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How To Flashing lemon lt29
- it's fine, it's fine, shit. (upbeat funky music) - i feel like everyonesecretly love a good selfie. - beyonce's stylist recentlyrelease an led phone case. - that's supposed to help youachieve a flawless selfie. - we're gonna try it out today and see if we can look like beyonce. - it's ladylike, and todaywe're testing out the ty-lite. (funky music)
- i used to think that selfies were dumb, but now i kind of get it. - i have grown to loveand respect selfies. - i feel like selfies get such a bad rap, like anyone taking a selfie is considered narcissistic or super into themselves. - if i read one more salty think piece in like some old assmagazine about why selfies are like ruining themillennial generation,
i'm going to lose my mind. - i think it's cool that people feel confident enough to be like, "here i am, here's my look, i feel cute," like, "hello world!" - if you're comfortablewith posting selfies, i say go for it. this it it. - i like how to says ty-lite
with four exclamation marks over it. ty-lite! - oh it has three differentcolors in pictures. - oh whoa. - the back is hard but theside is like soft and gel-y. - this looks like a power tool. this looks like somethingi'd pick up at home depot, not something that i would just like throw on my phone if i'mgoing for a night out.
- oh fuck! - oh! - this is just a flashlight. this is just like i lost my keys. - okay, that's really cool. - like it's definitely a flattering light. - i don't exactly know how i feel about using this in a dark environment. i'm sure everyone would stare me
and see that i'm using this ty-lite and trying to take selfies. - i think this is gonnabe like the selfie stick. how it started out as ajoke and everyone thought it was dumb, but now people realize how useful it actually is. - i feel the biggest testwill be how it works at night. - let's fucking do it. (laughs) it's ladylike.
(jazzy upbeat music) - i'm gonna see what thisphone case is really made of. - so it's late at the office,which it probably actually a prime selfie taking time for me, because i get really bored. (laughs) - i'm outside thisrestaurant, it's very dark. - it definitely looks better. - this is like really goodfor me being in the night. like i can see every crevice of my face.
(camera shutters) - this is the one you'resupposed to use for indoor but i feel like thismakes me look very orange. - see how like, how shiny i look? - the final settings which isa mix of hot and cold lights. you know very good for people like me so - i think that outside lighting, like the cool lighting, is the best one. (quirky music)
- i prefer my camera's own flash. i feel like it looks too manufactured. - if you're in a placewhere you don't need as much light, you canlook a little harsh. - so what i've learned using the ty-lite, it makes your teeth look amazing. if you wear glasses, tryand throw on those contacts for a night out, so youcan use the ty-lite. the glare is crazy.
- okay so we figured out how to adjust the brightness. (laughs) - which changes the game a lot if you just hold the buttondown, so now i like it. - yeah, it took us like 48hours to figure that out. (laughs) - it was great though,the ty-lite was fun. - good for selfies. - yeah i'm still pretty into selfies too.
this is just another tool to enhance them. - you can take selfies alone at your desk like kind of sly, but if you have this it's like people will know. - yeah. - people will know. - i mean it's dope, beblatant about your self-love. (group laughs) - just be so obvious, yeah, thank you.
- also ty regrammed me a freddy so. - yes. - we like ty. - hey ty. (soft upbeat music)
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