Friday, February 24, 2017

How To Flashing karbonn a8 plus

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

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How To Flashing karbonn a8 plus

hey guys, what’s up? it’s androidcritics here from in this video i’ll be showing you the muchanticipated, long awaited video and this one is on pokemon go hack. so this is the best hack of all time for pokemongo and you can see it’s already working right now. first off i’m going to show you the actualhack and what it allows you to do and then i’ll be giving you the full step by steptutorial on how to get it onto your android device.

as you can see right here, if you take a looktowards the bottom right you can see i actually have a joystick with controls. now you can see that it’s hacked becauseyou can see how many poke-stops are right there and if you take a look around you cansee poke-stops on poke-stops on poke-stops and all these pokemon stops aren’t stopping,no pun intended, but you can see that there’s a bunch and it looks really cool. you can collect a bunch of pokemons and youcan see i’m only at level two right now but with half an hour of playing or more ican get to 30 poke-stops and get my rank up. you can see there’s one right here, i canjust simply tap on it and you can see that

i found a wild thing so let me just get it. you can see i got it. now it’s right here and i got the pokemon. it says ‘gotcha!’ you can go to the next poke-stop but now youdon’t have to actually move anywhere with this one of course, you just have to use ajoystick. it’s really cool in that way. you can see all these different locations…soi can just flip it and you can see all these pokemons.

so this is an amazing hack and you can takea look at all them and you can see the poke-balls right there now, i got four of them and youcan see some of them that i got and i can keep going. this is just a great hack and this is oneof the best hacks because your account won’t get banned as long as you stay in a similararea and say, for example, this one is actually based off of new york but if you’re jumpingfrom new york all the way to la all the way to london all within the same hour or minutes,you can get your account banned. so what you’re going to do in order to getpokemon go on your device is have a rooted android.

now just go ahead and google your particularphone and i’ll also leave some links to some of the root tutorials that i’ve donein the past so just be sure the check the description or just google your device andhow to root it and you’ll be able to find it. you’re also going to want to have clockworkmod recovery installed so that you can flash this on your device. so go into your settings and scroll all theway down to security and you’ll see unknown sources right here and you’re going to makesure that it’s checked and hit ok. then click the very first link down in thedescription down below which takes you to and there will be a fullwritten tutorial on this video and towards the end there will be a link that says exposeinstaller download here so you’re just simply going to press on it and it will take youto this website. you’ll see that it will say download exposeinstaller right here, so just go ahead and press on this. then just simply click here to download. it will start downloading and you’ll seeit right here. now it’s complete. then go to where it says here…so we’llsave for your specific device, so all the

non-samsung ones you’ll download this arminstaller and all the newer devices you’ll download this particular arm installer. then we’ll see for the intel-based devices,like the zen phone 2, it’ll download this installer right here. now for all the older samsung devices, downloadthis arm and for the newer samsung devices, download this arm. so what you’re going to do is make sureyou have that downloaded so just simply press on it and then go to where it says click hereto download. then you’ll download it on your device andit will be right here.

so then once you’ve done that what you’regoing to do is simply power off your device. then hit the up volume button, the side powerbutton, and then you’ll see your custom recovery right here. then go to install and you’re going to installthe second file that you downloaded, so this one, then simply swipe to confirm flash andthen install it but i’ve already installed now once you’ve done that you’ll justsimply reboot and then what you’re going to do is go into expose installer right hereand then once you’re in it what you’re going to do is go to where it says downloadand you’re going to search for two particular files.

the first one is mock mock locations, simplytap on it. then go to versions and swipe to the rightand hit download then hit install. the next thing that you’re going to downloadis very important and that’s pokemon go controls. then you’re going to swipe to the rightagain and hit download and then install. once you’ve done that, simply tap on thetop left and go to where it says modules. find the two modules right here and then justmake sure they are checked and enable them. then simply reboot your device. now go into settings, go all the way downto location.

scroll down to about device and click on…thengo to software info and then build number and then simply tap on it about five timesthen you’ll see this and it will say developer options is enabled. so you need to back all the way out and you’llsee developer options right here, scroll all the way down until you see mock location app. you need to enable pokemon go controls. and where it says mock location app righthere, on some other devices it will say enable mock locations so make sure that’s enabled. also what you need to do is scroll all theway down to location or on samsung devices

privacy and safety, go to location and makesure it says gps only. normally it will be set to gps wifi and mobilenetworks, so just make sure it says gps only. now we’re going to make sure that pokemongo is not running in the background so just simply swipe out of it if it is and then goto pokemon go controls and then open it and then what we’re going to do is select location,anywhere around the world, say for example new york because new york is one of the bestlocations for poke-stops. we can just find new york and usually aroundcentral park right here is the best part so we can even put it in the columbus circlefor example. all you have to do is hold down and then itwill put the pin right there and just simply

press play. but before you press play, you can changethe distance covered on each step so i put it to 30, you can put it to 10 or maximum300 but 30 meters per each step seems pretty decent and it works really well for me butnormally i would put it at about 10. once you’ve done that you simply press playand you will see a joystick pop up so you can just put it towards the bottom right andthen open pokemon go. you’ll see it loading and now you can see all the poke-stops rightthere. so just keep repeating the steps if it’snot working and just keep rebooting your device,

keep installing everything and making sureit’s right and turn some toggles on and turn some toggles off, just keep trying andeventually it will work for you. it’s been working for me and this is a muchsafer way to play pokemon go especially if you’re in a country that doesn’t reallysupport pokemon go. this will be much easier to get the gist ofthe game and understand it. of course it will take out the exercise partof this game but i guess it would be more safer to do it this way and it’s reallyinteresting that it works and i really recommend this pokemon go hack. now if you want to change your location, irecommend going to multitasking and swiping

out pokemon go and going into pokemon go controlsand then choosing a different location. tap and hold down then press play and letit load. now you can see we’re in la and you cansee the different poke-stops you can go to. so you can collect from all across the country. just be careful when you go from one placeto another that’s really far because you can easily get banned if you do it too often. thank you for watching this video on the pokemongo hack. be sure to subscribe and also check out allthe other videos on my channel and be sure to check out and followme on twitter.

put a comment down below on what you thinkof this pokemon go hack and like my facebook fan page. thanks for watching.

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