Monday, February 13, 2017

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How To Flashing iball andi 4 5 o buddy

even though 2016 was an epic year for movies,it almost feels like a warm-up when you look at the long list of blockbuster films alreadyon the release calendar for 2017. it's never too early to get excited abouttaking a trip to the theater, so we've lined up the biggest upcoming releases — and whetheryou're into action, comedy, horror, or drama, there's something here for everyone… resident evil: the final chapter five years after resident evil: retribution,milla jovovich returns to close out the sci-fi horror franchise she's led for more than adecade, with nearly $1 billion in worldwide grosses.

despite the long lapse between sequels, thissixth installment will reportedly pick up where retribution left off, while followingdirector paul w.s. anderson's mandate to come full circle withthe saga of a dystopian future in which a corporation-created virus has unleashed azombie plague. john wick: chapter 2 after everything he went through in the firstmovie, what could possibly convince john wick to come out of retirement? dog lovers will be relieved to hear it isn'tthe death of another pooch that gets his guns blazing in john wick: chapter 2.

this time, one of john's old buddies is inthe middle of a scheme to topple an assassin's guild and he needs backup. the lego batman movie not long ago, the idea of a movie "based on"legos seemed too silly for words, but then the lego movie racked up nearly $470 millionwhile making us all root for plastic bricks — and play "everything is awesome" on endlessrepeat. "oh my gosh i love this song!" "everything is awesome" taking the hint, warner bros. is diving rightin with a universe of lego-derived films,

starting with this spin-off, which bringsback will arnett as gotham's caped crusader. the great wall zhang yimou's sprawling historical fantasyepic the great wall has an intriguing — albeit a little ridiculous — idea: the great wallof china was built to keep out more than just unwanted human neighbors. from everything we've seen so far, the greatwall will at least be a spectacular showcase of effects-heavy cinematography. logan hugh jackman has played wolverine for so longthat it's nearly impossible to imagine anyone

else in the role. soon, 20th century fox will need to figureout who'll be the next actor to play the part. but first, jackman's getting his swan songwith a third standalone wolverine feature. the film's plot draws from marvel's old manlogan comic books, about an alternate-future version of the nearly ageless hero. the film will also feature the return of patrickstewart's professor x, adding yet another layer of closure for longtime fans of thefranchise. kong: skull island on march 10, 2017, the big gorilla returnswith kong: skull island.

this '70s-set trip into the kong mythos givesviewers the biggest version of the character they've ever seen — which is a good thingfor kong, because after skull island finishes its theatrical run, the studio is planningto pit him against godzilla in a monster mashup for the ages. what could possibly go wrong? (classic godzilla screech) beauty and the beast like disney's earlier beauty, this versiondraws inspiration from the classic fairy tale about a prince, played here by dan stevens,who's cursed with a grotesque appearance.

yet, he finds love with a pure-hearted maiden,played by emma watson, who's imprisoned in his castle after her father offers her upin a deal to spare his own life. like a lot of stories from the era, it's prettydark, but disney's animated adaptation put a family-friendly spin on it with music andhumor, and we can expect the same here — plus a cast that includes ewan mcgregor and sirian mckellen. power rangers the forthcoming power rangers isn't the firstmovie to capitalize on the mighty morphin '90s craze, of course. however, director dean israelite's take onthe story offers a much more serious and emotionally

charged account of how these misfit teensmanaged to become a band of unlikely world saviors, battling back the forces of evil. if the film does manage to renew even a littlebit of the power rangers frenzy that the series enjoyed in the '90s, it's going to be massive. ghost in the shell rupert sanders' adaptation of the popularghost in the shell manga series of the same name is expected to be a visual spectacularthat chronicles an epic chase between a cyborg policewoman and a dangerous hacker. it promises to offer the same kind of gnarlyeffects and existential futurism that captivated

audiences in films like the matrix, scarlettjohansson's own turn in lucy, and the fifth element. sign us up. the fate of the furious according to the official synopsis, the newsequel in this long-running franchise — titled the fate of the furious — finds vin diesel'sdom lured back "into the world of crime he can't seem to escape and a betrayal of thoseclosest to him" by a "mysterious woman," played by the always amazing charlize theron. listen carefully and under the roar of themotors, you can hear the box office cash registers

ringing… (cha ching!) guardians of the galaxy vol. 2 initially, it seemed like a hilariously dumbidea for marvel to turn a relatively obscure comic about a ragtag team of intergalacticdo-gooders — whose ranks included a raccoon-like creature and an alien resembling a sentienttree — into a $200 million movie. nearly $775 million in box office receiptslater, guardians of the galaxy could be the start of an avengers-style franchise for thestudio. while we don't have many details regardingwhat they'll be up to this time around, it's

pretty much a given that it'll be tons offun. "nobody has any tape!" "not a single person has tape?!" "you have an atomic bomb in your bag, if anybody'sgonna have tape it's you!" "i have to do everything!" "you are wasting a lot of time!" "i am groooooooooot!!!!" alien: covenant fans who feel prometheus didn't tie into thealien films strongly enough might be better

served by alien: covenant, which brings backmichael fassbender and noomi rapace to show what happens after they hijack an ancientspacecraft in order to venture to the homeworld of the mysterious engineers and halt theirplans for humanity. pirates of the caribbean: dead men tell notales pre-production on the fifth installment inthe pirates of the caribbean saga started back when the previous sequel, 2011's on strangertides, was on its way to theaters, and its path through development has been strewn withscript difficulties and budget-induced delays. still, any new chapter in a franchise that'sgrossed nearly $4 billion counts as a promising development for the studio, and disney hasstood by while producer jerry bruckheimer

steered pirates of the caribbean: dead mentell no tales to its destination. wonder woman after being introduced to audiences in batmanv superman: dawn of justice, gal gadot's wonder woman will get her own standalone feature,which is rumored to be the first installment in a period-piece trilogy that will take audiencesfrom the 1920s to the present day. whatever actually happens in the movie, it'sa long-overdue victory for comics fans who've waited years for the amazonian warrior toget a shot at her own big-screen franchise. world war z 2 the first world war z turned out to be surprisinglyentertaining, as well we extremely commercially

successful. that brings us to the inevitable sequel, worldwar z 2, in which brad pitt returns to battle the zombie plague. we don't know much about the plot at thispoint, but director juan antonio bayona will be working from a screenplay by steven knight,whose varied list of credits includes the chess drama pawn sacrifice and bradley cooper'sburnt. cars 3 rev up your engines, kids, because lightningmcqueen is back in high-speed action in disney-pixar's cars 3.

the 3d animated adventure, which follows theevents of 2006's cars and 2011's cars 2, will follow mcqueen on his journey to catch upwith a new generation of speedsters and feature the return of some fan favorites like mater,sally carrera, and ramone. transformers: the last knight aside from mark wahlberg being back as thesaga's current human star, the last knight looks like it'll plunge viewers into a time-travelingplot that includes king arthur and an alternate history in which nazis won world war ii — plusplenty of action and lots of lead-ins to the assortment of spinoff films the studio's planning. despicable me 3

despicable me has grown into an impressivelyadaptable franchise for universal. details are still very sketchy regarding thisthird installment, but we can safely assume steve carell will be back as the nefarious,but kinda cuddly, gru — and we know he'll be working from a script written by cincopaul and ken daurio, who collaborated on the first two films. spider-man: homecoming this new spidey reboot finds tom holland starringas the web-slinger in a standalone film after wowing audiences with his debut in marvel'scaptain america: civil war. jon watts, who helmed the creepy low-budgetkevin bacon thriller cop car, is on board

as director for a storyline that featuresrobert downey, jr.'s tony stark playing mentor to young spider-man in his battle againstthe vulture, played by the birdman himself, michael keaton. war for the planet of the apes dawn of the planet of the apes director mattreeves returns for this follow-up, which picks up from dawn's final scene — a grim foreshadowingof the major conflict brewing between genetically enhanced primates and a human population decimatedby the simian flu virus. reeves, who co-wrote the script, is keepingstoryline details under wraps, but says the events depicted in war for the planet of theapes see caesar achieving "mythic" status.

that can only mean one thing...catchy songs! "yes you finally made a monkey out of meeee!" dunkirk after a decade spent in the sci-fi/fantasyrealm, writer-director christopher nolan has put his considerable talents to work on ahistorical drama about a world war ii battle. dunkirk reunites nolan with a pair of hisdark knight and inception stars, tom hardy and cillian murphy, and early footage hearkensback to the heart-pounding beachfront battle imagery in the legendary opening scene fromsaving private ryan. nolan's attention to detail on the partialimax production — including shooting on

the site of the real-life events that inspiredit — will no doubt serve his tale of heroism and survival well. the dark tower of all the adaptations stephen king's writtenworks have produced, the dark tower has to be the most anticipated. the sci-fi western horror film will followthe events of king's prolific dark tower book series, presenting the apocalyptic adventureof an 11-year-old boy named jake chambers as he accidentally uncovers the mid-worlddimension and joins up with roland deschain, played by idris elba.

the two set off to find the dark tower beforethe man in black, played by matthew mcconaughey, can stop roland from saving his dimensionfrom certain destruction. stephen king's fans are sure to turn up forthis long-overdue hollywood treatment of the beloved series. it the 1991 tv miniseries adaptation of stephenking's it amassed a cult following, and tim curry's original performance as the town-terrorizingclown pennywise has set a high bar for anyone to follow in the role. so when director andy muschietti revealedhis new version of the character, now played

by bill skarsgã¥rd, in a costume that could'veeasily been borrowed from a schoolgirl's dress-up chest, it's only natural that he faced a littleblowback. there's still reason to believe this thingwill be a hit, though. there's tons of talent on board, includingskarsgã¥rd and finn wolfhard from stranger things, and there were plenty of scenes fromthe book that were glossed over in the first adaptation. blade runner 2049 blade runner 2049 director denis villeneuvehas a few big things going for him — most importantly, the presence of original bladerunner director ridley scott, who's producing,

and star harrison ford, reprising his roleas rick deckard. ford's joined by an ensemble rounded out byryan gosling, robin wright, and jared leto, all working from a script co-written by bladerunner writer hampton fancher with michael green. story details are a mystery, and whether theend result can stand up alongside the original obviously remains to be seen. but all the ingredients are here for a helluvamovie. just keep deckard away from the fridge. kingsman: the golden circle

the plot details are still a little loose— rumor has it that the kingsman british spy team will team up with their americanequivalents after their headquarters are destroyed by a lethal foe. but who needs a synopsis when you've got acast this intriguingly weird? returning stars taron egerton, mark strong,and sophie cookson are joined by an eclectic ensemble that includes channing tatum, halleberry, julianne moore, jeff bridges, and...elton john? "when i was down, i was your clown. ooh hoo!"

whatever happens in the golden circle, we'rebetting it won't be dull. friday the 13th reboot between 1980 and 1989, the hockey-masked slasherjason voorhees hacked his way through scores of screaming victims in eight films — althoughby the end of the decade, the franchise had started to teeter between stale and ridiculous. this latest overhaul arrives nearly a decadeafter the last reboot, which grossed nearly $100 million. chances seem good it has to do with a guyin a hockey mask chopping kids to bits. "bart do you wanna see my new chainsaw andhockey mask?!"

"aaahhh!!!" "oh, sorry, what am i thinking?" saw: legacy composer charlie clouser told the hollywoodreporter that the eighth installment of the saw franchise will be a "reinvention" of theseries, offering "a fresh take on the material that will establish a new storyline and newcharacters that can carry the saga into the future." expect lots of blood, gore, and puppets involvedin absolutely disgusting and terrifying acts. "mmmm"

"my tongue out" "oh" "hey dan!" thor: ragnarok in norse mythology, ragnarok is basicallythe end of the world and the death of the gods. so it goes without saying that, based on thetitle, thor: ragnarok won't be a jolly good time for our hammer-wielding hero. although we can guess from his imminent participationin the upcoming avengers: infinity war movies

that he'll emerge relatively unscathed afterthe final act. justice league director zack snyder is hard at work on histhird film in the dc extended universe, the superhero team-up film justice league. the comic book throwdown ought to reunitesuperman, batman, and wonder woman, while also giving formal introductions to aquaman,cyborg, and the movie version of the flash. while we don't yet have any idea what dangerour team will face, we do know it'll be pretty serious. star wars: episode viii

this is star wars we're talking about, sothe list of things we truly know about episode viii is awfully short. pretty much all we can tell you is that thisinstallment follows the events of episode vii, and advances the new trilogy pittingthe resistance against the first order led by supreme leader snoke and his apprenticekylo ren. oh, and another thing? it'll probably sell a couple of tickets. "we're home." (audience loses its damn mind)

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