Friday, January 27, 2017

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How To Flashing byond mi3

alright guys, you keep asking and asking andasking about a new amalgam video so here it is, i finally got one for you, but beforewe hop in, i have to make a small request. now, youtube’s algorithm has been changinga whole lot and unfortunately, that means that the channel is kind of dying off becauseof it. now the way you guys can help is that on thisvideo, if you can give it a thumbs up and a comment, that would be super duper helpful,but on top of that, if you guys could share you know, not just this video, but also othervideos that you like on my channel with your friends, that’ll help kind of get the channelback growing and i really hate to ask y’all to do this, but without y’all’s help andsupport, the channel has a really good chance

of dying off. so enough of the sad stuff, let’s get intothe actual video! for those of you who aren’t in the loop,amalgam comics was a thing in the 90s where marvel and dc came together and fused manyof their iconic characters for a series of one offs. many of these were delightfully 90s, but today,we’re going to be looking at one of my favorite underrated amalgam characters, speed demon,a three way amalgam of the flash, ghost rider, and etrigan the demon. this comic focuses on blaze allen, an amalgamof the second flash, barry allen and the first

ghost rider, johnny blaze. well… second if you count the original ghost rider,carter slade, who isn’t related to the ghost riders and was retconned into phantom rider,but i digress. blaze allen is a carnival stunt driver, butalso an amature sorcerer on the side. though he wasn’t extremely powerful, blazestill caught the attention of the lord of the nightmare dimension, the deadly nightspectre, an amalgam of marvel’s nightmare and dc’s spectre. the night spectre wanted to use allen as hispawn on earth, but he refused, cast out the

spirit, and went along with his life. however, the night spectre merely bided histime until he could get revenge on blaze. opportunity finally knocked when blaze allenwas set to marry his girlfriend, iris simpson, and right in the middle of their wedding,the night spectre drained iris’ life force and stole her soul. besides being… you know... revenge, thisapparently was also because iris had a pure soul. see, the spectre is collecting souls of puregood and pure evil because apparently harnessing their power is the key to controlling heaven,hell, and earth.

because comics. in anger, blaze prayed for the power to savehis short lived bride’s soul. this request was answered by the wizard merlinwho bound blaze’s soul to that of the demon etrigan. so it’s also revealed that the night spectrealso has etrigan’s soul, that of jay garrick’s, the original flash. however, it’s incredibly vague if etriganhimself was garrick or if they were just bound together much like etrigan currently is withblaze. regardless, this unholy union allows blazeand etrigan to shoot fire and go fast as the

hero speed demon. now you’d think that the night spectre havingboth iris and jay garrick’s souls would be enough motivation for speed demon to gokick his butt, but according to these official trading cards, they’re also competing ina race to capture 6,666 human souls. so yeah. that’s a thing. for the one issue of speed demon that wasprinted, the night spectre takes the soul of the villain, green goblin. while gobby might not seem like a hybrid characterat first, he’s actually a mix of the green

goblin and two face. this is really weird because in the dark clawcomics (the amalgam of batman and wolverine) there is a character named the two faced goblinwho i’m assuming is the exact same character. why they’re just calling him the green goblinhere, i have no idea. anyway, after taking his soul, the spectretakes over the goblin’s body and lures speed demon into his realm of nightmares. it’s here that merlin’s spell is temporarilybroken, causing blaze and etrigan to separate. the night spectre takes advantage of thisto grab blaze and almost take his soul! however, blaze was saved not by etrigan, butby another ghost rider.

bam, this is an all new character named kiddemon who is in all actuality wally west, blaze’s nephew. see, it turns out that he also made a dealwith merlin to have his soul bound to a demon as well in order to save his uncle from thenight spectre. but you might have noticed that kid demonlooks a lot more like the traditional ghost rider than speed demon with the motorcycleand everything, but according to yet another trading card, apparently speed demon alsohas a bike, but we just don’t see it in the comic. after all, if i could go as fast as speeddemon, i probably wouldn’t ride a motorcycle

either. with kid demon’s help, the day was savedand the ghost riders decide to work together moving forward as superhero and sidekick. there’s something odd though. it’s implied in the comic and then confirmedon a trading card that the demon that wally is bound to is the night spectre himself,but that makes absolutely no sense considering that’s literally who wally saved blaze fromwhen he first appeared as kid demon. too bad that’s a cliffhanger that will neverget resolved since much like many of the other amalgam characters, speed demon did not goon to appear in any other comics.

and there you go, literally everything thatthere is to know about speed demon, but i really like this character and character designand that’s really weird because he doesn’t just pull from two characters but three. you would think that he’d be way too over-designedand way too 90s, but no. i like this guy a lot! oh yeah, and since every time i make one ofthese amalgam videos, there’s always like ten people in the comments going “what,how does this exist?! it’s marvel and dc!” well then just click one of these annotationsright here to learn more about amalgam comics

and what it really is, but again, it’d bereally awesome if you guys could comment, leave a like, and share the videos around. again, hate to ask you, but that’s whati gotta do because youtube wants to kill the channel. hooray! i’m going to go! buh-bye!

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