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hello friends, i am your host gourav. and today in this video i will be showing "how to fix invalid imei issue in android phone". when you reset your android phone multiple times or custom root your phone then you may face this type of error. or during installation of custom recovery in your android phone. well guys, i got same issue in my phone because i did reset my phone many times. so many functions were not working in my phone and my both sim slots were showing invalid imei. first of all note down your original imei number on a blank paper to use in this method. you can find out your imei number on your bill or backside of your phone or battery. if your phone has dual sim slots then you should have 2 imei numbers.
so, note down these imei numbers it's very important for this method. once you note down imei number i recommend to check your imei number manually in your phone by dialing "*#06#" here you will see invalid imei. now we will see how to fix this issue. ok, so first of all you have to install an application. here you may see no network issue also. now, go to playstore. now search "engineer mode mtk shortcut" now install this app in your android phone.
this app provide engineering mode for our phone through we can configure some of settings of android. open this app. here you can see many section are available but we need to go to "connectivity" tab. now go to "cds information" now go to "radio information". here , you can see both sim slots phone 1 is for sim 1 and phone 2 is for sim 2. so, first of all we go to phone 1. here you have to place a command or code as you can see on your screen. and here at the place of "imei" you have to place your exact original imei number of sim 1.
and leave a space between at and + now you need to click on "send at command" button. now reboot your phone. once you reboot your phone. your phone will be running well for sim 1. okay, now we do same for sim 2. if you have dual sim phone. open the app go to "connectivity" tab. then go to "cds information" and go to "radio information". now select "phone 2". now here code is little different for sim 2. as you can see on the screen.
here also you need to place your imei number of sim 2 slot at the place of "imei". now click on "send at command" button and reboot your phone. now your invalid imei error is solved !!! congrates! disclaimer : don't use this method for any illegal purpose. only your are the responsible. you can use this method to recover only your original imei number. if you have any issue, do comment below in comment section.
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