Wednesday, March 8, 2017

How To Flashing lenovo s898t

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

do not forget there are some additional tips from me:

Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
2.boot into recuperation mode, in the document as of now exists as .pdf open a full instructional exercise and take after the guidelines. anybody utilizing blazing programming.
3. When've taken after the greater part of the conditions please check the telephone has been typical what is most certainly not.
4.Characteristic components EMMC highlight of blazing not harmed in the street, still can wipe information reserve. yet, introduce the upgrade shape sd card can not or won't runing.
5.booting first after introduce rom considerable lot of time of around 15 minutes. Try not to rush to evacuate the battery. hold up until the framework completes the process of booting.
critical: before doing anything on the telephone to do the information reinforcement already. can pass CMW, recuperation, twrp please find on the off chance that you lack.

How To Flashing lenovo s898t

what's up guys, we are mobile networkcomparison and today we've got a full tutorial to show you how toinstall the custom vibe rom for the lenovo a850. so the vibe rom is a pretty cool customrom it's actually ported from a rom designed forthe s650 lenovo phone. it looks really coolwe'll show you some of its features and best of all it's actually a reallylightweight version so it removes all the excess apps and it doesn't even comewith any of the excess apps apart from the play store

which allows you to download whicheverones you want to choose so it's not got any bloat. it's also got root, it fixes some errorsin translation in some of the applications and allows you to move apps betweenyour data partition and your external sd card. and you can use busyboxon it as well. so overall it's just a great alternative to defaultroms available for this phone the way we're going to install this rom isvia a custom recovery but to get to thatstage we actually have to change the existing rom on the phone

by flashing a new rom across. it's a bitcomplicated because the rest of world (row) rom that the phone comes with isn't thecorrect base to flash across a new rom via recovery so we have to get a different rom acrossfirst before we can do it. but this tutorial will show you exactly whatyou have to do at all stages. and the first step is to just turn off the phone. power it offcompletely and take the battery out. then you're ready to you get started andflash the first rom across with the order to flash the new rom

you need three things. you need to havethe usb drivers installed in your computer so it can see your phone. you need to have the flashtoolapplication. and of course need the rom file itself. so if you click on the descriptionbelow, we've got a link that will take you to our site where we have all these things preparedfor you. so we've got a zip file with the flashtool and the usbdrivers inside it. we've a zip file with the rom inside it.and we've also got usbdview

should you need it if you're havingtrouble installing the usb drivers. so once you've got all that sortedyou're ready to start the flashing process. go to your computer, navigate to the flashtoolfolder. and then just go ahead. we;re going to run theflashtool executable. so double-click it, hit run, and it will openup. once it's loaded up on your screen, the firststep is to load the scatter file. so just click here and then double-click on thescatter text file that was included in your rom dump. which you have unzipped somewhereon your computer.

and then we need to check this box that says"da/dl all with checksum". that's very important.and just check some options before we start it. so check usb mode is on and check that the speed is set to highspeed. so before we go ahead, never ever pressthis format button. be really careful you always want to click the firmware upgradebutton or hit f8. once you hit that you'll see "searching"appears at the bottom and it's ready for you to go ahead andplug in your phone to the usb cable. so i've plugged the phone and i'm going toquickly fast-forward through

all of the rom being loaded onto thephone. so we actually have a complete tutorialvideo just for flashing this first rom across. and if you've already followed that then youdon't need to follow this step. you can skip straight to booting intorecovery and flashing the vibe rom across. just make sure before you boot intorecovery that you've copied the vibe rom zip on your phone somewhereso you have somewhere to install it from. it shouldn't take too long at all. you'reprobably looking at a total time in the regional of about five, six or sevenminutes once everything's done. as long as you're seeing coloured progressbars

along the bottom, everything's runningfine. you just need to make sure you've got a decent usb cable that's reliableand that will last without any problems. so now we've got to theend of the flashing process here, this big green circle means everything's done correctly. you can close it. close the flashtool andthen unplug your phone. so now this is done you can either boot intothe rom itself (which will take a little while) and from there you something like mobileuncletools to boot into recovery. or do what we're doing which isholding down the power key and the two

volume keys from power off. and that'll boot us straightinto recovery where we can begin flashing the vibe rom. so once we're into recovery we can justnavigate through the menus by using the volume keys to go up and down. and thepower key to enter our choices. we need to go to "install zip from sd card"and select that option and then we can choose "choose zip fromsd card" and navigate to the zip file. press"yes" to confirm our choice. and it will begin flashing across. so i'm just going to fast forward through this

process. it's actually pretty quickflashing a rom across from a zip. it's just going to copy all the files across,unzip everything and make sure everything's flashed to your phone. so before we actually attempt to boot upinto the rom, we just need to do some housekeeping to check its going toboot up correctly the first time. you want to just choose "go back" and thennavigate to the option saying "wipe data/factory reset". press "yes" onthat. it'll take just a few seconds just to wipethese couple of partitions.

and just to be sure we're also going towipe the cache partition manually by selecting that and pressing "yes wipecache" and finally going to the advanced menus and "wipe the dalvik cache" as well. and once that's all done we're to go back to themain menu. press "reboot system now". and check out our new vibe rom. so asalways, the first boot takes a little bit longer than usual. but, it shouldn't be too long at all. and beforeyou know it, you'll be using your phone

with your newly installed custom rom. just give me a second while the phone boots up. i'm just going to fast-forward through thisbecause it takes about 30 seconds. we've done and it's going to start loading the desktop forthe vibe rom. so as you can see looks quite a bitdifferent from the last rom we had installed on this lenovo a850.before we get started we've got to just quickly accept the licenseagreement. so just scroll down to the bottom and hit this "accept" button there. and i'm gonna skip the settings wizardthis time. and this is what the rom

looks like. so you'll notice that we've got rootautomatically as well as these quick settings icons in the notification drawer which give youquick and easy access to various settings and options. so let's go forward and have a look at the settings pages. again it's split over three pages and ifwe scroll down to the bottom here and have a look at about phone you can seethe version info.

and we are running vibe rom version 1.0 the phone comes with various toolsinstalled and a minimal amount of apps. let's look at the messaging interface. so it's a little bitdifferent from the other0:07:07.389,1193:02:47.295 lenovo interface. as is the contacts. andthe dialler is nice and clean and easy to use and looks pretty good actually. as we mentioned earlier, it includes thegoogle play store but no other google apps. so you have the choice of whether youwant to install them or not. and unfortunately,

one of the biggest flaws with this rom atthe moment - as it's still in development - the cameradoesn't work and nor does the gps. so you just get this green screen here. but let's go and look at thosesettings again. so you've got all the normal options here like wifi, brightness, wallpaper... some featuresettings and, of course, settings like settingup mobile networks and all the other things that come withlenovo phones. the great thing about the vibe rom:

you can finally move apps to the sd card.really really useful. and we've still got the fantastic simmanagement software which allows you to use to the dual-sim capability. as well as that, we've also got"scheduled power on and off" in the settings which is a really usefulfeature. and again, let me to show you some of thesetools. so for example the clock. again pretty standard android clock. and alittle bit more about these quick settings options. so you can scroll backwardsand forwards between them. and it's even got a quick settingspanel which - let me just activate that -

and that gives you even more settings tochoose from all at once in a quick and easy way not having tonavigate the menus. vibe also comes with a theme suite which is its way of allowing you tocustomize the look and feel of your phone in quite an easy way. so you there's ahandful choices here for you to pick from. and they actually quite drasticallychange how all aspects of the interface appears to you. let's have a look at what thisone looks like. go back to the home screen and you can see

it's completely changed. let's pickanother theme to see how that looks. and this one looks quite fun. justquickly activate it. and this is what it's supposed to look like. and you can see evenall the icons are styled in a new way. so that's been our tutorialto installing the vibe custom rom on the lenovo a850. as usual all the details, full explanations for what to do, andlinks to all the downloads you need will be in the description below justbelow that thumbs up button. thanks again for watching, we hope it'sbeen useful. please please let us know how you get on.

and we're also really interested to hear whatyou want to see from us in the future. so whether that's more unboxings, more reviews,rom install tutorials, or anything else, please just let us knowwith a comment. and subscribe to check out more of our video in the future. cheers :)

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