Friday, March 3, 2017

How To Flashing lemon ocean 101

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How To Flashing lemon ocean 101

hi, i'm anne-marie from thanks for joining me on today's episode of soap queen tv. i'm going to be showingyou how to make this natural hot process soap that uses essential oils and natural colorants. [music] what's the difference between hot processsoap and cold process soap you ask? well, they both start with the same basic steps. youcombine lye water and oils, and get thick trace or thin trace with both of them. however, hotprocess soap applies heat so that it cuts down on the curing process and speeds thesaponification reaction. i still recommend curing your hot process soap for that 4-6weeks, because it helps to get rid of any excess moisture that's still left in the soap andmakes a harder bar that lasts a longer time

in the shower. this soap is technically ready to use withinjust one day, but a little bit more drying time will help it last longer in the shower. usinga crock-pot for this process works great. make sure you choose a crock-pot that has low andhigh settings. you don't want to accidentally scorch your soap. also, make sure you're preparedto watch the soap the entire time you're making it, because anytime you walk away is an opportunityfor that soap to heat up, expand and slowly creep over the sides of your crock-pot, makinga huge mess on your counter. if you've never made cold process soap before,please stop right now and watch the first four episodes of soap queen tv, where i go overimportant things like safety and how to use

lye. or just read the first couple chaptersof my book, soap crafting. want to find more hot process recipes? you can find them [music] first portion out .6 ounces of lavender essentialoil. i'm using lavender 40/42 essential oil from then add .8 ouncesof lemongrass essential oil. wow this smells so fresh and herbaceous. because we are workingwith lye, it's important that we suit up for safety. so that means long sleeves, pants,work in a well-ventilated room and make sure any pets or children are out of the way forsafety. and make sure you're wearing gloves and goggles. this recipe uses natural colorants. greenzeolite clay has oil-absorbing properties

while spirulina adds beautiful green color.for this recipe, we need to premix all of our colorants. so disperse the clay in water anddisburse the spirulina in a lightweight oil such as sweet almond oil or avocado oil. disperse1 teaspoon of spirulina in 1 tablespoon of lightweight oil and 1 teaspoon of greenzeolite clay in 1 tablespoon of water. use a mini mixer to fully mix this is in. youmay notice the spirulina has a slight odor. it's okay. this will be overscented by ouressential oil blend. my oils and lye water have been fully measuredout, and i've checked their temperatures and they're around 120f. now i'm going to add sodiumlactate to my lye water. this is an optional step. sodium lactate is the sodium salt oflactic acid. it's a commonly used food preservative

and in this case it's used to harden up ourrecipe faster and it also helps to keep the soap the smooth during the, well, pouring/gloppingprocess. in hot process soap, the usage rate is 3% ofthe weight of your oils, so in this case we're adding .6 ounces of sodium lactate to therecipe. mix your lye and your oils, pour your lye water slowly down the shaft of the stickblender. stick blend to a thick trace, a pudding like texture. don't worry about getting ittoo thick. and now it's time to cover and cook. don't walk away from this mixture, justin case it expands. and the amount of time it needs to cook depends on your crock-pot.after about 10 minutes, go ahead and check in on your soap. the sides actually startto change in consistency first. stir to help

even out the cooking. looks like there aresome pretty big chunks in there. all right, now after another 5 minutes, go ahead andstir again. you can see that we're starting to get kindof a vaseline-like consistency. keep stirring until this gets to be a thick vaseline consistencysimilar to say, clear mashed potatoes. now it's time to test for ph. place a dollop ofthe soap in distilled water. it's very important you use distilled water and not tap water.try and get as much of it mixed into the water as possible. place your ph stick in the waterand let's see. what is this? oh we're at a ph of 8. anything lower than 9 or 10, and youare good to pour this soap into the mold. but before we pour into our mold it's timeto add our colorants. add 1 tablespoon of

your dispersed spirulina and 1 tablespoonof your dispersed green clay. stir in fully. now it's time to add our essential oil blend.add this slowly and gently and fold it in. make sure your mold is fully lined beforeyou start this process. take large spoonfuls of the soap and just glop, glop, glop andtap your soap, make sure you have enough head space for the rest of it. all right, add some more. and now for thatfinishing touch - lavender buds on the top of the soap. sprinkle lavender buds on the top of thesoap and press them in. remember that soap is hot so don't burn your hands. press,, this looks great. i can hardly wait to cut it. your soap will be hard after aboutone day. i went ahead and made this early for

you so we could cut it on camera. to release your soap from the mold, takethese wingnuts and just loosen them. there we go. pull away at the sides and pull thatsoap right out. i love this silicone liner from bramble berry. it really helps with thisunmolding process. because of the lavender buds they will form drag marks in your soapif you don't cut this from the bottom. i'm using a crinkle cutter for a nice rustic chiclook. and here's our first cut. beautiful. i love how this turned out. oh and it smellsso good. i can't wait to use this in the shower. until next time, thanks so much for watchingme on soap queen tv. happy soaping!

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