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in this video we will show how to test a fuseon a power supply board to see if it is good or bad. a glass fuse can visually show ifit is good or not, by looking clear or cloudy. here are some examples of a good glass fuseand bad glass fuse. if you are unsure if the fuse is good or bad, by just looking at it,you can also check a glass fuse with a meter as we show later in this video.you can also have a ceramic fuse on your power supply board. the ceramic fuse will not showif it is good or bad. a ceramic fuse may have a colored stripe down the center of it. aceramic fuse will always have to be tested with a meter to determine if it is good orbad. before testing, be sure to unplug your tv if your fuse is still in the board andconnected to the panel. here is the fuse on
this board, that we are going to test. setyour multimeter to diode mode. the meter reading should show as open, then place one lead oneach side of the fuse as we show in the video. if your meter continues to show as open afteryou have made contact then you have a bad fuse. if your meter shows all zeros and isbeeping, then you have a good fuse. since the meter shows all zeros and is beeping,we have a good fuse on the board. a fuse can be tested on or off the board. here we showtesting the fuse off the board. since the meter shows open, then this is a bad fuse.we also show testing a glass fuse which is done the same way as a ceramic fuse. the glassfuse shows as good, with all zeros and beeping. thank you for watching one of our many tutorialshere at shopjimmy.com. if you have any further
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