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hi everybody welcome to another episode of exploring photography right here on adoramatv brought to you by adorama. its the camera store for every photographer in the world! make sure you check them out at adorama dot com. well odette is here with me today and we are tackling a question that has been posted to me on facebook and
that is; is it possible to shoot portraits in natural light with no light modifiers at all, no flashes or reflectors, no umbrella, nothing, just natural light and absolutely you can do that and so we're going to zip around pretoria south africa and we're going to find the light, soft light and hard light and open shade and directional light. all
of that kind of stuff and i'm going to show you how you can shoot portraits without any light modifiers just using your camera a beautiful model and that's all there is to it, so without further ado we're going to do it right now. alright we're going to start with the easiest lighting setup and that is soft light. this is just shade. we've got this
overhang here and so we don't have any direct sunlight. light is just bouncing all around giving us this really amazing soft light and back here we have this really awesome background so we have this fiberglass with some specular highlights so i can use this as something that compliments the blue in horizon in the dress and the awesome other thing is
i don't want this to be in focus, so we got a little bit of distance we got about five feet of distance between odette and the background i'm shooting an aperture value of f1.4 wide open so we get really shallow depth of field. the key to this setup is this light that you just saw coming in to the left side of odette's face, so that gives us that
contrast and it's sort of a trick where you find a little pocket of light coming in to shade and this is similar to open shade we're going to get to open shade a little bit later, but this is a really nice thing to do. find a pocket of shade with some strong directional light coming in. that's going to help sculpt your subject, that's going to look a lot
better than just flat shade but we need to do more, in-fact lets go try to find some open shade and we'll do that next. well here is an environment that i thought would work because we have this really awesome highly reflective background. it's got some cool specular highlights. i thought maybe shoot black and white
however because of the angle of the sun notice we have these really nasty shadows underneath odette's eyes and when we shoot this, it's just nothing but natiness and so although the background is cool, this light doesn't work. so you have to really pay attention to the shadows on your subjects face to make sure that you're not going to get
any 'nosferatu', crazy, black and white vampire, crazy. we don't want that. we want nice open exposure where the eyes pop and the features come out so this doesn't work. now we're in an environment that's called open shade so odette is here under the shade of these trees here. we have really nice soft light but the
difference is if we pan the camera around you can see that we have this parking lot right here where we have the strong sunlight coming right in, it's bouncing off this concrete, it's coming right past us this way and into her eyes, that's giving us these brilliant specular highlights, it makes your eyes sparkle and so we have the ability to
shoot in soft light with a really strong directional light, similar to what we did before but we have a much much larger source of bright light. that's the definition of open shade. a shady area right next to open bright sunlight, it works every single time we shot this and i think you'll agree that these results are spectacular. alright to make this successful we did
a couple of things, the background what we did we wanted to make sure that we had some nice green to compliment her blue eyes and i made sure that i positioned myself and my camera. we didn't have branches growing out of the back of her head, we didn't want that and then the last thing we did we asked odette to sit up on this wall because when she was
standing in front of it we had to sort of this nasty wall we didn't like that and so her sitting up on this allows her to get closer to the green it eliminates the nastiness of this wall, and it also solves some problems of the cars parked on the other side of this wall and so that cleaned up the background considerably, just by having
her sit up here and i think it worked out just fine. well sometimes you can't find the light because things change and so we just had some wind come in and the clouds rolled in, the weather is changing rapidly i wanted some really contrasting bright light to shoot some black-and-white images instead of finding the light
what we're doing is we're finding our place. now notice around behind us here we have some really cool architectural features, really strong leading lines and so what we did is we got odette, we put her in this space. i shot around at different angles, using a wider angle lens this is a 35 mm lens and we shot in black and white.
i think it really worked and here's what we got. well thank you so much odetted for being in this video today. i think we've got some really great stuff. we were able to find the light. we got some really nice soft directional light in that first set up. we got some amazing open shade that worked so well for your eyes. we've got great specular highlights and
then when the weather turns sour and the clouds came in we were able to find this space and get something that really pulled us in with those leading lines and the black-and-white i think works really well, as well but unfortunately the weather has beaten us, it's really storming crazy, rainy, nasty outside so we're inside enjoying our nice warm coffee,
looking at the results of our shoot i think it went really, really well and think that's all you have to do when you're shooting portraits with no light modifiers. get out there. find the light, find your space, get a fantastic model and you'll be highly successful now don't forget to subscribe to adoramatv it's absolutely free and also check out
the adorama learning center where you can find all kinds of free articles about shooting video, shooting still photography, post-production editing you name it, it's there, it's absolutely free so do that today. thanks again for joining us and i'll see you again next time.
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