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How To Flashing maxx msd7 smarty 3
♪♪ >>hey honey! how was trick or treating tonight? >>it was a nightmare. >>did he hurt anyone? >>that child is inhuman. give him a sixlet and it's like the hulk married the
hulk and had a hulk baby. >>honey, he's asleep now right? >>when i sent him to bed without any smarties the glint in his eye made me fear for my life. >>what about the rest of the candy? did you freeze it in a block of ice?
>>yes. >>and then padlock it in the freezer? >>the one in the basement? >>the hidden one in the basement? >>and the key, where is it? >>it's right- oh no.
>>honey. >>[shushes] do you hear that? >>no. all is silent as the grave. >>kyle? >>kyle, buddy. where you at kyle? [haunting sounds]
>>[screams] >>what was that? >>kyle, honey. it's- it's time to get you to bed! >>there he is! >>[screams] kyle. >>hi mom!
>>dad took me trick or treating and when he was tucking me in bed i saw a key in his pocket so i secretly gnawed it out with my teeth. the squirrels taught me how. i am their king. >>okay, kyle buddy, i need you to stay focused.
where is the key kyle? >>i flew all the way down into the basement. quiet as a mouse. i saw the freezer, opened it with a key, dug through the ice with my fingers, and i got the butterfingers!
>>kyle i need you to focus buddy. how many did you eat? >>my cheeks make the sound of african drums. la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la- >>oh, kyle, please! >>kyle!
>>come back! >>no! >>what are we going to do? >>i don't know. kyle? >>do you know how many grams of sugar in a kit-kat? 20! 20 grams, but that doesn't
include the wrapper. i ate that too. 20 grams of sugar times a pillowcase full gives me super powers! i made this jungle. tiger! kyle! please kyle!
>>our son! >>we need to get you to bed. >>why? get this place- >>blessed halloween! >>no kyle! not the chocolate syrup! kyle please! >>more!
more! kyle, baby. why don't we eat some vegetables, eh? >>never! >>he's gone rabid honey! not- not the pixie sticks. >>kyle no! >>honey!
honey! his adderall. no kyle! >>i am the ruler of this jungle. [screams] hurry it up with opening it. >>i will disguise it in the reese's pieces. there!
>>oh please! please! >>reese's. >>what's happening? my powers... have grown stronger! [screams] man- [sighs]
>>cool. now i have two keys. >>hey guys. thanks for watching the video. >>kyle the warrior king! >>don't forget to subscribe. >>jungle fever! >>comment below on what you like to do on halloween.
>>repulse the monkey. >>kyle, please! please subscribe, everyone! >>i already told them that. >>i don't care. >>is he eating your wallet? please. >>your visa card tastes weird. >>[sighs]
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