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hello people, welcome to this video! we are going to see the newest adobe flash professional cc, in a very few and easy steps! check the index in video description if you need help at something in detail. it is appreciated if you leave feedbacks in comments. let's present flash cc. this software is used to make web animations. in short, all that you see done in adobe flash player on the net. these can be videos or animations, anything that has movement and can interact with the user visitors. you can see it as a video editor, but the formats and the kind of files made are the ones suitable for web codes. if you make a website or you simply want to import any video or
animation, you need to make them through this program. a flash project file is usually a video, made by different frames that can be images, videos, text or anything, that appear one following another. so that, when the project is played, the fast succession of the frames compose an animation. with flash you simply need to build each of these frames. let's start with a new project. you can do this through the welcome window, or you can go to file and then to new... in the list, choose actionscript 3.0. you have many other kinds of files, but don't mind for now. for your first projects, i advise you to use the templates ready to use, right to see how the software works. in this video
i will teach you the very basis of this software. skip to the next videos if you want to learn how to create an animation. in the new document window, you can choose on the right the project size, in width and height, and the frame speed, which is the number of frames per second. when deciding, just go to ok. first of all, your workspace is organized in four main parts. the central point is your workspace, where you are going to work and see you project in progress. on top, you have the menu bar with all the functions that this software has. and, below this, the list of windows opened. each one of them is a flash project opened. at the bottom, you
have the timeline and the player, that describe in full your project structure. then, on the right, you have a quick list of buttons that collect all the most important actions and editings flash can do. let's add an image to your project. you can simply click and drag it onto your timeline. select the black circle you see and drag it on the right. the strips you see on the timeline are groups of frames collected together. the darker one is a blank strip, so a group of frames that don't have any content. the lighter one is a filled group of frames, with graphic content on it, such as images, videos, text or symbols. the small circles you see are called keyframes, and locate a particular frame in the timeline.
you can create a new keyframe pressing f7 after selecting the frame where you want it placed. the keyframe is a beginning of a new collection of frames following. the small rectangle sets the end, and it is always set on the left of the following keyframe. select a group of frames dragging your mouse. then just click and drag to move the frames on the left or right. always remember that the frames that do overlap are cut off. you can do this in case you want to get rid of many keyframes you don't need. and, when you move these frames outside, the strips are automatically enlonged in the timeline. you can simply click and drag a single frame to move it. hold ctrl down to set the
length of each strip, so the position of the keyframes. you may need practice to get used to how the timeline works. if you need to enlarge a single frame, just drag it on the right and then on the left. let's see the workspace. it is composed by a white area and a grey one. the first one is called stage and it is where you your project is shown once it is published. in short, all files that are outside this area are not visible. this grey area is called pasteboard. you can place there any content, expecially when you need to move or put objects aside when you don't need them, and this is quite useful. you can move across your work, using the zoom percentage on the top right corner. hold
space down to activate the hand tool, so just move around to check your stage better. but, which are the files that can be added? you can really add anything here: images, videos, text, sound and the symbols. we will have a general overview on them. images and videos are managed quite the same. just select the frame on the timeline, where you want the image or the beginning of the video. then just drag the file on it directly. such frame will become a light grey keyframe filled, and visible on the stage. if you just added a video, a new window will guide you through the import, making you choose the kind of player, as well. zoom out in case your video is bigger than the stage.
let's have a fast preview. at the bottom of the timeline, you have the player. the red indicator is called playhead and makes you see a particular frame in your stage. use the play button to see how your project looks like. there will be content when the indicator will be on lighter strips, otherwise the stage will be shown with its default background, usually in white. more on the right, you can see the frame number you are looking at, the actual frame speed, which is how much fast you are going from one frame to the one following, and the time distance from the beginning of the clip. click and move on the left or right to change such numbers. remember to right-click on a frame to edit, copy or paste it.
a better preview is shown through a debug process. a debug is a rendered preview of your project, which is then sent as a .swf file to adobe flash player. in this way you can see how your project looks like for real once it is embedded on a web page. on the menu bar, go to debug and then to debug. after the rendering, you will see the preview in flash player. notice that what is inside the stage is shown. the timeline is set in different rows called layers. each layer can contain more strips at time. right-click on the layer you have and go to insert layer. these layers are shown all together in the stage, but in a precise order. the first layer in the list is the layer that appears on all the other layers, if they have content that does overlap. click
and drag on a layer to change its position. right-click on a layer to copy, paste or delete it if you like. the three icons on the right are quite simple. the eye icon means making a layer visible. if there is a cross, the layer, with all its content in its full row, is totally hidden on the stage, which means being invisible or being muted (for sounds). click the lock icon below to block the layer. a layer blocked is visibile but can't be edited in any way. the third one is similar to the eye, but in this case, the layer is invisible except its borders. this is useful if you want to check what's below such layer. remember that, each image or video is collected in a single strip. if you import other graphics, these will be added on other new strips. all the files imported can be found in
the section library, that you find on the right. for the project .fla selected above, it is shown the full list of files that have been imported or used. if any file is removed from here, it will miss from the project as well. now let's add a soundtrack. to add sound, you need a vacant layer that doesn't have any graphics on it. so just create a new layer. at this point, you need to add the sound file. click it and drag it on flash cc. then select the keyframe of the new layer and open the library panel on the right. you will see that the sound file has been added. now open the properties panel. this window describes the object selected. this
can be either any item on the stage, or any frame selected below. through this you can edit these objects too, in a very fast and easy way. in case you don't find out these panels, just go to the menu bar and go to window section. this lists all the windows available. the unchecked ones are the windows closed. for the new layer just added, you should see the sound section. in name choose the name of the sound file just added, and it will always start from the keyframe of the strip selected. if you play your project, you will hear the sound file on. inside the strip, the waveform is shown. and you can see it does finish. in properties panel, under sincronize, you can choose how many times you want
it repeated. you can add more sound files on the same layer. just select a frame and press f7 to create a new keyframe with its vacant strip, and repeat what done previously. the soundtrack can be added on a strip that already has content. its waveform will simply show up upon such strip. you can add text too on your stage. click on the text icon, indicated through a t icon. then drag and create the text box and type inside. the colour put is the filling colour, and you can change it through the second coloured rectangle on the right. the text properties can be changed through the properties panel, such as font, size,
color and allignments. the very unique feature of flash, is that you can use files that interact with the user. these are usually called symbols, and are complex graphic objects that are able to make functions and reply to user's inputs. let's have a quick example. most web symbols are inside the components panel. you can simply click and drag one of them in the stage, for example the simple checkbox. as long as you play the project, you don't see the symbol making functions or being active. you have to debug the project and send it to adobe flash player. if you do so, while the project is played, you can check and uncheck the checkbox. this is an example of
what a symbol is. a button, the video player seen before, a navigation bar, are all symbols, with their collections of images, and their related functions that makes them work properly, which are writted in a common programming language, named actionscript 3.0 that can be written by hand. symbols and the codes related can be truly complex. if you go to the library, you will see a folder added, which is linked to the checkbox just seen. this contains all the images and sub-symbols related to it, and these are quite a lot! if you want to learn how to use symbols, have a look in the related video in this show.
the list of the symbols or sub-symbols inside your project are shown in the library. just select the file interested to see its preview above. last thing we are going to see is how to save. to save the project, go to file and to save as, or press ctrl+s from your keyboard. flash project files are recognized through .fla formats. to render the project, so to get the file that can be embedded in web pages, go to file and then to export. choose export image or movie to export it as .jpg, or as .swf file, which saves the symbols behavior set in the project. choose export video to export the project as a normal video file. mind that, if the format is no more .swf, all the functions of the symbols will be lost.
so the checkbox can't be checked or unchecked anymore, just its image is shown. well, this is all for this video! check the following video to know how to edit your objects in adobe flash cc! thanks for watching!
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