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How To Flashing maxx ax8
today we're going to talk about the mio series of intelligent i/o modules for flir cameras developed by movitherm in california. this particular unit provides connectivity for up to seven flir cameras. the unit offers 8 digital output channels which can be used for alarms or switching functions in addition there are 8 4-20ma analog outputs
for temperature displays, data loggers or loop controllers. the camera network is connected through the ethernet connection at the top of the unit power is connected here any standard 12 or 24 v dc power supply will work with the mio movitherm also offers a one camera model this unit comes with two digital outputs and two analog outputs
for this video we're going to use a seven camera mio in this movitherm mio system demonstration unit the mio system demo unit contains all the components needed to power the mio display temperatures and indicate alarm conditions we will also use a flir ax8 camera for the video. so let's start by configuring the camera
the ip address for the camera is so we will type that address into the browser's address bar and log into the ax8 camera here's a live thermal image from the camera we're going to put some hot water into this cup and watch the temperature change let's set up a region of interest so we
can display and track the temperature changes we click on this box icon to create the box and then we can drag the edges of the box to define the edges of our region notice the maximum temperature in the region is currently around 26.7 degrees celsius ok now we're done with the camera let's head over to mio and set up an alarm.
the mios ip address is so let's open up a browser page and login first we can confirm here that we're connected to the mio-ax8 demo system next we can make sure the mio is connected to the camera let's go ahead and give the camera a name this could be useful when you have more than one camera connected
before moving on we can save this configuration this make sure that the name will remain associated with the camera after a system restart ok now we're ready set up the alarm the script commands page is used to configure the mio i/o functions the 8 analog and 8 digital output channels are arranged vertically from top to bottom
on the left side of the screen first we will set the analog channels to setup analog channel 0 we select camera 1 from the camera menu next we need to set up a command we want to track the internal camera temperature in the upper led display on the video system panel so let's select internal camera temperature from the pulldown menu since this is an
analog display we need to define the 4-20ma mapping for the display we will set the analog output mode to linear output and enter the low and high temperature limits for the 4 to 20 milliamps scaling here we will set the lower limit to 0 and the high-limit to 100 degrees celsius next we want to map the cup temperature to the lower led
temperature display on the front panel. again we select camera 1. in this case we choose the box max temperature command to map the maximum temperature from the box region the lower led display on the media system panel. again we will select the linear output mode and set the scaling from 0 degrees c to 100 degrees c
we also want to set a digital output to illuminate a front-panel indicator when the temperature goes above our alarm limit we start by assigning camera 1 to digital channel 0 under region-of-interest we again select roi 1 to map the previously defined box region we finish up by setting the threshold temperature to 45 degrees c
we have now map the internal camera temperature display to the upper analog display in the box maximum temperature to the lower analog display the top alarm lamp is set to light up when the box maximum climbs about 45 degrees celsius the last step is to save the configuration to make it active click save configuration
now we can go back to the live camera image and see if we can trigger the alarm ok so we've set up a monitoring region in the camera and configured the upper analog indicator to display the internal camera temperature the lower analog indicator shows maximum temperature in the region we've defined or in this case the temperature of the cup
what we're going to do next is we're going to pour some hot water into this cup and watch what happens to the indicators on the demo panel keep in mind we've set the alarm to 45 degrees c as you can see the temperature in the lower indicator is climbing as the cup heats up and there's the alarm when the temperature goes about 45 degrees c
that's all you need to do to set up a mio monitoring system the movitherm mio supports flir fc series r cameras flir ax8 and flir a310 and a 310f models mio modules come in seven camera configurations and single camera models multiple units can be combined as needed for larger multi-camera installations for more information visit
us online at www.movitherm.com
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