowerys? it's been so long since there's beena gunfight in this county, i could scarcely believe my ears. when you did ascertainthat a gunfight was actually in progress, what did you do? nothing. i was unarmed. i find that my familiarity with weaponsis not an asset to me as a businessman.

it has been statedthat your employees... the bookkeeperand the cattle breeder... were armed.why, mr. clanton? i've been told that there'sa plot to assassinate me. because of my stand for freedomof the range against the easterners. in my opinion... such was the purpose ofthe marshal's attack on the o.k. corral. that is all. then you did have an animositytoward the clanton group

prior to october 26, 1881? everyone in town knows i did. oh, marshal, you walked downto that o.k. corral with your brothers and doc hollidayin a state of frustration, with malice in your heart,toward lke clanton and his group. i've said that. repeating the questionwon't make it any stronger. that's all. just a moment, your honor.i should like to reexamine the defendant. wyatt, did malice move youagainst the clanton group?

no. would you tell the court what did? the clanton group was armed and made threatsof death and violence against us. it was our duty as sworn peace officersto disarm and arrest them. i would disarm and arrestgeneral ulysses s. grant if he appeared on the streets oftombstone under those circumstances. wyatt, i told youbefore you went down to the corral that i had met with the clanton groupand they agreed to leave town peaceably.

bryan, you take bribes. you're a thief,a liar, and a disgrace to your office. i wouldn't take your wordif you swore to it on your mother's grave. you'll live to regret that. i want to recall sheriff bryan. now, sheriff bryan... would you mind repeating under oaththe statement you just made? i said i attemptedto stop the earps and holliday as they marched down the streettoward the corral. how did you go about that?

i told them that none of the menat the corral were looking for trouble. they had all agreedto leave town immediately. and what was their reply? they ignored me. and what did you do then? i watched them. i saw billy clanton and frank mcloweryraise their hands above their heads... and tom mclowery threw back his coatand lapel to show that he was unarmed! and that's when the earpsand holliday opened fire!

- you swear this under oath?- i do! that they fired on the deceasedwith their coats open and their hands raised in the air! that's all, your honor. so we see that the prosecution hasintroduced a substantial body of evidence pointing to the guiltof the defendants. and much of this stands unrefutedby the defense. but in the last analysis, the prosecution's caseturns on two points.

whether in factthe shooting was a crime, and whether there was a motive. as to the first point, both the coroner's report and theindependent medical testimony indicate that william clanton's wristwas penetrated from the outside and that the bullet lodgedin his abdomen. that is not the wound receivedby a man with his hands in the air. tom mclowery's wounds were notthe sort that could be received with his handson his lapels like that,

but rather with his handsaround a winchester carbine which he had recently extractedfrom his horse's saddle holster. the testimony of sheriff bryantherefore stands refuted. therefore, since no crimehas been established... or even a motive for one... i find that the defendantswere fully justified in their actions, and that these homicides occurredin the discharge of their official duties. the case of the prosecutionis therefore dismissed. court is adjourned.

everybody rise. well, shooting from the front sidedidn't work. next time, he'll try it from the back. we'll get clanton at the election.thanks, horace. see you at the polls. good night. harry... take this over to docbefore you check out, will ya? okay. - good night, marshal.- good night, harry.

hit me. how much the baby weigh? too much.don't distract me. hit me again. - charley, i don't think that...- just give me the card, will ya? if the population keeps growing and you keep stopping in hereevery time you deliver a baby, you're gonna go broke. i can't understandwhy i never win.

you don't play very well.besides that, you never cheat. cheat?do you? no, i'm too good.i don't have to. well, if you weren't that good? i'd cheat. well, i'll be damned. i don't thinkthe correct word is "cheat," charley. what is that word? just how muchis a player supposed to lose? well, now...

the house rules fix the percentage.the regulars know the odds. doc's just trying to keep youfrom giving us your money. checked the horses and the're on duty. don't you think it's timeto go home, charley? i'll walk along with you. nope. i'm gonna stayand do a little rule bending. harry. harry, wake up. harry, get out of bed.

i just got into bed. there's someone breaking indownstairs in the barbershop. what can they stealin the barbershop? harry, do you want meto go downstairs? sure. you go. you go. all right. all right. - marshal.- get my brother. get my brother, please. morg, check the alley! it's your brother, marshal.

- virgil, you all right?- couldn't see. - stick with us.- i don't feel anything. - where'd the shots come from?- barbershop. out of the way, wyatt. hold him up, will ya? harry, did you see anything? no. nothing. nothing. harry, you're lying.who did you see? it was dark.

where was it dark, harry? marshal... i got a boy and a wife. so has virgil. i can't.they'll kill me. that won't help nothing. harry, you've got just as much to fearfrom me as you have from clanton. now, who was it? it makes no differencewhat you do to me. i can't.

unless you promise i don't haveto say this to anyone but you. all right,'ve got my word. stilwell. you said "they." brocius. and spence. and warshaw. all right, harry. whereas six witnessesfor the defense have testified

that the accused, peter spence,andrew warshaw, and william brocius were playing pokerat the alhambra saloon at the time of the assaulton marshal earp's life, and whereas sheriff bryanhas sworn that his deputy, frank stilwell,was on duty at the county jail... ...and since the city prosecutor has failedto produce any evidence to the contrary or any witnessesto the actual assault or to the numberor identity of assailants... mr. fitch?

therefore, the charges of feloniouslyassaulting marshal virgil earp brought by the city of tombstoneagainst these defendants are dismissed. this court is adjourned. wyatt, he knew you had a witness.he gave you every chance... let it go, tom. i'll be damnedif i understand a man whose word to a waiteris more important than his brother. the law won't workwhen part of it is ignored because everyone is eitherbought off or terrified.

then i'll enforce the partthat does work. wyatt... your brother will bea cripple for life. who's gonna take his placeon the ballot, wyatt? i don't wanna heara word from you. i'm just educating myself. i've never beenon the right side of the law. i want to see how much goodit does you when you are. andy warshaw.

andrew warshaw. anson safford. nervous? fair amount. well, it should be overby midnight. i won, didn't i? yes, morgan. you did. wyatt?

what'd he say? when we were kids, we used to argue about whether,when you were dying, your whole lifeflashed in front of you or not. he said,"it ain't so, wyatt." there's two more bagsin the carriage. what are you gonna do, wyatt? i'm taking them to tucson to meetthe transcontinental train to california. virgil will bury morganout there with my folks.

i don't mean that.what about here? what do you want us to do? nothing. i'll take legal actionwhen i get back. the runner-up takes officein tombstone. we had to swear in spenceas city marshal this morning. you're not gonna findany legal action that's gonna stick. we'll see. we've gotten together $20,000to post his reward money.

thank you, hansen. all aboard! horace. you'll get a telegram from meby the time you reach tucson, wyatt. what are you doing here? i'm crazy about trains. telegram for you, mr. earp. thank you. "i've secured your appointment,federal marshal,

"and authority you form posse. "arrest suspects stilwell,spence, brocius, and warshaw. "warrants in mail. sorry, no public funds available.horace solomon." he doesn't name clanton. not enough evidenceto get a warrant against clanton. well, you got the first gunfor your posse. you hear the partabout no funds available? i hear the chamber of commercehas put up $20,000 reward money.

for arrest and conviction.not dead or alive. not your style, doc. for that kind of money,i can be as law-abiding as, uh... are. - hi, sherm.- wyatt. thanks for meeting us. i'm very sorry about morgan. yeah. you know doc holliday.sherman mcmasters. you were the arresting officer wheni shot long nose ernie here in '74.

that's right. good to see ya. i got a tip, and figured it mightn't wait,so i came out to meet you. yeah? you can talk in front of me.we just went in business together. clanton sent frank stilwelland two of his gun hands into tucson. i think he means to makea clean sweep of the earps. where do you think it'll come? there's no telling.

if i were you,i'd get my family off to california, take this train back to tombstone. i wish you'd sign on, sherm. i would, wyatt,but i can't afford it. you know they only pay$53 a month in tucson? with a family, that keeps meon the edge all the time. i'll match that out of my own pocket,plus a half... and you get a crackat the $20,000 reward. you'll take this trainback to tombstone?

yeah. i'll get my gear. stilwell's had timeto get to tucson. take care of your family.'re under arrest. drop the shotgun. now the gun belt. before you start steaming, lke, tucson has issued a homicide warrantfor earp for stilwell's murder.

we'll serve it in tombstone. what happened to the two handsyou sent with him? - earp nailed the first one.- and the other? - he, uh...- yes? he left. now... bryan. if i gave you a posseof 25 men... you think you might be ableto find earp and maybe even arrest him?

i can handle it, mr. clanton. ike... this is local lawagainst federal law. it's gotten too big for us. they'll send troops hereif anything happens to earp. sit down, roy. advice like thati can get cheaper than you come. bryan, after you organize your posse, i want you to put 20 men under spenceas deputy city marshals.

put latigo in charge. latigo? solomon, clum, and the rest of them arebound to organize a vigilante committee. i want them disarmedand out of the way. okay, mr. clanton. ike? bryan and latigodon't have to handle that. i can take care of's my job. you won't even be're going to disappear. how do you mean disappear?

i'm the city marshal now.i can stand up to earp. you're a joke. earp would drop you and a dozenlike you quicker than he did stilwell. brocius, you like to drink. go to texasand booze yourself into silence. sure. warshaw? i've been to texas, mr. clanton. if you want me to go, i'll go, but i canfind a spot right here in the ranch,

stay there real quiet,and just not go no place. the city marshalcan't just disappear. business trip. that'll take money. you've had all the money you're goingto get out of me. find it somewhere else. i can't go, lke. the talking's over, spence. what do you think you're doing? marshal spence heard someof you people been wearing guns.

we have orders to find out. whose orders? marshal spence.we're his deputies. where is the marshal?i wanna talk to him. - he's out of town.- why? may i have your firearms? no.i challenge your authority. john. john. that's not gonnaget us anywhere now.

after all, they are the law. you're just playinginto their hands. he's right, john. i'll let you knowwhen you can pick up your irons. you won't have it that long. i'll leave these gentlemen to you. i can't stand pillars of societywhen i'm not taking their money. here's your posse authorization.i'm glad to see you. gentlemen, this issherman mcmasters from tucson.

john. now, what do they want? they've got what they wanted.our guns. spence's menordered us disarmed. where is spence? out of town.on business. well, it's spence's dutyjust as it was virgil's to disarm you. you're not defending spence?! just the law.

what were you doingwearing a gun, john? that mob of clanton'sarmed to the teeth. i want to arm a hundred men,organize a vigilante's committee, back you,take this town away from clanton! they're legally elected. till they step out of line, neither younor i have a right to touch them. if we said it in court... you've got anarchy. all right.what do you think we should do?

just sit tight. clanton's got a murder warrantout on you for stilwell's death. bryan's got a posse togetherto serve it. let him.he hasn't got a case. you can get it kicked outof court, can't you? you won't be alivelong enough to get to court. do you know that for a fact? the way i see it, if clanton actuallywants you arrested and taken to jail, these deputies could do iteasily right now.

i don't see 'em moving. i know it's against your principlesto run away from the law, but under the circumstances, my adviceto you right now is... start movin'. i think you're right, horace. don't think i don't appreciateyour offer, john. sherm, the situationhas changed here. bryan's got his posse on my tail. clum feels they'regonna try to kill me. they'll have to catch upwith us first.

that's what i got a wife and children. i had 'em when i started. there's a water station about 20 milesup the line. we'll drop off there. you get us outfittedand meet us there. i'll meet you there, too. i'm gonna raise a posse for you...not the kind you'd come up with... ...but it'll be a posse. damnit, i hate to see youmake a wrong move here. let me organize the vigilante's committee.just say the word.

no. but thank you, john. you sure got cheatedon that table. i know you can draw before i can raisethis up. go on! get it over with! i got no such thingin mind, jack. i wasn't duckin' out on you, doc.i know i owe you 800. i just been saving up, that's all. sure. what would i wantwith a lousy $6.50 anyway? you see, the thing is... i'm in the hole for another thousandwith bill rayner.

so there wouldn't be much pointin shootin' a bankrupt. that's it. you'd just be gettin'yourself a lot of trouble with bill. he'd be sore as hell at you if you was to kill meand me still owin' him all that money. supposin' we gofor a little walk? i'd sooner you give itto me right here. put that thing away. that's for the drinksand the table. raise your right hand.

do you solemnly swear to enforcethe laws of the united states of america and the territory of arizona to the bestof your abilities, so help you god? well, you must beout of your mind. - say, "i do."- i do. you are nowa deputy federal marshal. i am? there's $15,000reward money in this. spence, brocius, and warshaw. dead or alive?

arrest and conviction. the way you handle a gun,you're lucky that's the way it is. - when do i start?- right now. all right, you the wagons. off the wagons! get your tools.let's go! let's move out! pick it up! pick it up! all right, you men.let's go. let's go. all right, let's get the lead out.let's move! all right, let's get it in there!

pretty dangerous fellasyou got here. might scorch youwith one of them headlamps. hello, doc. a gunslinger like youbullying miners. you oughta be ashamedof yourself. i have to make a living. you don't have to make itbusting mining strikes. that's what they pay me for. i just can't make itas a hired gun in the west anymore.

well... ike clanton's hirin' guns right now. i wouldn't raise a fingeragainst the earps. that's what iwanna talk to you about. - wyatt staked you, didn't he?- after i got outta jail. - so? he still staked ya.- he sent me to jail! - you still owe him a favor.- i did him a favor. i didn't hire my gun to clanton. no, you just used itto push poor miners around.

well... you don't expect meto work, do ya? what for? i'm gettin' up a posse. - against clanton?- that's right. why should i? that's a foolish question. and there's $15,000reward money in it. do you solemnly swear to upholdthe laws of the united states of america - i do.- you are now a deputy federal marshal.

follow me. texas jack vermillion,this is turkey creek johnson. how'd he sucker you? well, you see,i owed him this $800. you sure they're hidingover at clanton's ranch? only one way to find out. it's right over them mountains,ain't it? maybe wyatt isn't headedfor clanton's ranch at all. maybe he's just tryingto put a lot of rough ground

between that posse of bryan and us. is that possible, wyatt? if that's so, we oughta move outta herebefore we get squeezed in the middle. i think the boys are trying to tell youit'd be a lot safer if we headed awayfrom clanton's place. - nobody said that.- then stop thinking about it! here. you know who they were? it was pete.

pete spence. how many were there? and where's your shotgun rider? if we can get him across the river,maybe we can get some help. forget it. mine payroll. why? this isn'tspence's kind of play. no, it sure ain't. it's traveling money.

i got a feeling we'll find spencedown around guatemala. i want you boys to stay hereand watch for bryan's posse. and if he does show? hold 'em off if you can.if you can't, lead 'em off downriver. where will you be? if you have to cut out, i'll meet youat marshal kiergan's place in contention. wyatt, sherm asked,"where will you be?" i'm gonna play a long shot. no handier than spence is.

he won't try to horse backover those mountains. he'll be at algodoneswaiting for the eastbound stage. all right. i'll go with you. doc... i want you to stay hereand handle the posse. spencer's bound to have some menwith him. he wouldn't pull this alone. i don't expect too much trouble. then what arethese two bodies doing here? how come wyatt don't just admithe wants spence for himself,

same as i wouldif he killed my brother? he wants spencebecause the law says to get him. then do me a favor, will ya, doc? as long as he's got no personalfeeling about it one way or the other, why don't you just talk him intotaking the rest of them alive? i could really use that reward money. doc, you got any idea how to cut outbryan and his whole posse? the time has come to have one. hello, spence.

waiting for the stage? yeah. i'm going on a trip east...on business. two men killedon the naco stage this morning. the driver, shotgun rider. mine payroll was taken. - mine payroll?- yeah. when'd that happen? oh... half hour,45 minutes ago. from the looks of the tracks,there was three or four men involved.

i'm traveling alone. you don't think i had anythingto do with that? traveling alone, are you? yeah, just, uh... just taking a trip east on business. both those men got itin the back with a shotgun. the same way my brothersvirgil and morgan got it. wyatt, i know how you feelabout your brothers, but... you know how it feelsto look down the side of a shotgun... a man's back? wyatt, don't tryto hang that on me. there's a federal warrantfor your arrest, vince. i was acquitted in court once,i'll be acquitted again. - i had nothing to do with it.- you had nothing to do with that stage? nothing! charlie. i see you boys made it all right. where's marshal kiergan?

charlie saidhe'd be back this evening. - did you find spence?- he's dead. obviously no chancefor a formal arrest. that's right. well, now, that leaves$10,000 on the table. that's right, doc. keeps this up,we'll all lose money on the deal. mine payroll? yeah. sherm,you'd better take charge of this.

probably a little short. spence saidhe was traveling alone when i found him. what next? now we'll just stay here until we figurebryan's posse's moved on. well, you've alreadyhad a busy day. what? nothin'. hey, charlie! come 'ere.crack another bottle, will ya? he says there ain't any more.

how do you knowwhat he's sayin'? 'cause i told himnot to buy any more. here's the money you gave him. a bottle in a bag,a bottle for now, and a shot glass. yes, sir. what can i do for you, sir? - you know bill brocius?- he was here up till an hour ago. any idea where he went? yeah. across the streetto the desert queen.

drunk? he was making the rounds. thanks. just make sure you're not so freegiving out information about me. i don't even knowwho you are, sir. very sloppy riding, brocius. i remember seeingsomething like this in the circus... ...once when i was a child. they lifted up the canvas,and there they were...

statues. any of you gentlemen...want not to be statues? he's drunk, holliday. so am i. now, let me see. oh, yes. by authority vested in meby the government of the united states and the territory of arizona... you, curly bill brocius...

first unhook your gun belt. you did that deliberately. what are you so sore about? you got brocius, didn't you?that's what you wanted. killing brociusis gonna lead bryan right to us. we can't move by surprise fixed that, doc. well, everybody hastheir bad luck. i cough when i drink. you come upagainst sneaky people...

who get youto help them commit suicide. get your horse, doc. look what's comin'. play dead. get your gearand a horse, warshaw. you're under arrest. get his horse. put a blanket roll on it. but for why?

for felonious assaultand murder... virgil and morgan earp. i didn't do either of those. you were seen. well, i swear to youi didn't do 'em. what did you do? i only watchedto see that no one came. from the barbershop? around the cornerfrom your brother virgil only.

i wasn't in the barbershopwith the guns. what did you dowhen morgan was shot? again, i only watched. where? in the alleybehind the billiard parlor. why'd you watch? well... to see that the menwith the guns were left alone. clanton pay you for that? well, sure.he always pays me.

i work here for clanton. what'd he pay? oh, hell.if i told you that... he paid... ...$50 to me. before or after? after. clanton ain't so freewith his money. a man's life... $50.

i'm gonna give you a chanceto make another $50. i don't want such a chance. my men'll stay back. i'm gonna count,"one, two, three." you can draw on two,i'll wait till three. if you get me,my boys won't bother you. who knows?maybe... maybe clanton'll pay youanother $50. wyatt, he can plug you.

he's too scared. for god's sake, wyatt,you got men watching you. he's gonna draw first. i don't wanna shoot anybody. i didn't shoot.i only watched. $ see my brother shot. one. two. three. take him back to his boss. well, it's the end of the line.

sorry about the reward money. you don't hearany complaints, do ya? i owe you money. you don't have callto talk to us like that, wyatt. i'm sorry, sherman. i wanna thank you boys. boy, you sure gave him a chance. i'd just blown his head offas he lay in bed. you better have one.

- i don't need it.- oh, yes, you do. you need it to make this morningstay down, just like i do. god... when i think back... five minutes after we leftthe ok corral, i wanted to say,"get clanton, wyatt. get him before he gets you." but i didn't. you don't...speak that way to wyatt earp. you got too much respect for him.

then virgil got it...and then morgan... and i watched you keep your wordto that waiter back in tombstone. you thought it was your honor thatstopped you from making him testify, but it wasn't. you couldn't get a convictionin a federal court or a local one, and you never intended to try! you just didn't wanna becheated out of this! and those aren't warrantsyou got there. those are hunting licenses...stilwell, spence...

that was a pretty good shotyou made at brocius. god! that's when i hooked it all together. and now warshaw,and then you're gonna get clanton. you're gonna kill clantonjust like i would, and you don't needa warrant for that. so go on.go on, have one. if you're gonna kill like me,you might as well drink like me! that's all right. this stops.

i'm taking you to colorado. sorry to spoil your party. - mr. clanton...- don't tell me. i've heard it. bryan, earp and the rest of that crowdwill be heading for colorado by now. well...that does it, then. doesn't it? i mean, he can't operatefrom colorado. i expect you to be waitingat the border for him. might be a little tough to do, lke.

your posse outnumbers earp'sfive to one. what are you worried about? i thought having him out of the waywas all you needed. i need wyatt earp dead and cold,and nothing seems to get that for me. i've been doingthe best i can, lke! well, then get back to it! if you don't get earp at the borderbefore he moves into colorado, i want you to get to the governorfor papers to extradite him! i'll get back to youwhen i need you. something you wanna say?

good morning, mr. earp. welcome to denver. 302. i put you in the roomnext door to your friends. has bryan got to the governor?have i been extradited? what? bryan's finished. who managed that? well, bryan and clantonhad over a hundred men between them. clanton left town...

...and we boughtthe rest of the men off. you bribed them? i wouldn't put it that way,but if you want to... yes. where is clanton? mexico. doing what? i should judgestealing cattle, wyatt. prospering? yes.

what part of mexico is he in? somewhere out of nogales. wyatt, we want youback in tombstone. we've got an appointment for youas chief u.s. marshal. we're growing, wyatt.and you can grow with us. grow to what? adjutant-general of the territory. that would make youchief law enforcement officer in arizona... and that could bejust the beginning for you.

do i have to give youa yes or no right now? well, we can't stall the answerto washington for too long. i'll have to give youmy answer later, gentlemen. thanks for the drink. we'll hear from you? i said you would. once again. how am i? if you put pipes on those lungs,you could play a hymn. terrible.

but i've been following your, fresh air, fresh eggs... go on. you know, you don't haveto get well to please me. i'm used to people dying on me. so am i! don't laugh too hard.those lung scars won't stand it. my friend,if you don't give up drinking, you'll go like that. i'll say this for got one hell of a bedside manner.

put him back in the icebox. that's terrible stuff. i wouldn't drink thatif i were you. doc. it's cold out here. i'll send for blankets and a wheelchair.i'd like you to try it for a while. don't ask for sympathy from're doing this to yourself. come on, you didn't come all the wayout here to get on my back. no...

solomon and a few of the otherswere back at the hotel when i got there. i have to go back to tombstone. they extradited you? no. they want meto be chief u.s. marshal. are they gonna give you enoughmanpower to operate against bryan? bryan is finished. and clanton? he's high-tailed it for mexico. how'd they swing all this?

they bought their men off. you approve? it's done. if it's so easy,why didn't they do it before? too expensive. that's what i likeabout your friends... idealists. are you gonna takethe marshal's appointment? you know, this could lead to me beingthe adjutant-general of the territory. i wouldn't leave you for anything lessthan that. i figured you'd understand.

i do. i understand. you're a bigger ratthan i thought you were. probably. you gonna be all right here? yeah, except fora slight dying spell. i'll see you at tombstone. absolutely. hey... listen,i wanna give this to the doctor. oh, no. here.give it to me. amazing thing... modern life.

i'm going south to nogales,you're going west to tombstone, and we're both on the same train. train fare was $18.65. i'm keeping the restfor expenses. i believed you were goingback to tombstone. i did... for about five seconds. then it popped into my head... clanton. still clanton, isn't it?

lay off it, doc. you let me have it once...that's enough. we don't havethe only law in the world. they've got law in mexico. i'm going to the federales, and if clanton is operatingdown there, i'll bring him back. the next stop,you use your expense money. buy a return ticketand go take care of yourself. no, thank you.

buenos dias. hello, latigo. - he said that...- yeah. i know what he said, captain. just in case he didn't tell you, they have triedto arrest us before. yeah, but never for stealingmexican government cattle before. whose cattle? - whose cattle?- clanton. and you...

who hired youto drive these cattle? go get your warrant. - lieutenant.- senor. gracias. - hello.- hello, captain. sit down, please. the purpose of mysending for you is unfortunate. well, let's have it. the two witnesses we tookwith the cattle this morning

are dead one hour ago...of guns through the bars of the jail. those who shotescaped into the night. we will bring him in to be questionedas we will find those who killed, but you understand for clanton there couldbe no arrest under the circumstances. yeah, i understand. without the two witnesses,there could be no trial. thank you, captain. i tried to notify youof this immediately because perhaps you're nowin some danger.

thanks for your kindness. you were rightabout warshaw and the others. now you can be rightabout clanton. clanton's different, wyatt. warshaw was in anger. but you're planning this onewithout the law. you're throwing awayall the years you lived by the rules. i don't careabout the rules anymore. i'm not that much of a hypocrite.

the whole thing's hypocrisy. the rules they've tacked on say unless you're wearin' that badgeor a soldier's uniform, you can't kill. but they're the only rules there are. and they're more importantto you than you think. play it that way, wyatt... ...or you'll destroy yourself. i know you. you can't live like me.

virg played it by the rules. he's crippled for life. morgan... dead. i can't let clantonget away with that. i know where to find him...i'm gonna find him. go back to the hotel.take care of yourself. no, thanks. you got some kind of plan? i have.

you wanna tell me about it? we take whoever getsin our way. you call that a plan? you got a better one? morning. good morning.doc. too bad i'm not feeling better. too bad you don't listento your doctor. i should've listenedto my mother in baltimore.

when we were downwith the federales... ...when i said about yournot being able to go back, i... well, that was talk. but i have to know something. are you going back to tombstone? don't lie to me this time. i'm going back. that's what i had to know. hey, do me a favor,will you?

sure, doc. get outta here. go on. don't hang around. all right, doc. so long. so long, now. thank you, doctor.i'll be in touch with you. you'll be in denver or tombstone? i'm not gonna bein either place, charles.

when he...where will you be? i don't know, but i'm notgonna be in this part of the country. well, clum told me you gotthe appointment... u.s. marshal. i'm not gonna accept it, charles. i'm through with the law. i wanna thank youfor coming up here. so long, charley. god! that's terrible. where do you get that stuff?

kings. aces.


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