Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing elephone p8000
hi everybody. today i'm doing a follow upfor the video i did in march of 2012 titled "simple fix" for "phone not charging". youneed to watch that video first before you watch this one ok! this one is for tips andtricks alright! so here we have that micro-usb charge port that's in my device. you'll seethe larger open area on the top. you see that hard to reach row on the bottom below thepin row. that's the tough part to get into. the top part is easy, the bottom part is tough.you will need to "flatten" your needle enough to get into the bottom part. if you take thatneedle that you flattened, and you haven't flattened it enough, and you push the needlein, you are going to see that pin row start to "flex". you do not want to "flex" the pinrow! you do not want to pry, or twist anything
against that pin row, because you do not wantto break it off! that will damage your device. so, if you push your needle in and you seeit flexing, flatten the needle more. you will be successful or you will be flat enough ifyou can get all the way to the bottom and swipe the dust out from below there. one personasked me a question, what happens if you can't remove the battery from your device? whatdo you do then? well, i would use a "non-conductive" pick for the top part. for example, maybea tooth pick, or a plastic brush pick for your teeth. you could use that for the top,because the conductors that go into the device are on the top of that pin row. there are5 of them. so using a non-metal or non-metallic pick will work there. so you can clean thetop out with a non-conductive pick, and the
bottom you can use your metal needle thatyou flattened to clean the bottom out. blow it out quickly, and you're off to the races!everything will work again ok! so, if you have any more questions, please post themat the bottom where i can see them where i can answer them. or maybe somebody else canoffer answers as well or suggestions. i'll look forward to hearing from you and, goodluck with your device. thanks for watching!
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