Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How To Flashing itel 1701

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

do not forget there are some additional tips from me:

Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
2.boot into recuperation mode, in the document as of now exists as .pdf open a full instructional exercise and take after the guidelines. anybody utilizing blazing programming.
3. When've taken after the greater part of the conditions please check the telephone has been typical what is most certainly not.
4.Characteristic components EMMC highlight of blazing not harmed in the street, still can wipe information reserve. yet, introduce the upgrade shape sd card can not or won't runing.
5.booting first after introduce rom considerable lot of time of around 15 minutes. Try not to rush to evacuate the battery. hold up until the framework completes the process of booting.
critical: before doing anything on the telephone to do the information reinforcement already. can pass CMW, recuperation, twrp please find on the off chance that you lack.

How To Flashing itel 1701

hi friends, i am antonio diez from futurhobby.com in this video we want to explain how to upgrade the typhoon h step by step we are using as example the last firmware update that is just released now, 16th july 2016 this update is improving drastically the video transmission, the speed of connnection with the camera and it is also adding some new and interesting features to our st16 first of all we will need a computer to download the upgrade files also, apart from usinng a computer,

we could download the files using a smartphone or tablet, as far as it has a micro sd slot you can find the firmware in the yuneec sites (yuneec,.com) and if you want to do it from our webpages, you will find there instructions in spanish this is futurdrone, our new web shop here you will find all models, parts and accesories of yuneec... you could find the link to download inside any of the kits of the typhoon h you can also see the download link in the description of this video

also simply searching for "soporte yuneec espaã±ol" ups, i wrote it wrong but itâ´s the same this willl take us to the yuneec-futurhobby.com website this is our information page por yuneec products in spanish language we click on "soporte yuneec" and there we can see 2 parts, one for q500 video tutorials, upgrades, etc... and clicking here you find all about typhoon h

(sorry, english spoken people, this is not useful for you, it is for our spanish customers...) here is the link for the spanish instructions in some moments we will see this video here and how to upgrade the firmware step by step these are the links for downloading the firmware files clicking on them we will get 2 files it will take some time to download, as there are quite big we save them in some part of out computer i have created this folder in my desktop

"typhoon h firmware" to save the files here we have both files, for h and st16 we need a micro sd card, better if it is clean and formatted ntroduce it in the sd card reader, in my case it is not working, so i use a usb adpater and introduce it in any usb port here we can open the sd card folder so i copy both update files and i paste them togheter inside the root of the sd card

i mean, if there are any folders in my sd card, i donâ´t put them in, i simply place them in the sd card folder right click on the sd card, and extract it from now on, i will not need the computer any more we take now the typhoon h and the transmitter and i introduce the sd card in the sd slot with the letters facing up (contacts facing down) switch on st16, wait until i have readings in the screen then we swith on the typhoon h, and iâ´ll have to wait until i got the camera view

we already have drone and camera connected, i can move the tilt of camera first of all we go to system settings there is a warning saying iâ´ll be disconected from telemetry, i press ok and in this menu, i go to the last line, "about controller" here we have the firmware versions actually installed in each component this is the original st16 firmware, v03.01.b18 and the typhoon h firmare, in this case v1.21 i start with the drone, pressing update after pressing ok, it confirms firmware is decompressing

we have to wait for some minutes step 2 of 4, upgrading autopilot now the drone has just made some syfy noises, and step 2 of 2, upgrading gimbal and now camera is being updated... we still have to wait... we also see a purple light in the camera, indicating that it is being updated well i think weâ´re almost done... now, message says update is successfull!!

and we have to restart the typhoon h so we switch off the typhoon h and, this is important, we do not restart it inmediately we have to wait some seconds, something between 5 and 10 seconds now we switch on the aircraft again... we press "ok" in the screen... now we have the copter updated, but we still have to update the transmitter so, with the copter off, we extract the sd card now, the last step, we introduce the sd card in the st16 card slot...

it is extremely important to ensure that the golden contacts are facing up also, please notice that if youâ´re not careful the sd card can fall inside the st16! so, please, pins up, and before introducing the card, be sure to take a good look at the sd card slot! just press once, so the sd card is fixed in place. we can listen to the "click" now we just need to switch on transmitter again we wait to see the reading in the screen... we switch on the typhoon h ... ok! now we have camera image here

now we can start updating the transmitter we click on system settings we press ok we go to about controller. before we updated the drone, that is now on v1.22 version... now we want to update the st16, so we press update we press ok... it says that it will take some time, and after it will be restarted now update is being unpacked it is a big file, so guys i expect your battery is full... we see the camera light blinking

it takes longer than the previous drone update updating tf... and updating tx power off... the st16 is restarting itself! now it is starting again my battery was not totally full, so i have connected the charge cable... there we have a little green man dying... or may be heâ´s sleeping??? installing system update... well, after all these i am sure weâ´re having a brand new transmitter capable of many new tasks, even washing the car maybe... seems like coffee will be ready in a minute...itâ´ll come out through one of those buttons iâ´m sure

we can see it is almost done now... and now... st16 is restarting itself fo finish the update and, yes!! transmitter is on again (i did nothing, just leave it working alone) optimizing... and we are done! ok, we have a new st16 now, and first i have to introduce language i choose english. important: in the pad settings, youâ´ll find other languages, but never attempt to set the "tablet" to anything different to english, as the firmware of st16 may not run correctly as we see, everything is on, but thereâ´s no connection with the drone, there is no telemetry values...

i will have to bind copter and camera switch off typhoon h, and st16... now i restart the st16 lets bind the copter, it is really easy to do: i press the switch to start the copter look at this light... i wait until the copter starts, and as soon as i hear the 2nd beep bip! now i tilt the copter 45⺠twice, like this, one, and two... this blinking yellow light indicates the typhoon h is now in binding mode i press system settings, then refresh, and i press over the name of the receiver that appears on the left and then i press bind: "connection established"

now i can see the camera, on the right, and i press over it, and press bind camera is also binded now! if it asks for a password, you know: it is "1234567890" now everything is binded and ready!! letâ´s restart for the last time, & see whatâ´s new after restarting the st16, i switch on the copter, and letâ´s see how long it takes now to find the camera before it was something between from 3 to 5 mins... i still have a red light in the camera, so still it is too soon

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