Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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hi friends in this video i am going to showyou how to make application zip files and pre install it in android recovery mode andthe first procedure is by installing zipme application from google playstore after theinstallation is completed just go in to that application and click on plus symbol and it will ask youwhat type of the data that you want to compress click on apps and this application will scan all of theseapps reciding in your mobile phone and choose the apps that you want to be installed inanother mobile phone in recovery mode here i am choosing some of these apps and after selecting the apps just click on done and it will ask you whether data onlyor app only or app plus data click on app only and then click on create here you cansee the destination folder is there and you can also change the file name and then clickon ok
a prompting message will be displayed as creatinga large zip package is time consuming just click on continue and that's it a zip file will be created youcan search that zip file in file manager here i am using es explorer as file manager givethat zip file a name that's it you can use that zip file to extract in recovery modeand the second procedure is by installing easy unrar application after installing thatapplication just go in to it and before going in to further process open the es explorerfile manager and in that click on the application icon and you can see al of these apps recidingin your mobile phone and choose the apps that you want to be placed in a zip file and thengive a name to that folder after that open easy unrar application and scan for the folderthat the apps are reciding in after that make a tick on that folder and
click ok to compress that folder you canalso give a name to that zip file and you can encrypt that folder by a password alsobut it is not necessary just give it a name and then click on compress it will take sometime to compress the file just wait for it and that's it a zip file will be created youcan use that zip file to be extracted in another mobile in recovery mode and to preinstallall these applications that is guys thank you for watching hope you guys like the videosubscribe to this channel for more intresting videos like this
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