Tuesday, March 21, 2017

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How To Flashing reach bliss rt15i

♪ (punk rock music) ♪ ♪ (drum roll) ♪ (hyperventilating) - guys! ♪ (doctor who theme song) ♪- yes! - thank you! - (doctor who) i've been running all my life. (warbling) - (doctor who) through time and space.- is this doctor who?

- doctor who. - i've never seen doctor who. - (doctor who) ...for over 900 years.- ooh! - i have chills right now. - ah, that's the fourth doctor,with the scarf. ♪ (theme music) ♪- oh, k-9. - (doctor who) now the timehas come to face the choices i've made in the name of the doctor. - i should be freaking out about thisif i was a fan, right?

- (doctor who) the future depends on one single moment of one impossible day. the day i've been running from all my lfie. ♪ (stirring music) ♪ - i just don't get this show. it doesn't make sense. - (doctor who) the day of the doctor. - that line was so bad. ♪ (theme music) ♪

- i don't think he's a normal doctor. - guess what hashtag i'm gonna start using? - (vocalizing theme song) duh!i'm excited! - (finebros) do you want to watch another trailer? - yeah! - yay! - not really. ♪ (theme music) ♪- oh, but i'm gonna do it anyway. - (doctor who) i've had many faces, many lives.

(squealing) - (dalek) exterminate!- (mimicking) exterminate. - oh god, i can't wait! - (doctor who) very hard to forget. - (hurt) i'm looking for the doctor. ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - (doctor who) you've certainly come to the right place. - (excitedly) aaaaah! - what is going on?

- it's so cool. (electricity crackles) - (rose) the moment is coming. - (hurt) i'm ready.- oh my god! - i'm so excited for november 23rd.- (doctor who) geronimo!!! - (narrator) doctor who:the day of the doctor. - can i watch it again? - i have chills.like, oh my god. - honestly, i'm gonna bekicked out of my house

for saying that i hate this show. - thank you so much! i've been waiting for this the whole time. i've been waiting for this for so long. - (finebros) so what were those trailers for? - oh, i don't know.i wasn't paying attention at all-- doctor who!!! - those were for the doctor who 50th anniversary, which is on november 23rd.

- i'm so obsessed! oh my god! - (finebros) how much do you like doctor who? - i love doctor who! - i have a doctor who license plate cover on my car and it says, "my other car is a tardis." - i would exterminate every other item in my life if i could just keep all of my doctor who related items. - i've seen a few episodes.i really did like it. but i just haven't got-- 'cause there's 20 seasons!

- i've watched some episodes.i don't care for it, honestly. - i started watching two episodes,maybe with my sister. the graphics are just terrible.let me just put that down. it's like power rangers. - i feel like it's one of those thingsthat i will get obsessed with so i've kind of been putting it off. it's on my netflix queue. - (finebros) let me tell you in a very simple way what doctor who is about.- okay.

- (finebros) he's the last of a racecalled the time lords that has adventures travelling through both time and space. - oh my god! this show is amazing. time and space? he travels through time and space? dude. (giggles)how come no one ever told me about this? - (finebros) and how do you describe the types of teenagers and people who watch doctor who?- cool people. - cool-ass people. - everybody with a soul.

if you don't watch doctor who,you have no soul. - the people who go to comic-con. - eccentric, weird people? - i guess you could say they're kind of nerdy 'cause it's a sci-fi show,but at the same time i know some pretty cool g people that watch doctor who too. - (finebros) why do you think doctor who is so popular? - honestly, your guess is as good as mine. - it's complex yet simple.

- some of the girls in itthat are the companions are really hot. - it's written to go on infinitely. - he can die and somebody else can take his place. that makes it really easy for the show to keep on going and for fans to get really excited about it. - 'cause it goes along with the history of how long that show has been on because they can literally pull out references from 48 years ago and one person will find it and it'll circulate on tumblrand everyone will be like, "holy crap!"

- (finebros) now i'm gonna show you pictures from things from doctor who and you're gonnatell me what they are. - okay. the doctor whoniverse? - oh, let's see if i can guess any. - (finebros) what is this?- that is a... police public call box. - that is... (british accent) the tardis. - that's the tardis. der.no. (giggles) - tardis! it's a tardis! ha! - it's humongous on the insideand it's small on the outside

and everybody notes that. - this is the tardis.all right, i got one. i got one. - (finebros) what does the tardis stand for? - [bleep]! - time and relative... r-d... dimension in space? - (finebros) they call it the tardis.- the tardis? (laughs) a tard, like something stupid. - (finebros) and what is this? - a cool lazer pointer that freezes people?

- it's a magic wand. - i don't know. it looks like a child's toy. - everyone has this. i bought this for my sister's birthday. - that is 11 sonic screwdriver. - a sonic screwdriver. - it does everything.what doesn't it do? - it doesn't work on wood. - it can't work on woodbecause wood is its one weakness. - (finebros) the doctor uses it to get through locks,

hack computers-- pretty much,he can do anything he needs to get through a jam.- i need that. - oh my gosh! this show is amazing.i need to know more. - can you make it turn into a sword? - (finebros) well, he doesn't--- you said he could do anything. - the riders are like, "god, how do we get him out of it? oh! good, there's a screwdriver!we can use that." - (finebros) what are these?- r2-d2! - a golden r2-d2.

- they're bad guys.are they bad guys? - the (robotic voice) daleks.exterminate. (giggles) - (robotic voice) exterminate. - i hate the daleks, but i love the daleks. - daleks, literally, their only goal and want in life is to kill and destroy. - (finebros) they are the scariest, most feared creatures in the entire galaxy.- (sceptically) they are? - (laughing) why?

are they gonna makeyou a cake with their whisk? - yeah, if that [bleep] was coming at me i'd be really afraid. - i feel like i could kick it over with my pinky. - it looks like a plunger. arrgh, i come to unplunge your toilets! beware! - (finebros) what is this?- (groans) it's a weeping angel. - that's the weeping angel. - that's a-- oh, a gargoyle. - those things i hate.

i watched that episode.that was the first thing i saw. it scared the crap out of me. - those were the onesthat they look at you and when you look awaythey can send you back in time. - (finebros) they're creatures where if someone isn't looking at them they'll attack you, so you always have to keep your eye on them. you can't even blink.- oh my god! mario bros. 3, the ghosts. - no way, what is that?

- it's a slenderman alien. - um, the silence. - the silence. one of the most creepy doctor who villains. - i just don't find this show something cool to watch. but it is inventive if you like those sort of things. - (finebros) and who is this?- that's doctor who. that's the one i got right! - (british accent) that's the doctor.

- that's matt smith. - that is matt smith.bad-ass cutey. - he's the 11th doctor. he's got a jawline that could cut glass. - (finebros) and who's this?- an old guy. - his grandpa? - uh, that's peter capaldi.he's gonna be the next doctor. i wanted to make the head cannon where it was the doctor started off oldand as he regenerated

he got younger and younger,but he does kind of ruin my theory with him being a lot olderthan the previous doctors. - i hope he's a good actor'cause he's not hot. - i'm not okay with that. - he's not young. he's not really that attractive to younger females. it'll kind of weed out the fake whovians. - i'm really sad. but it'll always happen.

there will always be-- and i know i will fall in love with the new doctor. - (finebros) who's your favorite doctor?- matt smith. (laughing) 'cause he's the only one i know. - i'm gonna go with david tennant 'cause that's what everyone else says. - david tennant. - colin baker or david tennant. - (finebros) do you have a favorite companion? - rose.

- donna noble. - amelia pond and rory the roman. - i really like clara. - mickey-- or rickey.she was under-appreciated. - the doctor's companions are female. typically pretty. unfortunately lacking in serious character development. - he's a sugar daddy. if he can pull girls like that at his age,he's cool in my book.

- (finebros) and is there an aspect of doctor who that you don't like as muchor kind of irks you a little bit when you're watching seasons?- nothing that stands out. does that make me a nerd? - well, certain aspects of the show are definitely very monster-of-the-weeky. - the filler episodes.it's just like-- it did nothing for the plot line, it didn't affect any of the characters. it was just there.

i feel like they were wastingtheir time and money, honestly. - (finebros) what is your favorite moment from a doctor who episode? - there's so many episodes and so many good moments. - when he had the gas mask onat the end of one episode and he was just like, "are you my mommy?" and the general just snapped it. - when the doctor realizes that he's done something wrong and that he needs to fix something and they all have such great "oh [bleep]" faces.

that's my favorite part of doctor who. - the last episodethat david tennant was in, where he was like... "i don't want to go." it was so heart-breaking. i just-- i cried. - (finebros) and what would you say to steven moffat, who is the man in charge of doctor who right now? what would you say to him if he was watching this? - you've done some pretty damn good work, stevie,

but give those girls a little more character, will ya? - i'm really sorry. you make my friends happy,you make my sisters happy, and i'm happy that they're happy. - how did you do it?it blows my mind how amazing you are. - don't mess up 'cause if you mess up doctor who there will be lots and lots and lots of people who will get angry at you. and i don't want them angry at you.

i'm on your side, bro! - i can't wait to start watching your show and just wait-- i wanna be a whovian in the matter of time and space. - i am so sorry that i am not active on your show and i promise when i get homei'm gonna watch it on netflix and catch up on all the seasons and next time i come back i'm gonna be the biggest fangirl in the world.

- (finebros) and for anyone who won't give doctor who a chance because they think it's just some sci-fi show, how would you try to explain to them that it's not just thatand they should give it a chance? - why would you think it's stupid?it's-- it's-- it's not. - there's really attractive people in the show, and especially for america-- accents, hello! - it has history, it has sci-fi, it has jokes. it's witty, it's scary.

- it points out the really great things about humanity. - it's not like any ordinary show. i would tell you-- i'm an honest person. i would tell you, but it's the best experience you'll ever have in your life. - thanks for watching this wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey episode of teens react. - god, my mind's like, "rahhh!" (laughs) - (british accent) i gotta go eat some fish sticks and custard. i gotta go. have a good time.

- hey, guys, it's lia! i'm in the latest episode of the fine brothers sitcom my music this week, and will be in a bunch of episodes coming up, so check it out below. thanks! bye.

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