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hello this is chef john from foodwishes.comwith a homemade french fries do not try this at home unless you have a giant dutch ovenfull of oil leftover from a donut video so i had some oill left over from my pinchy video and i decided to show you how those really crispy restaurant fries are madeagain i don't expect you to do this this is like an fyi so what we're going to do i mean what i'm going to do you reallyshould not do this i'm going to hand cut some russet potatoesinto some french fry like
geometric shapes so i'm gonna cut thisinto like three thick slices actually four and then just cutting your traditionalfrench fry shape if you are going to hand cut fries which i do not suggest you do yougot to make sure they're fairly evenly sized otherwise when they fry theywon't fry evenly right also the potato, russet works thebest potatoes is call the kennebec it's a special potato i believe it's from maine, it has theperfect ratio of starch and water to make french fries we're going to rinse those off really well in coldwater, soakthem for about half hour you can change the water a couple times
all right we're going to dry those offreally well i'm no exploding oil expert but you'd never want to put wet food into hot oil right the secret to crispy restaurantstyle fries is blanching they're cooked twice so the first cooking is at a lowertemperature i'm going to use 275 degrees farenheit and we'rejust going to cook those for about five minutes they're not going to be cookedcrispy by any means it's just going to
kind of cooked the starch and potato a littlebit and they're going to be once chilled, prepared and set up for crispyfries so that's the first stage to crispy restaurant fries is the oil blanching ina lower temperature you're going to let those cool completely i putmine in an open window i didn't want to put them in the fridge all hot but you can definitely refrigerate thesebefore your fry them then you crank up the oil to 350 degrees farenheit and then they get fried for real so thisis the second frying this is what gives them the crisp coating, the first frying justkinda prepared the french fry
they're sort of cooked right they werejust partially cooked the second frying is what really crispsthem up crisps is a hard word to say i justpulled a cheek muscle so what you're going to do is you're going to fry thesefor five or six minutes you can actually feel with your spiderwhich is that little deep fry strainer there you can actually feel with thespider the crispiness right the bubbles get a little smallermeaning there's less moisture coming out of the fry
and you know what you can tell they get golden brown andcrispy so once those have developed the desired level of exterior crispiness you're going to fish them out, i like to blot them on apaper towel just real briefly and of course, make sure you touch them when theyfirst come out of the oil because they're really hot and you'll burn your fingertips so that always feelsgood dust them with some salt, what i like toserve these with is ketchup and i've been serving ketchup with fries sincei can remember, it's one of my signature pairings
and you can hear that crispiness so that's how you achieve the idealfrench fry in my opinion the really light fluffy in the inside andthat really thin crispy exterior really nice alright - check out the site all the info isthere and all the ingredients let's see there was, well actually... it's potato so check it out and as always enjoy!
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